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a story I wrote long ago about well zombies

By Kira =)Published about a year ago 6 min read
Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Hi my name is Marderd. I used to live in what to me was a normal depressed little town called Zenlin. We never had much to do. One day though, this hole opened up in the sky. This “unnatural,” you could say supernatural things came from the murky dark green sky. My mom knew what to do with me and my little brother Timmy immediately she took us to this underground place. It looks just like it had done this before. I never thought much of it then but I would change my mind very soon.

So let's start from the top. I have a mom 29 years old, A little brother 11 years old, and my dad ran off four years ago. I am Mordred, 13 years old. One day like no other summer I sat in my bland old room on my hard boring bed watching this amazing movie calledZombies one after Another. One of my very favorites. The next week was the first day of school. Being the kid going to this boring place, I was not amused when my mom tried to get me to go school shopping. I never wanted my summer to end but how it did was horrifically weird. I went to my brother's room to see where he was. It was oddly quiet. Turns out he was fooled by my mom's lie of getting chicken dinner. She always ment time to go to the doctor. When they got home my brother had terie eyes but was ok because we really got chicken dinner. Plus a few pills my brother now needs.


“Mom please don’t make me go to the land of the torture that place is the name exactly.”

“It’s not that bad, you get to see your friends.”

“Mom, I have none of those.”

“Come on, get in the car.”


Sitting all alone at my little lonely lunch table. We had to go outside for “HEALTHY ACTIVITY” . I just want to go home and be done with this. I sat alone like normal, reading, getting things thrown at me,and being called a nerd.

“I just want to go home or to a friend!” I screamed “ I don’t want to be the only depressed little girl sitting in the corner any more.”

When suddenly I hear “I’ll be your friend.”

A girl then pushes through the crowd that had formed and said once more “I’ll be your friend.” She pulled me by my hand and we walked and talked and became friends almost immediately. About a month later we had our parents meet up.

“So you must be my little girl's friend's mom. What's her name?” My mom said,

“Carmen. Her name is Carmen.” She said in her sweet toned voice.

“ Carmen, why don’t you go play with Mardred.”

“Ya let's go to my room” I said in an exhilarated voice.

While our parents meet up we are on our trampoline. We see this crazy hole in the sky. We heard so much screaming. I think our parents heard it too and my little brother. They came running outside. The sky started turning a mucky green. The whole thing that had happened was cataclysmic.

We had started running and I thought I saw our dad. I turned and looked at mom.

“Mom, look , it's dad?”

As I turned around he was not there. My mom grabbed my arm and said it was nothing. Carmen. Timmy, Me and our parents ran into this weird cave like an underground hide out. I’ve never seen it. We had to be sitting there forever. We finally went outside. It was as if no one lived there ever.

“Mom did you hear that,” I said while hiding behind her in frear.

“No dear. You must be imagining things.”

“Ya you're right. Wait, did you see that right there? Is that dad?”

“No,” She replied with a weird voice.

“You girls go back inside and we will go see if anyone is alive.”

“Mom what's that! It looks like a zombie?”

“Get inside now!”

We ran inside the cave and started exploring.

”Hey over here.” Carmen said.

An old book was sitting on the floor open.

“Wait, it's my mom's handwriting?”

We were going to start reading it as Carmen's mom came running in. My mom was gone. My mom had gotten bitten by a zombie and now is infected and so is the whole town.

I got really scared, so did Timmy. Carmen on the other hand found some weird stuff in the bunker. Carmen told Timmy and he ran outside.

“No Timmy, what are you doing? What did you tell him.”

“O nothind,” Carmen replied with a smirk on her face.

Carmen showed me what was in the book and I got a sudden feeling of happiness. We told Carmen's mom to gather all the weapons she could find while we went to get food. Timmy came back with some leaves. We crushed them up and put it into this weird jelly-like substance.

“We have to get everyone to touch this and they will turn back to normal.”

“I have to tell you something when your mom gets bit, it's like she wanted to.”

“We should read a little more out of this book.”

After reading the whole book we found out some uncanny things about my family.

Little Timmy went and put this weird solution in the water so everyone would touch it. He got all the zombies to come to that one spot and all got in the water touch. One after another they all turned back and to humans.We finally turned everyone back. My brother and I went out to find the whole family. We needed answers. We asked and asked different people but they could not remember anything. Then my brother and I remembered our moms and dads favorite spot to go to get away from us. We went to the falls to find our dad and mom. They were the only ones that remembered After we turned them back. We need answers my brother and I demanded.

After about four hours I would talk it over and get answers out of our mom and dad we learned. That's 4 years ago when I was about 9 years old. I was apparently at my grandmas.. And Timmy was with me. Apparently the town had this mysterious asteroid they Called it that crashed into the Earth. It had this unnatural substance in it. Many people went to see what it was but one one brought it to a river and decided to throw it in there because that's what we do here. Pollute our lakes and make the Earth disgusting. Apparently a whole bunch of people drank that water later and all turned into zombies. Dad found a way to help them but when he did it he was bitten. Before he gets to the antidote I don't know why. And then this weird hole opened up the sky and if everything went dark all the sudden or dad was gone. Our mom Acted like it was all normal and told us that her dad had run away. Now? It was all fine. Our family is back together and we move on. For me I was no longer bullied, I was never going to have my summer end again. Until people start coming here. We had a while. Mardred learned that the family is not always as truthful as you would think.


About the Creator

Kira =)

Hi, I am still in school and like writing, so I wanted people to read them. I'm not very good when it comes to spelling and grammar so sorry. I don't have much confidence so please be nice and leave a comment if you'd like.

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