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Xandria's Demons

The beginning

By Faith StuardPublished 2 years ago 17 min read
Xandria's Demons
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Chapter 1 -Fight or Flight

It was the night of the blood moon. The night my demon side controlled my every move and running was the only thing that made me feel whole and free, letting me forget myself, forget the pain I felt, the burning heart ache that was slowly consuming my very soul.

The cold night air swirled around me chilling me down to the depth of my very being. My warm breaths came quicker mists of smoke came with every breath .My heart was beating along with every step that I took steady and even. Tiny sweat beads forming just above my brow as my flaming curls whipped around my face I felt so alive and filled with a peace I had not felt in a long time. When just then I picked up a scent and a familiar fear instantly consumed me, shattering my serene moment, I could smell and taste him his scent was all encompassing over taking all other smells, his scent was heady rich musk that made me want to wrap myself in it.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up at the thought of him. Without a second thought I pick up the pace reaching my top speed in seconds causing the tall Amber wood forest to blur as I sped past the giant trees that seemed to go on forever into to the night skies. With my excellent eye sight and fine tuned senses I could move with the stealth of a predator stalking it’s pray. Standing at six feet three inches tall, short by my races standards my body was lean and muscular like that of a runner. My green eyes shined like emeralds in the tainted moon lit night. I could run to the ends of earth but there was nothing that would stop T alus this time, death would embrace me this night. Guiding my way through the forest trying desperately to lose talus the only man I every loved and the only man she ever betrayed. Thoughts of the past started clawing their way out of the locked memory chest I had entrusted them to, not now I kept thinking, not now.

Talus’s angelic laughter rang through the night air silky voice was so his angelic to belong to someone so evil and full of hate, suddenly his laughter came to an unexpected halt, pulling back his upper lip Talus snarled bearing his freshly sharpened fangs “What’s the matter Xandria you don’t remember, I told you that I would find you and end your pathetic existence, and so here I am to for fill my promise to you” She could feel the malice in his voice ,the threat of death. Xandria quickly whipped her head around trying desperately to pin point his exact location, her superior eye sight increased the odds of her finding him of what she remembered of him he was very skilled and could easily conceal himself with magic , he could bled with a tree and appear to be only a branch swaying with the breeze , surrounded by trees with the night stars gazing down on them , Xandria reached out with her demon pressure realizing that he’s gotten better at hiding his demon pressure the need to watch herself and be prepared for whatever direction that he would strike from , Xandria’s heart was thudding hard against the wall of her chest ,she needed to focus on staying alive her instincts took control, her throat tightened as she felt Guetsoon her demon inside taking hold the pain was all too familiar for she had done it too many times to in the last one hundred years her true form ripping through her body begging to be freed, the fire burned within, her skin turning from its normal light brown to black with a single red strip down her arms, eyes shifted from emerald green to a mudded yellow like that of a cats, moving down her nails turn black and triple in length and thickness they were sharp as razors in one swipe could cut through flesh and bones. Xandria’s body rippled with demon magic and a strength that no human man or woman could ever possess. Her back blazed with fire as my demon mark etched deep in her back as it did every time she changed forms, a gift from her mother the only thing she ever gave her, well besides her hatred for her. The very thought of her fueled her anger. Crouching low the moist soil squished beneath her bare feet, causing her dark clothing to cling even more tightly to Xandria’s lean but muscular frame as she prepared for her most important fight, the one that would end with her death or his.

Chapter 2 his point of view

Talus could not believe how heavy his heart felt at the sight of Xandria poised to attack him. Talus knew that she was no match for him he was stronger and faster he would win, and his only love would die by his hands. “For what you did to me I will make you pay, with your life.” Xandria knew that she was no match for Talus he was stronger and faster than she he would win, and she would die by his hands. They were thinking the very same thought and it sickened them both. Talus never imagined that he would kill the only woman he ever loved. Crouching down into his most deadly attack stance his heart pleaded for him not to kill her, but his demon side wanted to bathe in her blood for what she did to him. Xandria could feel his magic slicing through the air her body wanted to run and never look back, but she knew he would never stop until he killed her. She would have to try to kill him, “No not try, she would kill Talus” she thought to herself that is the only way for her to survive.” She would succeed. Taking a deep breath Xandria lunged at Talus with all her power, shouting “I WILL WIN.” Xandria’s fangs elongated, her throat begging for the sweet coppery taste of blood.

