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3-Way; yes, it is what you are thinking of

Jerry Seinfeld fanfiction, last part

By Melissa IngoldsbyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 13 min read
3-Way; yes, it is what you are thinking of
Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash

Jerry, Elaine and George are together.

They are loud and obnoxious and happy.

Moving from zero to one thousand is incredibly exhilarating, but sometimes it’s okay to need to take a break. The wild range of dynamics can be electrifying and make you dizzy, and a bit exhausted.

Realizing your two best friends in the whole wide world are your soulmates is a crazy ride, but now that they are all caught up, Jerry feels at peace.

He had been having a sort of existential crisis before, over his life, what he wanted to accomplish and of his sexuality.

Feeling like he’s finally come into his true body, his true feelings and true mind, he has been working tirelessly to help his two partners move into his place. It took about two and a half weekends to finally get everything done.

Now, they’re settled. Completely. Totally.

Jerry’s got this under control—-

“Why the heck don’t you have that unsalted sweet cream butter, babe?” Elaine shouts.

“Better question is why isn’t it out on the table?” George butts in, yawning as he comes out of their bedroom.

“I like cold butter. You two can get different butter, I don’t mind.”

“Yea. But, Jer, why do you like cold butter, it’s gross. You can’t spread cold butter on toast. It’s not malleable,” George replies.

“I don’t give two flip-flops about cold or room temperature stuff. I don’t like salted butter…” Elaine says in an overtly exasperated tone.

Jerry makes more coffee, saying nothing, feeling like a conversation like this for a Sunday morning is taxing and a bit redundant.

“I like Amish butter. Apple butter. That stuff is amazing,” George says, helping Jerry get the coffee from the cabinet. “Don’t you think so too, baby?” He says, looking at Jerry.

Jerry nods, letting George lean in to give him a quick peck on the side of his mouth. Elaine grimaces and growls.

“You guys are ganging up on me…” She whines.

“No! Never, Laney…” Jerry says with a grin.

George frowns, going over to Elaine. He plays with her hair a bit and kisses her cheek, “We can get that sweet cream, sweetie.”

Her lips quirk up in an amused smile. “That’s what I thought!”

Jerry gets three mugs and starts making everyone coffee, knowing how each of them likes it.

As he pours in the cream for Elaine’s cup, he realizes that intimacy isn’t just about sex.

But, at that moment, seeing his two partners sitting together at the table laughing together, he knows he wants them both.

“Best part of waking up, eh, Jer?” George teases as Jerry hands him his mug of piping hot coffee.

Jerry laughs softly, his face red. He actually thinks that the best part of waking up was having George wrapped around his body when he woke up, with Elaine holding his hand all night and kissing him first thing as he started to feel awake.

“Aww, you made baby blush, George,” Elaine says, drinking her coffee. “Oh, baby,” Elaine looks at Jerry, “Good cup of joe. You made it seem gourmet even for being so cheap.”

George eyes her with a wide eyed, open mouth stare, as though he is saying, ‘Dang girl! Stop trying to throw so much shade at Jerry’s long term cheapskate tactics!’

Elaine hears George’s inner voice exactly this way.

“Um, thanks. I think,” Jerry replies. “Did I make it okay?”

George gives Elaine a more pronounced glare and she realizes how it came off.

“Of course! Right, George?” Elaine says, gently placing her elbow into George’s side.

“Y-yes; so good in fact that Elaine and I will make breakfast,” George says authoritatively. Elaine sighs but nods in agreement.

Jerry smiles, “Aw. That’s okay. You don’t have to.”

George gets up and kisses the top of Jerry’s head. “I want to.”

Elaine sees the compassion in George’s countenance and body language and it inspires her to also get up and apologize.

She goes over to Jerry and hugs his neck and shoulders gently, “Me too. Just relax, we got this.”

George looks at both of them and says, “I’m so lucky to have you two.”

Elaine grins but says, “Holy crapola. Can we stop this high level of sickening sweetness before it melts my brain?”

