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Love Loss

The Warmest Embrace

By K.M. JacksonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

She lost herself, deep in thought.

An image flashed and she was brought back, back to a time when not long ago his hand was tight around her throat.

Arms restrained behind her back, held only at the mercy of his will.

She spoke softly in a whimper not to arouse his temper, but to appease his nature and provoke that savage that she found irresistible.

She was willing to be his pawn, and take part in the game he played, it was a game she knew too well and enjoyed being under his commanding spell.

As the shaft of his penis pressed into her leg, she could feel the girth of his growth swelling against her helpless form.

His teeth dug just deep enough into her breast, his tongue caressing her nipple, followed with a nibble here and there, tender but firm causing her checks to flush from the rush of blood coursing through her veins.

She reflected for a minute and lost herself, unaware that while within that moment her hand was slipping inside, rubbing along the dwelling of her walls, swimming in a shallow pool that continued to build, the deeper in thought she drew herself.

Unaware that, that tickle of pleasure she felt in her body wasn't just of the moment she thought, but the moment had brought her to play with herself.

While she did have her vices, self masterbation wasn’t the object of her affection, she drew pleasure from her lover, the only one she would allow to rub her within that scene.

She heard the moans echo off the walls, still lost in thought, not knowing those echoes weren't brought by memories but were that of the now.

How could one be so unaware?

How could passion provoke such a mindless wander?

She lost herself, with just a thought, thinking back to a time when her lover brought her to be the all that she could be, she envisioned the clamps that he would place on her nipples, the tension tight, bringing her sensitivity to a more heightened pleasure.

It was inviting and she was excited.

Reminded of the moment that they once shared when he was there.

With heart beat racing, her breath was taken aback as she slowly began to comprehend what had been happening the whole time.

She thought of the way we would use his tongue, the places he could touch and the feelings that it would bring.

She thought about the time he would spend rimming her anus, with his fingers sitting slow and deliberate inside of her vaginal walls.

She wanted more of that feeling, she wanted more of him.

He gave her more than just a good time, it was more than just a sexual exchange between the two, the way he connected his essence into her when they would lay and play his game, as i said he was very deliberate about the way he handled her, no matter how he handled her.

She thought back, and she got more relaxed about what was taking place within this moment,

her climax was climbing, and she decided to ride the wave. She closed her eyes and fell back, back into that space of time when he was finally inside of her, pulsating with every thrust, aroused by the sound of his growl.

He was ratherly beastly at time’s losing himself, within the passion that they would create, able to escape from the happenings of the world around them and get lost in their own piece of heaven on earth.

Her fingers gripping going deeper inside to reach the places that he would find, to reach an elevated bliss that he would provide, She strokes her pearl still looking to find that release that he would bring from inside.

Her eyes are tight, her rhythm is in sync.

She sees his face as clear as day and in that moment finds her place.

Focused on the word’s that he used to repeat, feeling safe in this space she allowed herself to get carried away knowing now that he’s gone this can be the only way.

She called out to her lover, knowing his essence was near she felt a warm glow and her breath she held near, from ear to ear she smiled so bright with a tear in her eye she found release.

She knew that he would be close, coaxing her on and keeping her strong.

She knew that his passion would provide, giving her that drive to keep her warm in the late of the night.

She knew that a love she thought she lost would be found when there was nobody around.


About the Creator

K.M. Jackson

Creative/Woodworker ( ), poet, aspiring writer, husband, father.

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