Taking a deep breath Talus lunged at Xandria, there was no going back now. Their magic crashed, sending shockwaves so powerful it leveled the forest trees and creatures alike within a half mile radius. Xandria felt his powers breaking down her shields taking her right fist she was about to connect with his dark flesh when all the events that lead to this very moment flashed through her mind, as if it happened only hours ago and not decades ago.

Chapter 2 Reliving the Beginning

It Was one hundred years earlier almost to the date, my life was only ordinary in the sense that I had a mother and a father with many exceptions, my mother was a demon and my father a vampire, my mother name was or is Talana Which in my native tongue means great bird of fire and my father’s name is or was Aarushi meaning wondrous flame. Together there was nothing that my parents could not do. Their love was forbidden and one of story books that is until I was conceived, my mother hated me from the moment she realized that my father’s love would be shared, you see my mother was a very selfish demon so once she came to that realization she wanted to kill me while I was still in her womb but my father would not hear of such a thing, for he loved me even as an embryo. My father told my mother that she would carry me in her womb or lose him forever. And so only out of fear she ended her attempts on my life, for the time being. The day I was born was one of joy and sadness my mother screamed in agony not from the pain of giving birth but of the hatred she felt for me. My First memory was of my father’s face and my mother’s screams, my father was smiling down at me as he held me in his arms his cool fingertips caressing me gently on my cheek. At the time my father was quite handsome his hair was a mess of jet-black curls that were as dark as the midnight skies his olive skin shimmered in the light, his eyes were a deep pacific blue, his smile was so white his teeth seemed to sparkle and light up any room. Being born half demon and half vampire I was born larger and smarter than any human child. I took after my mother in looks, my hair was a brighter red just with more curls, my skin was caramel complected, my eyes a bright emerald green with golden honey like flakes dusted over my irises, my looks just added to my mother’s hatred of me. So, I had my father’s love and my mother’s looks along with her intense dislike for me. I grew up quite wealthy as both my parents came for very wealthy families. Our house was old Victoria three stories high and sat on fifty archers of well-manicured grass a short walk from the main house there was a large barn that housed all our livestock, we did not raise farm animals for their milk or strictly for their meat either, we raised them for the sweet nectar that is blood. I was raised on animal blood to lessen the craving for human, my father’s theory was how u can crave something that you never had. That is what he wanted the case to, but I craved human, animal, and even other demons’ blood but I never let my father know, I did not want him to think he failed in raising me to be different from our kind.

