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You are my Life

Short story by Jordan Barrett

By Jordan BarrettPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Photo Cred: Jordan Barrett Photography

It was a magical evening. As I climbed the stairs up to the front porch of my cottage, I smiled and touched my lips. I could still feel his kiss. I sat in one of the antique rocking chairs that decorated the porch, my favorite place to enjoy mornings, read my favorite books, and lately, think about Connor. The porch of my sweet little waterfront cottage lined the face and continued to wrap around the side to the back. It was decorated with mismatched white wood furniture, colorful cushions and string lights that swung lightly in the nighttime breeze.

I closed my eyes, remembering every beautiful detail of tonight. Connor, the barn, the lights, and the music. Everything had been completely perfect.


I woke to the sound of an excruciatingly loud alarm in my ear. Mumbling face down into my pillow, I reached blindly for the little black alarm clock resting on the nightstand, only to succeed in knocking it to the floor. I groaned loudly, trying to reach for it, and rolled off the bed in a tumble of blankets, pillows, and a significant amount of swearing. I grabbed the infernal thing and slid the off switch, reburying my face into a pillow that had made it to the floor with me.

I laid there for a moment, refusing to acknowledge that morning had come so soon. A light DING! sounded from my phone and I pulled it down by the chord. The phone smacked onto my face, and more irritated sounds escaped my lips. It was 6:30 in the morning. Who sent text messages this early?! Further inspection showed a text from Connor and my mood instantly brightened.

Connor: Hey babe, you up yet?

-Am I up? Of course, I am! I’m always up this early...

Rolling my eyes, I untwisted from the mess of blankets and clambered to my feet, slipping slightly on a sheet that managed to stay wrapped around my foot. I sat down on my bed, waiting for the DING! that meant he’d replied.


Connor: Thank you for this morning’s dose of sarcasm. It’s greatly appreciated! ANYWAY….do you have plans tonight?

-Nope. What did you have in mind?

Connor: It’s a surprise! Wear something you really like! Pick you up at 8!

-Oookkaaayyy??? Can I have a hint??

Connor: Nope! Love ya!

-Mhm. sure. see you at 8.

I set my phone on the nightstand and smiled. Connor and his surprises. He’d been doing that since we were little and started first grade together where he would surprise me with shiny rocks or dandelions he’d plucked from the grass at recess. I wonder what he has planned. I looked at the clock on the floor, reading 6:55. Well, I may as well get ready for the day.

I took my time getting ready. I had the day off from my publishing job at McCullers’ Books, and I planned to spend the day enjoying what little free time I actually had. I applied my makeup conservatively, lightly filling in my eyebrows, a dusting of light brown eyeshadow and black mascara to accentuate my green eyes, and a touch of nude lipstick. Staring at myself in the mirror I deemed myself presentable and went to the closet to pick out an outfit for my day, and an outfit for whatever Connor had planned this evening.

I settled on a light pink t-shirt, jean shorts and strappy tan sandals to wear today. Lightweight and breezy which suited the temperature for late July in South Carolina’s Harbor Town. For this evening, I chose jeans with a dusty purple V-neck that had a lace decorated neckline, paired with a black, faux leather moto jacket and boots. I curled my blonde hair, pinning my bangs back out of my eyes and I was set to go. Back in my room I grabbed my phone and tossed it into my purse that sat on the floor next to my bed. I packed my new book, camera and laptop into a backpack and headed out.

Harbor Town is small and quaint, the literal definition of a small town, and it isn’t even a town. As a part of Hilton Head Island, Harbor Town is more like a gated neighborhood, with its own shops, restaurants, courtyard, and small marina. We have a lighthouse and a park, sidewalks to walk along the water and a stage for live music in the courtyard. The weekends are always bustling with families that know each other and the evenings are full of music and dancing. I chose to spend my day in the park reading and processing images from the weekend before. The day carried on, boats coming and going, kids running and eating ice cream, and before I knew it, dusk settled in. Checking my watch, I began to pack up. The clock read 6:30pm, which gave me just enough time to walk the marina back to my little cottage and get changed for tonight.

The evening was beautiful and cool air brushed against my skin. South Carolina in the evenings were heaven, warm enough to enjoy, but cool enough that you didn’t swelter like during the day when the sun shone full force. The sun had just begun to touch the water, shining bright fiery orange across the waves and gave a warm glow against the boats.

Upon arriving home, I paused in front of my little waterfront cottage. A small, almost squatty one and a half level house, meaning a single story that had an added loft with a bathroom and closet that now acted as my bedroom. It was painted the lightest touch of blue with white trim and a sunshine yellow front door that held a wreath of magnolia blooms. It had white shutters framing the large windows, and a cute little mailbox in the shape of a lighthouse. I was so blessed to find this little house, and the best part is that it faces the ocean.

