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You Will Be Missed, Shelby

The tragic story of Shelby and her boyfriend Travis.

By Kyle SmithPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 9 min read
You Will Be Missed, Shelby
Photo by Hanne Hoogendam on Unsplash

Driving on his way to Tombley Farm from LA for a day, where there were an abundance of pear trees on the 50 Ancers of land, Travis vibes out to Rihann’s 2007’s single, Umbrella, because it brings him that sentimental feeling of him and Shelby when he was just 17. Those days were drastically different than they are now. He could recall Shebly placing her arm outside of his 4x4 passenger window singing along to the tune as they headed back to their spacious family farm.

The joy that came out of Shelby’s voice as she’d sing along to the top 40 hits of that time. She smiled back at Travis and said.

”I’m so happy that I’m finally 18!” She said excitedly.

”yeah?” He said as he turned to look at her.

”Yes babe, Jim is coming over tonight for my birthday, sooo happy“ She exclaimed.

Then Travis said “Oh yeah Jim texted me earlier today and he has to work but he’ll still come by“ as they were headed back to the rance to sit by the pear trees. A pear tree where their itnials S & T,were carved.

As Travis looked back at his fondest memories with Shebly, a tear went down his cheek because there’s no way he could get her back. There’s no amount of money that could bring her back. She’s gone.Its something he doesn‘t have much control over It. He had to live with the fact that no matter how many Tinder profiles he swipe or messages that he receives, They’re not Shebly and his dating pool of girls just wanted to use him, rather than to love him full heartedly.

Couple hours later, he finally made it back to California.He looked at his smartphone at the RED light of a major freeway on The 405 as he scrolled through the numerous women who matched with him, but would never respond to his text or ghosted him if he said anything to them. He was frustrated and tired of the dating pool available in his new home town in Los Angele. It’s nothing like his small Idolho farming community. Everyone was fake here. It wasn’t his scene here, but this is where he gets paid. Where work is at. Of course he’s dated a few people here, but their self entitled personality and flakiness was nothing in comparison to what he had so many years ago with Shelby.

When Travis Parked in front of a movie studio before starting work, he started to recall how life was back home when Shelby was still alive

A flashback happened :They got out of the truck and headed to the fill full of pear trees. Travis sat down under one huge pear tree. It was their special hangout spot. It’s where they had their first kiss, held hands for the first time, cuddle each other as the sun would set to dawn.

The first time they met back in high school in their small town. Everyone knew each other but these too instantly clicked and became a couple soon after. Travis and Shelby were the ”it” couple that all of their peers in school aspired to be. Both came from famering families as it was after all, a farmer’s town. But those were apart of the two most prominent farming families in the area.

That bright and innocent smile that Shelby would grin made Travis believe that love was possible and indeed does exist.Because of Shelby, Travis was the best version of himself and was also her reason to be the best Shelby was able to be. They complimented each other. Everyone in school thought that eventually they’d get married and become high school sweethearts.

Shelby’s friends loved her dearly too. Christy was her bestie and confided a lot of secrets to her as well as girl talk when she needed someone to lend an ear about something personal. Even during the time that Shelby and Travis were together, Christy was there for Shelby.

As Shelby laid her head on Travis’s lap, she starred at him and smiled looking optimistic about her future with him. They would talk, and make out for hours under that Pear tree. Travis and Shelby would listen to their favorite country tune on an iPod nano as they laid on the grass under the shade. The bliss and energy between them was profound and real. One complimented the other and none of them doubted a departer from each other. It was certain at that moment, that these two would forever grow old together and form a life partnership. The way they looked into each other’s eyes brought a heart felt connection that only a few people could experience when in love. The electric connection was almost magical.

It was a simplier time for Travis. Just finished with high school and was going to another State for college. But with a commitment to Shelby that he would visit her once a month as thein relationship was turning to a long distance situation. Because he was that dedicated to her. Kinda like a ride or die person. Of course this was also unbeknownst to Travis, his last time he’d ever see Shelby.

As Travis thought back on his time with Shelby, he looked at his Apple Watch and realized that he had another 5 minutes before going to his table read Inside of the studio office. He becomes saddened to that tragic day in late 2007 when Shebly received that call from Travis. It was his freshmen year in college and the last day before summer break. Shelby was anticipating a visit by Travis. Although this time, he wasn’t coming back to town. He remembers going out with a bunch of other college buddies to a party, got extremely drunk and started to flirt with other girls in attendance. He and this one girl hooked up that night and started sleeping with other thereafter. It became an affair that turned into an obsession.