As time went by my mother became very distant from my father and I until one day she just stopped talking to us altogether she became like a ghost that floated through our house she would only speak to the small staff we kept on full time and they two were either demon, vampire or elfin any non-human help was not readily considered. My father Aarushi took great care of me and spoiled me with whatever I wanted no matter how absurd or trivial the item. My mother hated me for this I could see it in her eyes they beamed with loathing and distaste and for that very reason I was not allowed to be left alone with my mother for any amount of time. After many years we fell in to a routine me and my father then out of the blue my mother started to come around and for the first time I was so happy to be accepted by my mother I thought things were looking up that my family was whole for the first time in my life, my mother and father started to finally act like they were happy and after a few months my father started trusting my mother to be alone with me more and more. The first time I was left completely alone with my mother she killed me not in the sense that you kill a human so let me explain. I can recall the event as if it were yesterday. It was the day before my ten and seven year birth day the first time my father left me completely alone with my mother where he was not in ear shot of my call, the maids were out in the barn draining cows for dinner, and my father had urgent business to attended to so he left me in the care of my mother trusting that she had changed and that she loved me and would do me no bodily harm, that she wanted to start making up for the years of hatred and neglect. My father figured that I was old enough to with stand, my mother for one hour, two at the most and this would also give my mother time to right her wrongs. My father went on his was after kissing my mother and I on our fore heads and telling us to play nice and he would return shortly “How glad I am to have a loving wife and daughter; I love you both” that was the last thing I heard my father say with my undead ears. Let me explain I was born half dead being born half vampire and demon I possess a beating heart, but I require blood four to five times a week to maintain my life. At the age of twenty and one year old I am to die and become fully undead and inherit my birth rights from both my mother and father’s clan, which means I gain my demon magic. The ritual is called the blood Vig, and my ceremony was coming sooner than anyone thought it would, it was it was an usually warm day, my mother suggested that we take a swim in the small lake located about one hundred yards from the main house. I was so excited and happy that my mother finally excepted me and wanted to spend time with me I cheerfully said yes and skipped merrily like a small child along the sweet smelling grass to the small lake that was just behind the main house, I had spent many a day feeding the family of geese that had taken up residence in our misty lake only now do I recall the menacing excitement and how her smile was sadistic then happy. Never could I have guessed the events that would change my life as I knew it forever. When we arrived at the lake in my haste, I had forgotten to put on my swimsuit I needed to run back into the house to change. My mother insisted that it did not really matter just swim it what I was wearing, “I will get you a new outfit something much nicer tomorrow” She promised so without a second thought I kicked off my favorite black sandals and dove straight into the slightly murky water of our misty lake. The water was cool and refreshing and made me feel so free and alive all my worries and troubles seemed to wash away as my blazing red hair floated a top the water it was so peaceful in the underwater world everything fell silent and all I could hear was my own heart beating I felt so alone and at peace like everything was how it was supposed to have been from the beginning. Then suddenly I felt like something was wrong like something was different, I quickly opened my eyes to find my mother’s face before me her features changed from soft and feminine face was now all hard lines it was masculine, but something was off, her smile was sadistic then suddenly her eyes changed from green to a scorching ruby red and I screamed expelling the last of my available oxygen, bubbles formed as I started to kick and try to make my way to the surface but it was too late she had me. There was no escaping her tightening grip on my legs my lungs begged for air, I pushed, and I pulled, I scratched and clawed at her demonic face, the harder I tried to get away the further she dragged me down deeper into misty lake.

The racing in my mind started to slow down my limbs felt heavy and hard to move, my inner thoughts were screaming “breath!” to her mother “why do u hate me so?” I could see the sun shining down on me, sending strands of sunlight slicing through the water bring brightness to my worst nightmare, looking down at my mother turned attacker the water was bubbling around her entire body like it was boiling she was smiling her teeth were sharp and jagged perfect for ripping flesh from bones. She wanted to erase me from my father’s life and take back the love that she believes I stole from her. I could feel the end was nearing that I was dying closing my eyes I excepted the end. I thought it was over, when a hand reached down plucking me from my mother’s death grip, I couldn’t feel myself, I could hear a voice calling me pleading for me to wake up there was such sorrow in that voice the pain my death was causing I could feel hands pushing down on my chest, trying to push the water out of my lungs trying to bring me back to life but it was far too late I was transforming I was changing and every inch of me was evolving my skinned burned I could feel the heat from the warm summer day touching every part of me I could smell the sweet smell of the cool grass beneath , I could feel the heat rising from within me first in my toes and It start slowly making its way up through my feet and my legs around up the curve of my spine through my stomach then to my chest it was burning I could feel my heartbeat slowing downing I can feel my chest tightening, there was pain there but mainly it was light surrounding me embracing me it was kind , strong and powerful it surged through me I could feel my muscles flexing and growing after a what seemed like an eternity my eyes suddenly popped open to find my father before me with tears of blood running down his face, I could see the look of shock on his face the hope, surprise and hint of defeat. “What’s wrong father?” I barely recognized my own voice. Shaking his head my father told me there was much to be told cradling me in his arms like he did when I was just a small child he told me to pinch my nose, I "asked why, that’s when I noticed the sweet aroma that floated along the breeze it was so unlike anything that I had ever smelled, I wanted to jump to my feet and find whatever it was that smelled so sweet and consume it, draw it in to me and bask in it. The urge the hardest thing to resist, several times my body started to rise on its own but my father held me down , gently lifting me up, he quickly carried me into the mansion once inside his voice was calm and soothing “ stay here and not matter what you hear of see don’t come out, I want you to gather some things and get out of here as fast as you can , run and never look back , I’ll come and find you as soon as I can, I love you ” with that he stood up turned around and walked out to face my mother ,in her demon form , she was formidable in her demon form viciously and deadly. My father was no push over was powerful in his own right after seven hundred years and so it began the fight for our lives, the fight between my mother and my father, the fight to end all fights between my parents over me.