“No can do, dear,” Jerry remarks. “It’s part of our group romance package. And the box we come in has a big ole’ warning label on it!” Jerry says animatedly, even flourishing a bit with his arm and hand in the air. “Big, brash and bold! Stay at least ten feet away at all times, in case of severe sugar overload and tooth decay.”

“And brain decay!” Elaine adds.

They all give each other a soft look, and George quips, “Better get some new material, Jer. That is very old fashioned humor. I enjoy it. But, these new crowds out there wanna make sure you are, ‘woke,’ you know?”

“I’m pretty woke,” Jerry mumbles, sipping his coffee quickly.

Elaine laughs loudly, “Never say anything like that again! Oh, man!”

George nods, “I unfortunately have to agree. That was very cringe inducing. No offense!”

Jerry laughs and the other two grin at each other.

Silence overtakes the group as Elaine and George make eggs and bacon for breakfast.

Jerry oversees the whole operation. Pretending to be a warden in a prison, he took a spatula and started randomly hitting things in the kitchen to show off his authority.

“You two been behaving yourselves?” Jerry sternly asks, hitting the kitchen counter with each word he says, making Elaine giggle soundlessly.

“Yer gonna git us in trouble!” George whispers in a very bad Southern accent.

“Nah! That warden nothin’ but talk!” Elaine whispers back.

“That breakfast better be prepared perfectly with the utensils in tip top shape. No scuff marks on my plates. I mean it. You two will definitely be doing some extra work around here to make up for your crimes,” Jerry says, hitting the top of the stove light, making George jump in surprise.

“Oh, pleaase punish me privately and liberally, warden…” Elaine whispers loudly, making Jerry’s eye widen. George laughs, but covers his mouth when Jerry gently swats him on the butt.

“Oh, so naughty. You two are in for it…” Jerry says, but it seems more seductive than anything else now.

They end up looking at each other and laughing hysterically over the tirade.

During breakfast, they talk about George’s mother and her progress with chemotherapy.

“Yea, she’s having lots of time to convalesce at the hospital between treatments. But… the chemo is making her so sick. But it’s been a lot better for her… you know. Thanks to you guys—-she really appreciates all your help so far.”

“Of course. George, when will they be ready to do surgery?” Jerry asks.

“Soon. The doctor was out on leave but is coming back next week. So, we’re scheduling it within the next two weeks.”

“It’s for the Thyroid removal, right?” Elaine asks, her eyes looking at Jerry in contemplation.

George nods. “Yes. It is going to be hard on her. Do… do you guys think…” George frowns, looking at his almost empty coffee cup in apprehension.

Elaine gets up and grabs George’s mug, getting him more coffee.

Jerry sees her flashing eyes and realizes what the query will be.

“We’d love for your mother to stay here. Right, sweetie?” Jerry says, and Elaine nods.

“Yes. Absolutely.”

George sighs in relief. “How’d you guys know?”

“We know!” Elaine says happily.

Jerry looks at George and smiles gently. “You’re easy to read. And luckily, you are one of my favorite things to read.”

“Awww. That’s cute, Jer!” Elaine says softly, coming back to the table and handing George his newly filled coffee cup.

“Thanks, cutie pie,” George says to her, making her grin.

“And you, Laney, are extremely difficult to read. Luckily, I like the challenge!” Jerry says, making George laugh.

They finish up breakfast and clean up together.

They cuddle on the couch and put on a movie.

They briefly go over their last late night of clumsily fooling around.

“You were snoring!” Elaine teases Jerry.

“No way? Was I? No. I was not snoring.”

“Yea, you were baby,” George testifies.

Jerry rolls his eyes. “Ah, shut up. Both of ya!”

“I’m glad you and George can go and do stuff together sometimes. I get friggin’ tired. Not that I’m not interested in it—And I do appreciate your lovey dovey looks…” Elaine says, and winks at them.

Jerry looks at George, and his heart feels like it’s bursting with ferocity in his chest. They both vividly remember that super passionate morning session they had before George went into work last week. Elaine had already went into work.