For the first time in a while, Travis had options besides what was limited to him back home so he started sleeping with different chicks on campus. The more he had sex with other girls, the more he started to ignore Shelby. One night as Travis was drunk and having hot sex with a college girl he met at the bar, as he unbuckled his pants, he accidently foot dialed Shelby as he threw his jeans on the floor with phone in pocket and Shelby heard the entire thing. Shebly heard him make love to someone else and was so upset. When Travis was done, he then put on his jeans back on and took his phone out of his pocket, but notice that Shelby was on the line for 20 minutes. Shocked by his mistake, he called back Shelby, but her end of the line kept sending him to voicemail.

The next day, Travis received a call from Shebly’s brother that they found Shelby dead near the pear tree, the same one they declared their love at over two years ago. Travis’s heart dropped and he started to shiver startly as he looked at the amount of time he was on the phone on his new iPhone. He couldn’t believe what he heard. Immediately after that incident, he attendant Shelby’s funeral wake, she heard friends and relatives question why she suddenly killed herself. The amount of guilt he felt that day standing over her casket was heavy. No one knew why She ended her own life and when asked by her family, Travis would just stare blankly at their face and sadly say “ I wish i could of done more“ but deep down inside, knew he was the reason she ended her own life.

As the flashback ended, Travis got out of his Acura and went into the studio. The staff inside saw that something was off about Travis and his demeanor. They wouldn’t wrong either. He seemed out of it and his eyes were red. He knew that all of those years later, that the guilt still causes him to have nightmares about his irresponsible choices lead to his girl friend to commit suicide. here he was, living Scott free and there was Shelby, dead because the only guy she adored and loved, broke her heart so many years ago. The family of Shelby always thought how eerily and weird it was for Travis to suddenly detach himself from them after Shelby died and always suspected that Travis perhaps did or said something that caused her to feel so heart broken that she took her own life.

As Travis waved good morning to the writers and producer at the Table read meeting, people around him looked concerned and asked him if he was okay. “Sigh…well guys, it’s just been a hell of a morning for me but I’m a pull myself together to get this done” he promised the writing staff.

As the table read meeting commenced, Travis started to breakdown in tears and cry refusely. Then he ran out of the office and back into his car with two hands on the steering wheel. One day he knew this guilt would catch up to him. Because he started to miss Shelby, but also knew that his mistake cause her to take her own life. He can’t apologize to her, he can’t say “give me another chance” or “ I made a big mistake” She’s already gone. Buried in a small cometary states away form Los Angeles.

He then starts driving on the highway away from the studio. He was driving 90 miles per hour to his lush townhouse in Malibu. He never felt this guilty before. When he got back home, loaded his magazine up with full clip in his Luger and pointed it towards his head. He gulped as tears were running town his cheek and with his eyes closed tight. “Idiot” he said as he pulled their trigger.

Present day

In 2021, Travis and Shelby are no longer here, but their memories remain in the hearts of their family and the people whom they touched. The small Farming community will always remember their bright souls and achievements in life. But most importantly,the memery of Shelby. The farming community gathered to say their final goodbyes to Travis as they burry his ashes beneath the Pear Tree where Both Shelby’s and Travis itnials were carved on the edges of the bark. Both Families gathered around the pear tree to pay their final respect to Travis.

”He was too young to do this, i mean, the guy was doing well in Hollywood” One family member said to another as they started to get yearly eyed.

A few days later as Travis’s father woke up to start the day, he turned on the tv and watched a segment on the local news about A farmers’s son,(Travis ) and Shelby who died 14 years.

”Now for our special community section: A teen girl who committed suicide 14 years ago is celebrated by her community today, but as WBRT Reports, Her estrange boyfriend committed suicide recently in his Malibu home, Travis Tombley was a writer of the popular tv show”….

Travis’s dad turns off the tv feeling sad and angry But went outside to feed his pigs and other farm animals on another sunny day on the farm as he passes a picture of his son and Shelby holding each other during prom.

The End

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Short Story

About the Creator

Kyle Smith

I’m an entrepreneur,up and coming manga artist, and an Apple tech guy.

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