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Roleplaying a Role-player


By Dumbbruce_vocalPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

You probably don’t know me and let's keep it that way for the both of us, but today we’re gonna dive into my head and talk about roleplay. You probably heard people talk about it on Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, or on any other social media. Roleplay is something that is done on by two or more people usually done over text but not limited to. Roleplay is where you can live out your wildest fantasy weather that's being the hero that saves the day, the villain that conquers, or the lustful deviant he/ she never got to be pretty much anything that you can imagine. Personally, I’ve done 2 out of 3 I mentioned to try to figure out which ones but I do it to escape life. I work 40 hours a week at a decent job with people I have a love-hate relationship with, not bad people but let's just say if I saw them in public I would walk the other way.

I discovered roleplay when in 8th grade by a friend but I didn't start doing it until 9th or 10th grade and since then It's something I love doing. Being someone else for a change is amazing and sad at the same time I'll circle back to the sad part later but lets stick to the positives for now. School was a tough place and I would do anything to find an out let weather, that was doing clubs, staying after school for an event, or playing video games but there one thing I went to and you guessed it Roleplay. I always had trouble talking to people I'm pretty sure its social anxiety but I'm not a doctor so when I had Ideas or thoughts that could add to a conversation it was probably not gonna be said especially if it was a girl. My mind was and always thinking about life, ideas, anime, video games, etc. When I watch anime and read manga your see what happens when someone able to put their imagination on a TV or on paper. Its awesome when you do it with someone else especially when you guys have something in common when roleplaying its kind of the same feeling if you disagree I don't know what to tell you.

When you roleplay and your character is the person you want to be and you place them in a setting where it allows growth that's where the magic happen. I know I talked about doing it with multiple people earlier but I'm gonna mainly be focusing on 1v1 today. When roleplay Ill tell you it sucks when you or your partner don't execute character grow or world building this can make the roleplay really stale making you and your partner bored and both drop the RP trust me I had this happen. Roleplaying is a skill like story telling your not gonna read a book when even the author even said its boring so try to find that medium to where its enjoyable for both people. Usually what I like to do is talk to my partner and figure out the plot, setting, and characters which you guys are going to play this can not only improve the roleplay it can also establish or improve the relationship between you and your partner.

Lastly I need to talk about what not to do. I've made bunch of mistakes while roleplaying and this can really change the vibe between you and your partner. First, don't double or triple texting when it's not needed, second not respecting your partners boundaries, and lastly not communicating. Double and triple texting is no no when it is not needed this means if someone text you at 8am and you don't again 5 minutes later and again another please stop roleplaying with them the reason being its creepy. This pretty much socially suffocates your partner and kind of looks like a stalker as if you don't have anything better to do. Some of of the best partner took there time and respond until 30mintues to a couple of hours later this ads suspense. Secondly don't be a creep kind of like the double and triple texting being creep means being overly sexual, aggressive, and being pushy. If your any of these this can the roleplay end immediately by making your partner feel uncomfortable and it should be the opposite your should be happy that they are roleplaying like I said before this should be an escape from reality for you and your partner. Lastly communication is key when your Roleplaying. You must be able to communicate your partner and vise versa for are instance are you comfortable story you guys are portraying, are you guys ok with the scene that's going on in the roleplay, and lastly are you ok with what's being said. If your not comfortable speak up because if something is done or said and you don't speak up it eventually becomes degrading unless your into that but I digress. So recap please don't overly respond, respect boundaries, and please communicate I promise you your Role playing a lot better and enjoyable.

So if you guys got this far thank you I'm not gonna lie the writing might suck but I hope you guys got something out this article. Roleplaying should be fun and a way to meet new people. If I helped you or you have suggestions please let me know I'm trying to fine new hobbies to enjoy and writing this article was oddly enjoyable. I plan on more articles but until take it easy.


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    Dumbbruce_vocalWritten by Dumbbruce_vocal

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