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Days of Our Lies


By Kelly QueenPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Days of Our Lies
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

A work injury crushed my husband’s spine and his ego. He couldn’t work and he couldn’t fuck. So you know where that left him? Bitter and useless.

When he told me to do what I had to do to take care of my family, I’m sure he didn’t imagine how far I would go.

Times got hard and money ran low, so you know what they say- desperate times call for desperate measures. Who’d of thought desperation came with some pleasure? I guess desperate measures can lead to desperate pleasures.

Social services is a joke. You can show them you bank account with a negative balance, drag all 5 of your snotty nose kids to your appointment, explain how every job you apply to says you’re not qualified- and they will still claim you’re not poor enough for benefits.

Fifty dollars. That’s what they gave me for food stamps. That’s it. I had to make fifty damn dollars stretch for the whole month. I can make some miracle meals but shit, something had to give. I guess in a weird twisted way, the universe was answering my wishes.

Mouse was the neighborhood drunk. I don’t know if it was the drunk rants he would suck you into or the stench of piss that kept people away, but nobody fucked with him.

I was walking home with the groceries when a car swerved and sent my bags flying out of my hands. I watched the food splatter onto the ground and begin to roll down the hill.

“Fuck me.”

I tried to gather as much as I could and then a familiar voice slurred, “I can do that.”

Mouse’s shaky drunk ass was licking his crusty lips and watching my ass as I was bent over trying to pick up my shit.

I rolled my eyes and continued to retrieve what was left of my groceries. Hundred dollar bills started to fall in front of me and for a split second, I thought God had answered my prayers. I went to grab the money but a cane swiped my hand away. I looked up at him while he stared back with his beady eyes.

“That can be yours if you want it.”

“Now why would you just give me $400 Mouse?,” I questioned.

He moved his cane and pulled out a wad of money. Everyone knew Mouse got a check from the military and disability but I didn’t know it was like that. It seemed like it was the 1st and the 15th all in one day.

“I’ll give you that and some more,” he smiled with a toothy grin.

I had never actually held any of the new blue faces. It almost felt like silk. I don’t know if it was the money or I was dizzy from the car side swiping me but Mouse wasn’t looking too bad. Underneath that smell and the filth, a chocolate man with a nice size bulge started to form. I couldn’t decide which I missed more- money or dick.

I couldn’t bring myself to suck his dick. The putrid smell from his crotch made a wave go through my stomach. I was always told I had a power pussy. A few strokes and some pussy clenches made him cum in 3 minutes. His funky ass dick was actually a nice size. Too bad it was attached to this saggy ball bastard.

$1500 could help me replace my groceries, pay a few bills that were in the red and possibly buy me some nice shit off the clearance rack in Marshalls.

He tried to give me $800 but I told him he owed me for cumming inside. His drunk ass probably didn’t pay attention to the bills stuck together.

His whiskey breath traveled to my nose as he said, “You can get this any time.”

I was disgusted but shit, that was the easiest money I’ve ever made.

I walked out of the alley and made my way back home.

“You find a job yet?” My poor excuse of a husband was always hounding me with his crippled ass.

“Yeah, I found a job delivering goods to the needy.”


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    KQWritten by Kelly Queen

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