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Bad Teddy

Sex Fantasy

By Jessica MontgomeryPublished 7 years ago 9 min read

“Have you ever wanted to have sex with your favorite stuffed animal?” I ask this question to my two best friends. The three of us have often gone down odd avenues for conversations.

“Seriously Kacey? How would that even work?” Martin asks with the tilt of his head. He is being far too practical. My friend Amy is pursing her lips in thoughtful contemplation. Or she is not paying attention at all?

“Kay let's think of it like this. If we could, are you thinking of bringing them to life by magical means or just screwing them as they are?” Amy offers up two valid scenarios. One of which is fantasy.

“Martin already pointed out that sleeping with them as a stuffed animal wouldn’t work. No sexual appendages. Hmm…maybe pay someone to come in a mask of your particular animal. But even that wouldn’t be enough. Our stuffed animals know all our secrets, joys and everything. Hmm.” Now I’m pondering the thought more intensely. It would have to be the stuffed animal itself but with the sexual appendage.

“You have him with you again, don’t you Kacey.” Martin knows me all too well. I had my bear in my purse. Some people have a favorite sweater they wear everywhere. I keep my bear tucked away when I go out. Instead of answering, I stand up break for the door. Holding my purse securely against my side.

“It’s getting late and I don’t want to miss the bus and be stuck. See you Martin, Amy until next time.” I escape, slamming the front door behind me. Making my way down the stairs of the complex and out on the street. What could they know? I’m aware that being in my thirties and still carrying my teddy bear with me everywhere is unusual. I need him. I wait for the bus. The chill air nipping at my bare legs. It might snow again. Hopefully it sticks this time. The bus arrives and I get on, paying my fare and take a seat near the back. I open my purse, seeing him inside. He makes me feel safe. No other could ever give me the sense of security he provides. The bus comes to a sudden stop and I look up, seeing the traffic jam. I search for landmarks and spot a street sign. It’d take longer for the bus to get through than it would for me to walk. So I request to get off and the driver let's me and I start threading down the sidewalk, feeling the temperature dropping more and more. Maybe I should of stayed on the bus? When my legs felt like they would break off due to the cold, I notice a shop light on and I quickly go inside.

“Miss, I’m about to close.” The lady says and I stomp my feet, loving the warmth inside and the smells calming. What kind of store did I enter? I see candles, rows of stones behind glass and much more. I look over my shoulder, realizing I stepped into a metaphysical shop of sorts.

“Can I have five minutes to warm up before I have to walk the last mile home?” The woman smiles nodding gently. I watch her disappear through a beaded hanger in the back. When I feel my legs again, I turn to leave the shop and stop. I hear chanting. Curiosity grabs hold and I head towards the back and peek through the beads. Seeing others huddle around inside a circle. Okay, I know I shouldn’t, but I have to have a closer look. Quietly, I slip through the beads moving softly against the hardwood floor. I can hardly make out what is in the circle with them. I take one more step and my foot gets caught on something. Falling forward, my purse slips from my arm, sliding across the floor into the circle. I stand quickly and move to retrieve it only for the others to turn and hold out their hands at me. “I need to get my purse, please! I’m so sorry. Just give me my purse.” My voice cracks and I feel the tears welling up. My bear.

“Calm down, Miss. Let us finish the chant and we’ll break the circle. Just relax.” The lady I first saw says and they go back to chanting. I pace back and forth. Who knows what they're chanting for? I hear them stop chanting and gasping here and there. I stop and stand on the balls of my feet trying to see.

“What’s going on? Move, I can’t see!” I scream at them and two of the people move aside and I see a head and arms coming out of my purse. It’s trying to get out.

“What did you have in there?”

“Oh no. This is not right.”

“Everyone calm down.” The others seem very concerned and I feel my hands shaking.

“My teddy bear. I take him with me everywhere.” I finally answer watching as a man crawls out of my purse. He stands with his back to me and I see a little tail on his back.

“It’s okay. Everyone breathe. We can fix this.”

“Fix? How do you turn this man back into a toy?”

“This is unnatural.”

“Please. Where’s Kacey? I must be with Kacey. She needs me.” The man speaks, looking around at the women then finally turning around and see’s me. He bolts towards me, leaving the circle. He picks me up and holds me close. “Kacey I’m here. I’m here. It’s okay. Don’t cry. No tears.” I can’t speak. This can’t be my bear? Could it?

“Kacey put him back in the circle please. We must reverse this.” The lady from earlier says, gesturing for me to return him.

“Why? He’s not hurting anyone.” I pull away a bi,t moving my hands up to cup either side of his face. Looking into his black eyes being overshadowed by brown hair. The same color of what he had when he was a bear.

“If you do this, we won’t be able to reverse it. And there is always consequences. He won’t stay the same. The outside world will influence him. Change him.”

