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A Woman’s Scorn

Shorty Story

By Jassy La’Nae Published 4 years ago 7 min read
A Woman’s Scorn
Photo by Ahmed Ashhaadh on Unsplash

To make a long story short, I met a man named Brian, and found myself in a situation that I could not get out of. He was everything I needed sexually. I needed nothing but a quick nut. Being tied down wasn’t something that I was looking for after leaving a six year relationship not too long ago. I thought I had a simple arrangement with a nice, simple man. But of course this man had a woman, and instead of backing off and going along with my business, I still agreed to sleep with him from time to time. She wasn’t my business-she was Brian’s business. If he wanted to go behind his woman’s back and enjoy a few hours of his time with me, then so be it. Sexual pleasure was all I need from him. He didn’t need to waste any of his time, money, compliments, cars, jewels, or affection on me.

Yes, what I was doing was wrong, but when we were together everything felt so right. He completed me in ways that a man could never, and pleased me in ways that I only thought could happen in my wildest dreams. When he told me he had a woman, I was fine with that. I didn’t want to take her place, I just needed to be satisfied from time to time, and Brian was the perfect man to do so.

A few nights ago, Brian wanted me to come over his house, which I was reluctant to do at first. I knew his woman probably spent most of her time over there, and I didn’t want to cause any problems between them. But he promised me she was out of the city for the weekend on a girl’s trip, and kept begging me to slide through for a few hours.

“I wanna eat your pussy so badly.” He spoke in the phone. The way he spoke to me made it hard for me to say no to him. If there was one thing he knew how to do, it was eat my pussy right. I gave in and told him I would pull up, but as soon as we were finished I would leave.

When I knocked on the door he opened it immediately, as if he was waiting by the door since we had gotten off the phone.

“Hey, pretty lady.” He said greeting me with a huge grin on his face. He had on nothing but a pair of black sweats, and smelled as if he had just gotten out of the shower.

“Hi, Brian.”I replied. He moved a few inches over so that I could come inside. I opened up my black Burberry trench coat and revealed my body. I was horny, and didn’t want to waste any time with small, unnecessary conversation. I was wearing nothing but my birthday suit and a pair of all black Christian Louboutin heels. Brian walked over and picked me up swiftly by my ass cheeks, and walked to the bedroom. He placed me on the floor and removed his sweat pants, being as naked as I was.

I let out a loud moan as he entered me. He threw my legs over his shoulders and bit my lip. I shoved his head down into my womanhood and let his suck away all of the juices flowing out. The moment was becoming intense that I came within minutes. After awhile I rolled him to the floor and got on top of him. He grabbed the back of my neck and thrusted into me roughly, causing me to dig my nails into his skin and moan louder. I squirmed and whimpered while I allowed him to give me all ten inches of his pleasure stick. I rode him until he began to clench his butt cheeks trying to restrain the nut I was building up. We had sex like wild animals, and we loved every second of it. Sex was the only thing that connected us, but it was the best connection I’ve had in awhile.

Sadly to say, this is the only reason I was even dealing with him. I was using him just as he was using me. I wasn’t focused on being in a relationship with anyone because I wasn’t ready to be in one again. So Brian met my needs, and I met his whenever we wanted one another. I didn’t even know Brian was in a relationship until he refused to answer his phone while we were hanging out one day. By then, I had already told him what was up, and we were already being sexual with one another. I was going to take advantage of the situation until there was nothing left to get out of it.

In mid stroke I was tossed to the side like a rag doll. I felt stunned and was going to ask Brian what the hell was going on, but I turned around and choked back my own words. The woman who clearly was his girlfriend was standing in their doorway looking right at me. As people say, if looks could kill, my body would’ve dropped right there on the floor. Her eyes filled with water, and a few tears dropped down from her face.

“I KNEW IT!” She yelled. “I knew you were fuckin’ cheating on me!”

We tried to rush off the floor to cover ourselves. Brian got up and grabbed the towel he must’ve used when he got out of the shower and wrapped it around his waste. “Ashley…baby-“

“Don’t you fuckin’ call me that! I trusted you, and this is how you return the favor? And had the nerve to do the shit in my house! Who the fuck are you bitch?! How long y’all be fuckin’?” She yelled into my direction letting me know she was talking to me.

I kept my eyes low due to embarrassment. I still couldn’t find anything to cover up with, and my heart dropped once I realized she was holding my trench coat in one hand, and a stainless, silver 9mm in the other. Brian was trying to hide me from her view, but she pointed the gun at his head. “You really gonna sit here and protect this hoe?! The hoe you’re fuckin’ in MY HOUSE?!”

She turned her stare back to me, with the gun now pointing at me as well. “I know you heard me ask you a fuckin’ question. You think it’s okay to sleep with a married man? You’re too blind to see the big ass wedding photo above your big ass head?!”

“No, I didn’t know he was married, I swear.” I cried from behind the bed, “He never wore a ring around me, he said he had a girl but he never said that he was married. I’ve never been here before..”

Ashely pointed her gun at Brian and pulled the trigger. His body slumped to the floor with one small bullet hole with blood pouring down his forehead from the wound. His eyes were still open wide from being in shock, staring right at me. My body turned cold from my fear. If she could kill someone she slept next to every night without hesitation, I knew for a fact she didn’t give a damn about taking away the life that was involved.

“Someone help!” I screamed in panic. My body shivered from still being bare naked, and from the fear running through my veins. I had no escape route, and knew this would probably be the last breath I took. I knew the consequences of being with a man who had someone else, so I knew I could blame no one but myself for the situation I had gotten myself in.

“No one can save you now, bitch.” She pointed the gun towards me as I tried to turn away and run to the closet. I heard a gunshot go off, and felt the burning sensation in my back. Two more shots let off and I was face down in the middle of their bedroom floor bleeding out. My body felt as if it was on fire, and my limbs began to go limp. At this point I wanted to rather be dead than endure the pain that I was feeling in that moment. I felt my body begin to slip away from consciousness. The last thing I saw before I blacked out completely was Brian’s lifeless eyes looking back at me once more.

I woke up to find myself lying in a hospital bed. According to my sister, I had lost so much blood that I had became unconscious by the time the police arrived to the house. The first bullet that entered by body had hit my spine, causing my spine to have a fracture and being unable to walk. The doctors had also done some tests and found out that I was at least six weeks pregnant, but the baby did not make it due to my injuries. I began to cry and wonder why I couldn’t have died on that bedroom floor along with Brian. There was only one thing to take away from my fucked up situation; being with any man is never worth it if he has a woman. There is nothing worse than a woman’s scorn…


About the Creator

Jassy La’Nae

A woman who is gifted with her words.

You can follow me on my social platform(IG @thecrystalhaven_) for affirmations for every day issues we deal with. You can also order beautiful crystal jewelry from my website or by dm'ing me.

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    Jassy La’Nae Written by Jassy La’Nae

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