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Garret's Feast

In the Far-Flung Future, Earth becomes the new home of beings with an acquired taste when it comes to their menu...

By Mister ZuluPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

2057 came and went, and for Garrett G’Zorath it seemed like 2058 would be no different. Another year of high school, which was its own unique brand of Hell, another year of looking at her…and not being able to do anything about it. Earth had finally managed to contact other worlds, for good and for ill. For all the technological advancements that the denizens of the Third Planet from the Sun had bestowed upon them had come with a variety of price tags. Some aliens had only asked for a simple thank you in response for their kindness, or a place to stay, or even some of its resources to aid their planets…and some like Garrett’s people wound up making an old episode of The Twilight Zone a reality.

Julia Sanchez couldn't be bothered with any of that. All she wanted to do was pick up her paycheck at the end of the week. Teaching--or at least pretending to teach--the menagerie of other-worldly beings seemed easy enough. Put on a video, or tell them to read a book--any book--for the hour they spent under her watch, and it was smooth sailing.

Well, almost. She didn't much care for the looks her students gave her when they thought she wasn't looking. Or the gibberish they spoke to one another right in front of her, knowing she wouldn't understand what they were saying--even if she cared.

She would care, alright.

Soon enough...

You see, Gahan Wilson High School was like holding up a Butterfinger in front of a starving diabetic. The fairer sex that inhabited the institution seemed to be exceedingly well-built. Braless breasts bouncing up and down at the slightest provocation, butts that some would have no problem witnessing them being smothered with something tasty.

Someone’s—something’s God—really liked toying with certain species. It was really bad, especially where Julia Sanchez was concerned. While some instructors took pleasure in passing their knowledge onto their students, achieving a sort of figurative immortality, Julia did it strictly for the cash. She full-tilt despised the job, but the hazard pay was too good to pass up. The lack of people or other creatures willing to teach a student body that would very much want to make them part of their diet didn’t much appeal to those who would be brave enough to take that chance opened up job opportunities for those who simply came to work and lazed about.

Julia did a lot of that. Whether or not she meant to, she spent much of that time making herself look more and more desirable in the eyes of her class with every bon-bon and Ho-Ho she stuffed down her gullet. The one problem Julia did treat with some importance was the fact all those snack cakes were mostly going straight to her ass. While a ripe peach to begin with, her rear end grew into a bounty of butt-flesh, that tapered down into her thighs. Years of track and a somewhat effective exercise regimen made sure that there was just as much meat as there was fat in them; she knew that most of the creatures in the school drooled over them, wondering how much tasty flesh they would provide. As for her tits, seeing the modest B-cups turn into well-marbled Dees did put a smile on her face. At least they match my ass now, Julia smirked to herself before reality came crashing back down on her.

Hell, she knew each day was a risk—not even the law could deter every student, as half the entire human cheer squad found out the first year she started work there. Snooty little shits found out the hard way that no deed, good or bad, goes unpunished...and there is such a thing as picking on the wrong people.

Even if they were funny-looking little blue people.

And when the authorities finally managed to hunt the blue folk down, they’d already hopped on their ships and high-tailed it into International Space. There hadn’t been a cheer squad since.

Again, it was like living in an episode of The Twilight Zone.

Which 'Twilight Zone' episode could I be talking about? What will happen to Julia? Click on the link to see!


About the Creator

Mister Zulu

Fetish artist who's been drawing weird and slightly erotic stuff since 2007.

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