They all agreed that as long as it wasn’t full on sex, they could individually fool around and openly communicate about it with the other who was either not present or unavailable.

It was something that happened so randomly, but it was one of the first instances of both of them being trusting of each other in such a manner.

They told Elaine the details as follows:

They were getting ready and Jerry was taking a shower. He came out with just a towel and George took notice, flirting with him and teasing him.

“Get over here and just do something already,” Jerry proposed, his whole face feeling flushed.

Against the wall of their bedroom wall, George pushed him close to his body, fully clothed whole Jerry had on the towel still. They kissed almost animalistic ally, with George pressing their hard-ons together with such a wonderful closeness and yet there was a restriction with the fabric of George’s pants and the towel.

“Fuck, Ge-George, I need you, please, I need your… your…” Jerry almost whimpered, making George feel out of control.

“I know what you need, you kinky thing,”George almost growled as he pulled down the towel, gently, and then slightly moved his pants down and underwear.

George was kissing Jerry was such a sweet and loving consistency up and down his neck, taking the other by the hips to carefully place him on the bed. Then, with an almost methodical pace, he took Jerry’s hard cock and his own, placed them together and rocked back and forth, raw, no longer timid, ravenous and hungry for each other’s filthy, pining sounds.

Jerry moaned loudly into his best friend’s mouth, making the other on top move faster. At some point he was so invested in them coming together that he kept asking what he could do to make him feel more intense pleasure.

“Lick me all over?” Jerry says, hardly believing the needy words coming from his mouth. He never dared to dirty talk with any of the women he knew intimately before, especially like this. He felt embarrassed but George instantly went down on him, making him feel like it was the most normal request.

He licked Jerry all over his painfully hard member, and then down to his balls, he licked and nibbled and sucked and kissed ——until he heard Jerry cry out uncontrollably. George grabbed his boyfriend’s bottom and squeezed it aggressively.

“Yo-you’re mine.”

“I’m yours.”

“No one but Laney and I can touch you, right, beautiful?”

Jerry is breathless thinking that this is the first time he is underneath a man who is completely in control of his pleasure and when he can come, and it frightens him as much as it excites him.

“I love you, George.”

George stops for a moment and leans in to kiss him chastely on the lips.

“Oh, baby, I love you, too. More than you know.”

They kiss again, and Jerry licks his lips, giving George more tongue.

Oh, God, George, please… it’s hurting… I need you…” Jerry cries out, his hands digging into George’s shoulders from below his knee.

“I’ll let you come soon. That’s right, sweet boy. Don’t worry, I’m marking you as mine. The only way anyone will know is when Laney-pie sees it, and she’ll get a sweet little mark from me, too.”

Giving Jerry a hickey in between his inner thigh was a weirdly romantic point—and then going up and leaving kisses on the comedian’s whole body, and ending it in a deep tongue kiss while rubbing their throbbing members together until the throes of passion overflowed and waned and departed.

George had never had such an incredible orgasm in his life. It made him feel faint afterwards. Jerry couldn’t walk right until after George left, feeling euphoric and a bit ditzy.

Elaine felt like the event was perfect, and they needed to break the ice so to speak anyway between each other before the main event, so to speak. George had also went down on Elaine once at night, while Jerry had gone out with one of his guy friends. He was glad George and Elaine had gotten that time together as well.

Elaine had relayed that she came three times just from being eaten out and being fingered at the same time—-making Jerry feel a bit inadequate but George insisted that both experiences were equally important and highly emotionally involved. There was no need to feel like one experience was better than the other, as Elaine felt as close to George as she did to Jerry.

They discussed all of it together in a very open and honest conversation that ended up with Jerry feeling better about his own insecurity and sexual identity.

What really worried Jerry was the sexual chemistry he had with Elaine, and that was not yet resolved.