“No. He’s my teddy bear. He’s good. Nothing could change that.” I pull away completely from him and stand in front of him. “Please don’t. All my life I wanted him to be real. Don’t take this away. I’ll keep him good.” I feel his hands on my shoulders and I watch them. One of the other’s throw me my purse and I catch it. Two of the men throw a shirt and the other pants. I give both to him. I won't change my mind.

“Selene, everything’s temporary. Let her play house.” An older woman says walking and leans in to whisper to the lady.

“Enjoy him. He’ll turn back into a bear at any time. Be it now or later. Makes no difference.” Selene says giving a smile. “If you need anything, come back.” I nod back, taking his hand and leaving the store quickly. We make it home before his feet fell off. He didn’t seem to mind the cold like I do. He just didn’t let go of my hand.

“Kacey, do you want to cuddle?” I look at him and chuckle a bit. I got exactly what I want. But I feel like he’s not too keen on anything over rateing "G." I wrap my arms around his shoulders, looking into his black eyes.

“I want much more than cuddles, Teddy. Do you want to make me happy?”

“All I want is to make you happy. What do you want?”

“I want you. I want all of you.” He blushes and steps away from me nervously.

“Kacey, I can’t. It’s not right.”

“What’s not right about it? I love you. I want you. I need you.”

“But, but, but-" I take hold of his face, pulling him down for a long kiss. He doesn’t resist. He leans into it. I pull my mouth away licking at my lips slowly. “ That was different.” He touches my face gently. I feel his other hand moving down my body. “Okay, Kacey. I want you happy forever.” I don’t hesitate as I push him against the wall, kissing him. He holds me close as I kiss him. He doesn’t know what to do. He’s a virgin. The idea of him being so pure only makes me want him more. I pull his shirt up and over his head, letting it fall then move my hands down his torso. He has some muscle definition, but he’s not very well toned. Not that it matters. I’d want him anyway he turned out. My fingers quickly undo his pants and I take them off him to find his new appendage has firmly found attention. I grab hold of it and hit my knees. Looking up to him with an undeniable hunger. He looks back down to me wide-eyed and he swallows nervously as I take in his very thick and long appendage. Letting it hit the back of my throat hard. I suck down viciously and Teddy braces himself against the wall and let's out an odd sound that reminds me of a bear. I suck down more and let his head slam against the back of my throat in a quicken repeated fashion. My hands move around him and grips his butt for a better leverage. I groan into his cock, savoring it’s length then breathe through my nose when he suddenly cums hot and thickly in my mouth. I let his length out of my mouth, swallowing his cum, and wiping my mouth of its excess. I lick the excess off my fingers. He looks down at me, looking hungry for something other than cuddles. Teddy lifts me up and braces me against the wall. He pulls my shirt off and throws it behind him. Looking at my breasts. He grabs the middle and just yanks. Ripping it and throwing that behind him too. He kisses my breasts, squeezing them. He moves his hands downward and around my backside, gripping my butt, and carrying me across the living room into the bedroom. He throws me down on the bed. He grabs my skirt, yanking that too and throwing it behind him. He looks down at my thong, probably debating whether or not to rip it off as well.

“What do I do with this Kacey? Does it go somewhere or just in your mouth?” I laugh at that as I slide my thong off and spread my legs. I reach out and take hold of his cock and gently guide it to me. He watches a bit confused, climbing on top of me. I release his cock and grin.

“Teddy look between my legs and look for the first hole you see. That is where your dick goes. Go ahead.” He pushes me up towards the headboard and looks down and pushes one of his fingers into me. I moan loudly. He tilts his head, pulling it out only to push it back in.

“What happens if I put my dick in there Kacey?”

“You will love it more than it being in my mouth.” He grabs his cock and shoves it in without warning. I grab for his shoulders as I thrust my pelvis up into him. He lets out a very load, vicious growl. Surprising me. He pushes his cock in and out, steadying his movements to match mine. He continues to make that sound. I have to remind myself he is a bear. Even if he’s just a stuffed one. Now he’s stuffing me of his very large cock. I can barely feel my legs with how tightly he’s squeezing my waist and how hard he in pounding into me. We’re both sweating and breathing hard. He came in me a few times already. Overflowing me so much that we both made a very large cum puddle under us. Still he would not let up. After two more times, he pulls it out. My pussy is so raw and quivering with both pain and pleasure. Just when I thought he was done he pulls me up and grabs my head, pushing it into his cock. I open my mouth and receive it. He fucks my mouth so violently, I am only able to keep my mouth open. I gag a few times and he releases his cum in my mouth then finally collapses. He lies on his back and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into him tightly.

“Now we cuddle.” He says. We fall asleep. I awake atop his chest only to find he’s back to his original state. I feel like crying. But like they said, 'it’s only temporary.'

“This isn’t over Teddy.”


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    Jessica MontgomeryWritten by Jessica Montgomery

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