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You Can Have It!

When you throw in the towel, with the system that is staring you back in the face and you say I`m done, telling the unknown lurking enemy nearby (put into your minds thoughts) based on all that`s being compromised around you in regards to your sanity and what is normal and you tell them, they can have it all! Whatever it is that`s so important, it`s an honor to have such an interest, so go right ahead and take what there is to desire! What could be so important that it`s worth going password protection crazy? :-)

By Jennifer CooleyPublished about a year ago 6 min read
You Can Have It!
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

You Can Have It!

`That's it!`

`I`m so sick of this computer, Oh to the hell`s of these computer age days!`

`I`m too old for this shit! I come from Pen and Paper and typewriter days... o`d to the machine that once whirred with such an awesome power and sound and energy that it can take you anywhere in time from the inception of its creation… oh how grand an instrument it is, that it makes you think of the Precision Perfect Military mind running one outstanding base of perfect soldiers, the sound of their unison sends waves of wonderful emotions right through you! I would take those days back in half a second's breath; so glad my childhood happened during those days before the world of all this technology took over!`

'How much time have we lost in this world to the words `Reset Your Password?` `Who has time for this? Keeping track of every little thing you make an account for that requires a Password to activate? So much time lost, no human or computer could actually pronounce the number I`m afraid, it doesn't exist in either standard of vocabulary! YES, it certainly does give a whole NEW meaning to the term of... That Little Black Book! Just think about the effort that must be taken and had in keeping track of them all, and then add to that the insane effort we go to keeping that little black book of Passwords SAFE!? Just in order to keep that information Protected, Private & Confidential?`

`UNTIL... you lose or misplace the book or worse get robbed and then we are left running around like frantic, scared, wild animals, CHANGING THEM ALL in a New Little Book, worried something valuable will be taken from us if someone accesses what`s on the other side of all those Passwords? To which I might add has been put into the minds of the tekk- savvy age user because of those people who Think Everything They Have written down or saved somewhere is important, so much so like, the highest levels of Government or Conspiracy experts would want it! Thanks to them this monotony of Super Safe CyberSpace has also had to get in the way, intervene and (interrupt rather) all the rest of us Less Paranoid People's lives too!

I`m not worried in the least about anything I'm doing on the internet, why should I be? At 47 what should I suppose, to have that someone should be interested in wanting to read or know about that they should take note or notice of me and what I'm doing? Good heavens how precocious of a way of thinking would I ever dare be so bold to have and believe I have the right to be, that my cup runneth over to the full with life wisdom and experience, that I need to Password Protect Every Emotion, Thought, Feeling or breath I ever have? What brilliant thought, word or expression of Air could I possibly have that's so interesting for the world to know that it Must Take a Special Accounting of or have a Particular Plan of action in order for this delicate and valuable news to be revealed to the rest of the entire world?`

`So from my humble self to all of you have not`s seeking in want of what there is, hidden from plain sight, GO AHEAD, IF YOU CAN GET IT, YOU CAN HAVE IT! Take it, if you must, if you really want it so bad! It's Yours! But Please all I am asking of you in return is to just be Left Alone! Give me back my sanity and my silence and my oneness with self and the Creator of MY universe! I want for nothing more than to return to a normalcy I`m afraid today is almost only understood by the New Age generations in the pages of books or videos! I want nothing more than to return to a life of quiet and order, where it doesn't take batteries or cords or hours of charging, or screen protection and special eye-wear to get your work done avoiding major headaches and terrible strain on your eyes!

Oh how I long for the life when I could just write it all down on real paper (without any offense to the trees or their huggers) when doing so was considered The Perfect Normal. And when done just neatly put the lid back on the pen and put the pen back in its container where it shares space with many other pens in their happy little place in the world! Then I just smile as I am looking down at the lined pages of paper and good old fashioned hard work and CLOSE the BOOK the writing is on with a Sigh of satisfaction & an expression of Glee on my face knowing the good days work I`ve now put in is done! Then that closed book would just be returned to its Perfect Proper Place on the Shelf where it belongs and waits until it is time once again for your writer`s mark to reach the pages of the paper in that book and continue on your way, in your good work! Right ho hum, Back when work was work ... `Ahhh Yes, Those were the Days!`

`Instead I'm left with the dread of the little blinking light on the computer screen in front of me waiting to move, because I'm faced with the task of how to find a way to Reset a Password with all the passwords I`ve already used and for all the times I`ve forgotten and renewed them already? Sigh I'm afraid I'm all out of passion, there is no more wind, no more Sail left in my mind, my creative flow, for new words, long or short that I can add to my little black book of passageways in the world of technology! Can't use this, Can't use that, this is too short, that is too long, you`ve used this one in too many close variations... and then it happens when the computer says to you the 1 most dreaded thing of all ... `PLEASE TRY SOMETHING NEW!`

`New! ... New!... IT'S ALL Bloody New I tell Ya... It`s all New, Every Single Time! How about this my computer friend, how about you just QUIT ASKING for Passwords! So I don't have to sit here talking into the air in the room where I sit while I stare at this Chromebook computer screen (acting like it's a real person asking the impossible of me) with a cursor in a box blinking back and forth at me for about at least 45 minutes... All because I Can't Figure out WHAT to write in the box? Caused most certainly because of being asked To do this thing to Many Times before!`

`I think today it's clear, it's the sound of the silence and safety of a good book calling me to it`s pages instead of this! Where I can just sit or lie down and open and close the book and turn it`s pages without any inhibitions of any other sort, in the way! And I wish those of you responsible for this online atrocity of the Password Protected World that has now ruined the real joy, reward and pleasure the use of the internet once almost had... do one day SOON find your way to the inside of the many pages of these very good things made with paper and spines and hard covers for ones reading pleasure (yes books) and join me on the other side in a world without plugs, batteries & expensive transport equipment, where you will learn the vital lesson about Life, Liberty and True Freedom!`

`Maybe 1 day we will reach fair play? A Happy medium? When I can turn on my friend from another Satellite dimension and find that I don't need to write in an answer where the cursor now sits blinking in that box that has remained empty?` As I close the lid for right now on this matter and turn my attention to actions that are as quiet as a whisper free of the world of encryption of all sorts!`

`Sigh, I know, I know, Fat Chance, Impossible You Say, I know, I Know, Sigh! But a Girl Can At Least Hope Can`t She?`

The End!

Written by,

Jennifer Cooley!

Short Story

About the Creator

Jennifer Cooley

I've been writing as long as I could hold a crayon! Remember writing my first story like it was yesterday at 5. I remember the details of the day, location, time, excitement & where the story was preserved for all time! Lots Born From That!

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    Jennifer CooleyWritten by Jennifer Cooley

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