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Yucai Wenwu School?

Chapter 38

By Ann Published 2 years ago 11 min read

I woke up with a deep hatred for Liu Lao Liu and took two phone calls. The first was simple: 100 tents were in place. The second was from the city's largest car sales company. I didn't know what it was at first. I told them I hadn't applied online in months.

I was on the phone with their general manager, also a manager, he is at least several levels of wealth than me, that is the city news and shook hands with the mayor of the entrepreneur. "Did you reserve that Hummer H2?" he said cautiously.

And then I remembered, and I said, "Oh, yeah, yeah, I almost forgot about that." The other side is more awed, can casually put paid more than 2 million car forgotten in the back of the person, that must be what level of rich ah?

He said with a smile: "In this emergency period, our company has introduced a new regulation, is to ask our customers again before the car in place, I would like to ask you that car do you still want?"

That's a good move. It's a comfort game. Most of the really rich have gone abroad. Their car companies are doing this. It is a little bit less profitable and more agreeable.

I'm so embarrassed!

I groaned in my throat. "Wasn't this supposed to arrive last week?"

"Oh, I'm really sorry, because your requirements are too high, a batch of components have to be shipped from the United States, so the delay, now the car is finally finished, as long as you confirm, you can drive it in 3 days at most. Congratulations, I've never seen such a fancy car in this city."

I said, "Well, I'm going abroad in a few days for shelter, and I don't want the car for a while."

The other side of a stunned, I guess he had never heard a rich man say so before, but immediately smiled and said: "Take this opportunity to go abroad to relax, do you need a temporary car in these days? I recommend to you a Wrangler, our company spot, you want to, afternoon can experience its driving fun, it is the biggest benefit is wild strong, can take you across the mountains and rivers......" I added, "On the run?"

The other side shut up, slow for a long time before saying: "I'm sorry to ask you what you are engaged in work, perhaps I can according to your work nature tailored to recommend you."

"I'm an international trader."

"Oh, that's specific..."

"Arms and drugs."

"... You're kidding. We'll give you a full refund. Bye!"

This man is too ignorant to be funny, I was going to ask him if there is a second-hand gold cup what, the day after 300, I need a car anyway, Xiao Wang's car is dead these days can not be borrowed, to the supermarket delivery is busy.

Now it is summer, but as soon as July and August pass, the start of autumn will come, and winter clothes will cost a lot of money. As I sit on nothing and don't spend 5 million yuan at all, now the good thing is that the car company has returned nearly 3 million yuan to me, which is quite sorry for Xiang Yu. But I was more of a embezzler than a embezzler, and I could give him as much as I wanted when things got better -- I mean just in case.

When I arrived at Futai Street, it was as popular as it was before, with the daredevil poor. I strolled around first, then chose a medium-sized shop to enter, and the owner, a 40-year-old woman whose chest could fit over her navel, asked her if she had a large stock of ready-made clothes. She began to think that I was ordering uniforms for the school, and held out a dozen or so poorly made sports suits for me to choose from. I told her that I was going to dress hundreds of workers, and if the price was fair, When the winter coats came in, the woman's eyes immediately lit up and she touched and pinched me. The khaki suits she brought out were either too thick or too expensive, and when I lost interest in them and seemed to be leaving, she whispered mysteriously in my ear: "There are some dresses that are absolutely cheap, but not very pretty. Do you want them?" I told her that our workers were building power plants in the middle of nowhere and didn't care if they looked good.

She did like a thief to hold out a set of clothes, I shake a look, look really not so good, but also gray, I frown and say: "Look good, not to mention, how do I look so familiar?" Madame said in a low voice: "You have a good look at it, mind you, if you add two lines on the shoulder, write a number on the chest..."

Damn it, I see it! These are clearly the clothes of a convict.

She saw me a little heart, added vinegar and said: "for workers to wear, do not need good, and such clothes to wear out other contractors dare not provoke you...... It's only twenty for one suit, and fifty for each suit with shoes and underwear."

I said: "Wear this street will not be the public security bureau when the prison break to arrest?"

The landlady said, "Don't worry, it's only half finished. When it's finished, there are flowers on the collar. You can also choose to have them paint a Puma logo on their back, only to keep out of trouble, the leopard is lying face up..."

I asked her: "Can you embroider 'Serving the country with loyalty'?" I want to ingratiate myself with the in-laws first.

"It's not a big problem. I didn't expect you to have your own corporate culture as a contractor."

"Can you do it any cheaper? I want 1,000 units, and I want them tomorrow, in cash."

The owner's wife hid her joy and said with a straight face: "Big brother, if you say this again, this business can only be lost, I don't say anything, you calculate, even if our clothes are recycled mop, light processing fee is more than this number?"

I thought about it and laughed. It's true.

"Then I don't say much, this is 2000 yuan deposit, but you have to give me to this place, don't forget to 'loyal to the country', the rest of the money I get the goods together to you."

Proprietress Niang lit that 2000 yuan said: "50 thousand dollars of business to 2000 deposit is less?"

"Not happy to bring it! I don't like it. Right after the earthquake, I'm leading a bunch of people dressed like this to work around. People who don't know must think that the prison has collapsed -- by the way, does your man work in a prison?"

The owner Niang dodged my hand to grab money, said: "line on 2000 bar, my man is in prison."

When I left the owner gave me a piece of paper, pointing to the opposite side said: "Send you a free psychological counseling, this is the characteristics of the shop."

I along her hand a look, the opposite also do not know when to open a psychological counseling room, I go in, fully understand what happened, the owner in disguise to support her old mistress's business, the man ran 50 years old, with a goatee sitting in the boss chair, eyes light straight, every once in a while to the opposite winking, see me come in, goatee face up to say: "Do you have any psychological problems?"