They all look at each other, as the memory of recent carnal events comes to a close. Raw, sensual music seems to fill the air. They want to feel each other deep inside, like bones and vessels and pieces wrapped in between the other. They want to overlap and melt into each curve and angle and smell and taste.

“You guys are so fucking pretty,” George says. “I can’t believe I got you two amazing people in my life.”

Elaine laughs but then blushes deeply.

There are no more words.

The memory of each morning passes and stays.

Jerry kisses Elaine with a reckless abandon, moving on top of her, he takes George’s hand and places it on his thigh, pulling him close.

“Oh, I love you so much, you drive me crazy!” Elaine told Jerry one day after work. He kissed her in response and said, “I always knew you did. And you knew I did too.”

George moves in and kisses Jerry, while rubbing his thigh. His other hand gently sliding toward Elaine’s braless camisole, to rub circles over her hardened nipple.

Jerry’s tongue and George’s tongue visibly entangling as Elaine dry humps Jerry.

They talked and discussed details of their first time together.

But, planning didn’t seem right, especially for this.

Elaine started fingering her pussy as she watched her two lovers entwine. George was slowly fingering Jerry with lube, but not before he rimmed him. The very act of someone licking him there made him almost moan so loudly, he wanted to scream.

Then, George managed to tilt Jerry’s body in such a way under a stack of pillows that once he added a second finger, he managed to hit that sweet spot, making the wanton body beneath him quiver and tremble and shake with almost a raw, painful type of pleasure.

“Ahh… ohhh.. God! George!”

Elaine was sweating beside them, still trying not to come as she saw such an erotic thing happen in front of her.

George had to stop, and he felt flustered.

Jerry had to take a break, he felt utterly filled with an almost excruciating amount of pleasure.

“Fuck Laney, George.”

George kisses Jerry over and over with ferverent pecks.

“I’m gonna make love to both of you. Shit. Oh, I feel like I’m in an out of body experience…” George says softly.

“Get over here, George,” Elaine says as she spreads her legs, and George can’t take it anymore.

He eases slowly into her tight pussy, the head of his cock first teasing her clit with a few rubs and circular motions making her moan in a very loud way, and as he starts thrusting it is a bit timid at first.

She starts moving him in deeper, faster and harder, and takes off her shirt and he returns the speed in kind.

Jerry thinks her breasts are beautiful, and he begins to kiss them.

“Oh, Laney, you’re so goddamn sexy… holy fuck..” George breathes into her mouth.

They switch positions and Elaine is on her knees, as George slams into her—Elaine whimpers and cries out.

Then, they stop for a moment.

“Jer, come here and make love to me,” Elaine requests.

The soft expression makes Jerry’s heart flutter.

He lays down and she tops him, their shared gaze more gentle than ever before, loving and true.

Jerry comes in two minutes.

Elaine hasn’t yet. Either has George.

Jerry starts going down on George, while rubbing Elaine’s clit in an almost greedy way.

He wants to make them both come.

“Oh—God! Fuck me…mmmm!” Elaine moans, coming as Jerry rubs his finger slowly over her clit in variations of motions, making her almost sob from the intense waves of pleasure.

The sounds make George go over the edge as Jerry is aggressively sucking on his head, swirling his tongue in the slit and putting pressure on it with a jerking motion.

They all cuddle after.

No words need to be said.

But, Jerry looks at George and the look tells him next time he better make love to him for real.

Thirty minutes later, Elaine makes some tea, and they are all still in an afterglow of first time sex as a threesome couple.

“Let’s get married,” George says.

Elaine grins, “Is that legal?”

Jerry shrugs and says, “You all know that I’ll love you two forever. And you both love me. We all appreciate each other. That’s good enough for me.”

They all agreed and felt wholeheartedly in love, at peace and full of hope for their future.


About the Creator

Melissa Ingoldsby

I am a published author on Patheos,

I am Bexley by Resurgence Novels

The Half Paper Moon on Golden Storyline Books for Kindle.

My novella The Job and Atonement will be published this year by JMS Books

Carnivorous published by Eukalypto

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