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When I Make Sweet Love To Your Mind Like This.

By Princess Jekey-GreenPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

There’s something about physical attraction…

Some call it chemistry, others call it a spark and then, some say it is butterflies in their tummy.

Me? I say it is making sweet love to your mind.

To have someone you can look at and smile is a major win. Like when you’re having a bad day, you look at their random pictures on your phone and your world is alright.

Your world can be in a chaotic mess and you think about them and there’s some semblance of calm that rushes over you.

You could be having an argument or be in a meeting and suddenly drift, thoughts of them clouding your mind.

You could be in the midst of friends and suddenly go quiet, and then there’s that sheepish smile that creases the corners of your lips, silently, you chuckle, to the amusement of others.

That kind of physical attraction…

The kind that keeps you replaying memories of times shared together in your head when alone and you heave a sigh of pleasure.

The kind that gets you all warm and whets your appetite. An attraction so strong that you fear to give a hug beyond a second or two when you’ve been apart just for a few hours because everything will come calling lol 😂

The kind of attraction that makes one look at you so lustfully, yet possessively, leaving the eyes to do the talking.

Sometimes, it’s just the way they look.

Or, the way they smell, that you can tell their presence or absence.

Other times, it’s their voice and the sweet incoherent nonsense that they say.

And on some occasions, it is something so minute, that every other person fails to notice that you pick up and embolden. The gestures they make and even very weird body movements that they themselves don’t find so appealing.

I do not know for others but there’s no knowing you or getting to nurture emotions towards you if there’s no physical attraction. Aesthetics are an integral part of what keeps a union going. You have to be able to look at your partner and say damn! I hit the jackpot with this one.

Now don’t get me wrong… this is not saying you have to go for the most beautiful human in the world, because that’s going to be a pursuit in futility and vanity run-amok, but the person you choose should be the most beautiful in your eyes and by your standard.

Someone whose presence tweaks your interests effortlessly and someone whose thoughts are captivating enough to keep you warm and aroused.

Someone who sees you as worth the effort, that they take special care in noting the things you love on them like what perfume they wear during the day and what scents they’re bathed in at night. How you like them dressed and what hairstyle you feel flatters them the most. Do you get the drift?

Life is going to come at you hard, and of all the many things you want to deal with, you do not want to add a partner who makes you feel like you’re coming home to another chore or battle.

You want to walk in that door and be greeted with a warm smile and a pleasing scent - the kind that leaves you desiring to hold them for the longest of time.

The kind that has your eyes lit up as you notice the piece of lace trimmings hanging beautifully around her bosom and you’re sure that the Universe handpicked an Aphrodite for you, she's all inviting and when she looks at you, you are just there, like a 6 ”foot bottle of Valium, sculpted in ways that even the gods' Adonis do not stand in comparison in her eyes, and she knows that she’s safe in your arms.

It is that kind of attraction that I speak of…

The kind that makes you tear at each other with heated passion for the 100th time, yet it feels like the very first time together.

The kind that keeps your heart pumping with adrenalin and excitement, desires never waxing cold.

The type that keeps you on your toes always, that you constantly seek new ways to please them.

The kind that keeps you dreaming, reminiscing.

The kind that keeps you lusting…


It is that kind of attraction that I speak of.



About the Creator

Princess Jekey-Green

Hi there,

I am Jekey and you're welcome to my profile.

I am a creative storyteller with a wild imagination. I create Opinion Pieces on Love, Romance fiction, Life & other Trending issues curated from my everyday life experiences.

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