"No, just not enough money."

"This is the biggest psychological problem, how much money do you think is enough to spend, in other words, what kind of life do you pursue? Some people make tens of thousands of yuan a month, but they are not happy, some people only make a few hundred yuan a month, but they..."

I said, "Don't be ridiculous."

I thought he was going to hit me with the sign, but he turned it around and revealed a big gossip: "Oh, since I'm not interested in counseling, I'll give you an eightyletter --"


Then I came up with an idea. I asked the boss not to close the shop until I went to pick up the goods the day after tomorrow night. At first, he was still indifferent to me. He promised me he'd be there for me. Life should be a little persistent, do not reach the goal of death, do not break the Loulan end is not also, Huns not out, why the home for the ancient campaign a few people also! Though it is hard to be mistaken, they call me a rascal.

The last big thing: location. The place had to be out of the city, but it couldn't be too remote. I had to buy food and necessities in the nearby urban fringe, and Lao Liu brought me people in the early morning, and I had to lead them on foot to get there before dawn. I have no doubt about the Yuejiajun's ability to travel long distances, but I lack confidence in myself and have done little sweat exercise over the years except in bed.

After the earthquake, many families did not cook, and small and medium restaurants became even more angry, because the steamed stuffed bun was served in the morning shift, and the lunch meal was cooked by Li Shi Shi. Many people mistakenly thought that she was good at cooking, which was wrong. Before, even if she did, she would grab a handful of lotus seeds and throw them into the pot. She lacked systematic cooking theories and even didn't know that egg fried rice was cooked with cooked rice. A girl who liked to be so clean didn't wash the stir-fried food, but it didn't splash oil into the pot. Later I learned that restaurants do this in fact.

The steamed stuffed bun pulled Li Shi Shi cut himself, stared back at me and said: "This is our primary school teacher teacher Zhang, now is the principal of Yucai Primary School, just met on the road, I pulled back."

It is said that he is a very kind and approachable Chinese teacher. He is very popular with children. The steamed stuffed bun can peek at "Tianlong Ba Bu" in English class later thanks to this teacher, oh no, Principal Zhang.

I embarrassed to greet the principal Zhang, Zhang said with a bitter smile: "Don't call me the principal Zhang, I am not the principal."

I said strangely: "Yucai Primary School? I don't think I've heard of it."

Zhang said: "It is not a regular school, in fact, it is a village primary school, I am retired after nothing to do that do not pay as a principal."

I casually said: "Then take advantage of this you just have a rest, after some days of peace, you continue to be king of the children to go."

Zhang said disheartened: "No, the school is gone, the classroom is a dangerous house."

"That serious?" I asked.

"Our school is built in the village of Yao." That's all President Zhang said. Yao Village was the epicenter of the earthquake.

I pulled the old man aside to chat a generalist know, Yucai primary school is actually Yao village near ten miles of the town to build up the school, said that the school, is actually a few bungalows, there are 6 male teachers, and there are more than 400 students.

The reason is built in the village of the Yao, because here is the middle point, close to all the villages, in fact, are not close, the farthest village from that there are more than 30 miles of road, even the village of the Yao's own children will have to go to the school for a while, although the village of the Yao is just a village, but the jurisdiction of the vast field, not only live near the school, even the crops are not that.

I asked Principal Zhang, "How is the school now?"

Zhang said: "The silver lining is that no children were hurt, but the classroom is definitely out of use."

"How much did it cost to build the classroom?"

"That was more than a decade ago, and it cost close to $100,000."

My eyes lit up and I said, "President Zhang, if a rich man wanted to borrow this land, would that be possible?"

President Zhang was not interested at all. The old man held up his antique glasses and said listlessly, "Rich people? What do you use the land for? The land was so idle a few years ago, and now nobody wants it."

I hastened to say: "I want I want!"

Principal Zhang said strangely: "You?"

"Er... It's a friend of mine who wants to use the land... '

'What for? President Zhang gave me a look.

I was tongue-tied and didn't know what to say. Facing the old man's insistent eyes, I said: "He wants to run a home school!"

'School! Lao Zhang was like Garfield when he heard pork roll.

"Well, he wants to set up a military school, a place for older children."

President Zhang's eyes dimmed again and said feebly: "Then you tell the village head."

I hold back the old Zhang said: "They did not spend 100 thousand yuan to build a school, I can give them 100 thousand yuan, Yao Village 200 thousand, do you think this possibility will be a little more?"

Zhang bowed his head and thought for a long time. Finally, he said, "100,000 yuan is enough for them to build a simple school building and hire a teacher for each village, but I can no longer be with those children."

I feel special is not something, as if the local rich evil gentry to occupy the family has set a pro girl, the problem is now really the master of the home has no surplus food ah, when there are 15 villages to build a school, this is 1.5 million ah, plus more than 10 million to Yao village, plus buy clothes to buy tents to buy food utensils, I this 5 million 10 percent has gone to three or four, But then again, if we don't have a piece of land like this, it's going to cost a lot more.

At last, Principal Zhang made up his mind: "If your friend really wants to have this idea, I can help him contact the head of each village, after all, it is for the children."

"If it's convenient," I said, "would you please take me to see the village chiefs tomorrow -- I'm going to see them on behalf of my friend."

President Zhang shook my hand and said weakly, "Anyway, thank your friend for me. Children have books to read. That's all that matters."

I slapped myself in the face and said, "He had no fucking choice but to build a big building for the kids."

Principal Zhang asked me, "By the way, what is the name of your friend's school?"

I was stunned again, so I said, "What do you think it should be called?"

I thought he could say something elegant, but he said, "Let's call it Yucai Wenwu School."


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