Chapter 3 Parental fighting third person review

Xandria was fearful for her father, she knew that he had a good chance of winning she just didn’t want him to get hurt , just then her parents squared off, Aarushi walked towards Talana with pure distaste and determination in his stride he was going to kill her if it was the last thing that he did , she had gone too far this time she had nearly killed his only daughter and all she could do was laugh and smirk, her fiery red hair blazed behind her in long waves of liquid fire, her emerald green eyes were glowing in the night as the outdoor lighting reflected of the water her clothing dripped with beads of water from the lake, her nails were elongated into raptor like claws her teeth sharp like small white daggers that glistened in the night she for posed ready to fight , Aarushi’s olive toned skin rippled with vampire magic his lean body becoming slightly bulker his dark nails tripled in length, and strength, his tall frame was built for speed , the whites of his eyes were obsidian black but that did not take away from his night time vision it actually increased it, he hissed at her and she at him , Aarushi closed the distance between them and connected a left hook right in Talana’s face her head snapped back and she stumbled falling to the ground she wasn’t expecting him to be that strong but now that she known she would stop playing around and show him what a demon could really do, with a blood curdling battle cry she sprang to her feet and launched herself at her husband, the man that she supposedly loved and wanted to spend all of eternity with , she closed her clawed fist and swung it hard and fast to hit him in the face but he dodged out of the way and she missed by mere centimeters. Without hesitation she swung her left arm up and into Aarushi’s face this time hitting her mark causing Aarushi to fall back on to the wet mossy ground he was not in shock of Talana strength he knew she was strong that was something that he had loved about her, he knew that she could protect herself if the need ever came. Aarushi turned his head and spit out a stream of black blood onto the ground. “How’d you like that?” Talana teased, “You will pay for all that you have done, you nearly took my daughter from me, how could you do such a thing to your own child?!!!” Aarushi screamed at Talana “That is no daughter of mine !!!” I could hear the commotion that was going on outside as I quickly gathered some of my things as my father had instructed, I changed my clothes, put on my combat boots and made my was back downstairs towards the front of the house just as I was about to run out of the front door I heard a loud crash as part of the house came caving in and my father lie in a pile of rubble with his left missing and the socket gushed black blood . I screamed out in alarm and ran to his side, but he pushed me aside and told me to run now, I could see Talana stalking towards us and there was no telling what she would do. So Xandria did as her father pleaded kissed him on the forehead with tears in her eyes, “I love you father” I said, “Go now! I’ll come and find you go to where the willow trees weep!!” Aarushi yelled as he got to his feet to meet Talana’s advancement, I turned and ran, I could hear scuffling as my parents fight raged on, Talana’s hatred for me was palpable I could feel her stare as I ran from the mansion in to darkness of the night hoping with all my might that my father would survive this night, the night, now a vampure a mixed race of demon my bod was full of adrenaline, sights and sounds were fresh and new like I was reborn , there was a burning sensation from deep within a voice reached out "I am Guetsoon your demon , we need to feed" , all the wild life around me could sense it a predator was out for blood...


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    Faith StuardWritten by Faith Stuard

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