I walked through the front door, kicking off my sandals and tossing my bag gently on the couch before heading upstairs to change. Connor would be here soon. I dressed and touched up my makeup, my stomach fluttering more and more as the time got closer to 8:00. Connor and I had been together for two years now, and had been lifelong friends before that, but seeing him still made my knees weak and my stomach flip.

I checked my phone and saw a new message.

Connor: Be there in 5!

I typed out a quick reply before heading downstairs.

-Can’t wait!

I decided to wait on the front porch in an effort to let the cooling breeze calm my nerves. I had just begun to settle when headlights pulled into the driveway. A black chevy pulled to a stop and Connor jumped out of the truck. My breath hitched in my throat. He wore jeans and a pair of square toed boots with a dark blue button up that made his blue eyes shine, brown hair tucked under a cowboy hat. He looked amazing, as always. He walked to the porch stopping when he saw me. For a moment we stayed like that, just looking.

“Well love, you’re lookin’ mighty fine this evening.” He said with a half-smile in his adorable southern drawl. Connor offered his hand, pulling me to my feet. He looped my arm through his and we walked to the truck. He opened the door for me and helped me in, closing it gently once situated, walked around the front of the truck, climbed in, and backed down the driveway. We headed west, out of Harbor Town. I gave him a look of confusion and curiosity and he smirked.

“So, you gonna tell me where we’re going?” I asked.

Shaking his head, no, he simply replied “You’ll see. Somewhere special.”

The drive wasn’t long, and we rode in companionable silence. He held my hand, even when he needed to shift, which I knew wasn’t always an easy thing to do, but he never let go. Being with Connor was as easy as breathing, like coming up for a breath of fresh air after a dip in the lake.

He pulled onto a dirt road, literally in the middle of nowhere, lined with towering trees that cast tall black shadows across my vision. Confusion rose in me like never before. Had our date just turned into a horror movie? Light bloomed in the distance, and he pulled the truck up in front of an old barn. Lanterns lined the walkway and tall lamps stood at the mouth of the barn, the red painted face glowing, warm and inviting.

Connor stepped from the truck and opened my door, helping me climb out onto the dirt driveway. Smiling, he wrapped my arm through his and led me up the drive to the barn. Once we reached the door, he stood to the side and grasped the handle. Anticipation was going to be the death of me. He gave the sliding door a hefty tug and it rolled to the side revealing the bright glow of what appeared to be hundreds of candles flickering on every surface. String lights glittered against the barn’s roof and white flower petals littered the floor. The sight was overwhelming and the most breathtaking thing I’d ever seen. I stepped further into the barn, taking everything in. The far corner held a table, and I looked back at Connor questioningly. He nodded, smiling, and I practically skipped to the table in excitement. Amongst the tea lights and pillar candles was a bouquet of flowers, white roses, lilies and baby’s breath, my favorites, along with a small envelope. The envelope was heavy and held a remote that said push me. A light violin began to play, soft and beautiful, entrancing. A smile played on my lips as tears welled in my eyes and threatened to spill over. Everything was beautiful.

Smiling I turned to Connor, intending to thank him for such a beautiful date and froze. Before me was a man on one knee, tears in his eyes, smiling like I was the most perfect thing in the room. His outstretched hands cushioned a small velvet box that held the most magnificent ring, a small pear cut emerald set in a halo of diamonds, all held together in yellow gold. It was his great-grandmother’s ring.

“Lilah, you are the most incredible woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I do know you. I know your laugh and I know your cries. I know what brings you peace, and what brings you joy. I know what brings you heartache and sorrow. I love you. I have loved you since we were six years old and I will continue to love you long after I leave this world, and even then, I will love you.”

Connor paused, and drew in a shaking breath. Tears brightened his blue eyes and slipped down his cheeks as he smiled shyly up at me.

“Will you marry me?”

I clutched my hands to my mouth as my own tears spilled over. Sobbing, I nodded, yes. Connor jumped to his feet. He grabbed me around the waist, laughing as he spun me in circles. Putting me down, I held out my left hand and he slid the ring over my finger. It gleamed and sparkled beautifully in the flickering candlelight. We stood there for a moment, framed by the candles and the barn door, like a photo. And he kissed me.

Connor kissed me like he’d never kissed me before. He kissed me and I felt it all the way down to my toes. He kissed me with so much love, joy, and tenderness. His hands clutched the sides of my face and it seemed like eons before we came up for air. He kissed me like his life depended on it, and I kissed him because he was, and would always be my life.

Young Adult

About the Creator

Jordan Barrett

My name is Jordan and I am a budding YA Fiction writer and photographer. I am currently working on my first full length book, while also having completed several unpublished short stories. I have a great love for books, bunnies and tea 🥰

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    Jordan BarrettWritten by Jordan Barrett

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