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World in Tatters Ch. 8

By Kevin Barkman

By Kevin BarkmanPublished 8 months ago 10 min read
World in Tatters Ch. 8
Photo by Sérgio Alves Santos on Unsplash

We stayed in the room for the rest of the night, discussing our plans for the next couple of days. Alice knows some places where we should start. Certain people who might have information on the bounty hunters who came after us.

We called it an early night so we could get started first thing. The room only had one bed, so we decided it would be best to just share it. Nothing we hadn’t done as kids. I awoke early as the first light pierced through the poorly covered window. My mind is fuzzy as I wake from my restless sleep. Through the fog, I feel Alice pressed against my side, her arms wrapped around mine.

It’s kind-of nice actually.

Well, it would be, if I didn’t know how she’d react if she knew she was doing this.

I slowly extricate myself from Alice’s sleepy grip, careful not to wake her. I’ll let her sleep for a while longer while I go get us something to eat. As part of our agreement with Alexandre, we’ll be provided breakfast and supper each day we’re in the city. I exit our room and proceed to the dining hall on the first floor. There’s only a few others down here now. The innkeeper’s assistant dishes out some sort of gruel and sausages into bowls for the few patrons.

“Two, please.” I take the two bowls and sit down, being sure to avoid eye contact with the other guests.

Though I avoid them, I watch them. Observe their movements, staying alert to any possible threats.

Most of the other patrons are merchant types: farmers and the like here to sell their wares in the market. Only two stand out to me. The raven-haired woman wearing a glaringly white, ankle-length dress sitting in the corner, and her companion leaning against the wall nearby. He’s a tall man: roughly my height, lean and muscular, handsome, but dangerous. The woman by his side, though strikingly beautiful, appears no less dangerous.

Her deep green eyes never stop scanning the room. She exudes a regal aura, almost visible around her. The pressure from her gaze sure to intimidate even the most seasoned warriors. I bet she and Alice would get along great.

Her companion, on the other hand… his gray eyes seem to pierce right to the heart. Deeper even than the ornate European longsword hanging at his right hip. There is something about him. I can’t quite place my finger on it. A kindness, maybe? Behind the piercing gray gaze, there’s a softness. Here is a man that could easily best almost anyone in a feat of physical prowess but chooses to show empathy to those around him. Or maybe I’m just projecting.

I eat my breakfast in relative peace and silence, the strange couple keeping my attention the whole time. Those two would make for very dangerous adversaries, I decide. Luckily, we appear to be merely ships passing in the night.

Once I finish my food, I take Alice’s bowl and make my way back up to our shared room. Those two from the dining hall merely a fading memory of a curiosity.

When I walk into the room, Alice is just beginning to stir. “Hey, I brought you some food. It’s not much, but it’s doesn’t taste too bad.” I lie.

“Hmm? Oh, good morning.”

“G’morning. You should eat. We have a long day ahead of us.”

“Alright. Maybe it’ll help me get rid of this headache.”


Alice eats in silence while I deal with our packs. We shouldn’t need most of these supplies while we are out, so I pull the things we won’t need and tuck them away in the room. I put both our water flasks into the pack, leaving room to pack some food later. I throw in some of Alice’s spare knives just for good measure.

While digging in my pack, I come across something I hadn’t looked at in a long time. The memory is too painful. I pause for a moment before reaching in and grabbing the small leather-bound tome. The cover is smooth, worn from many years of use and abuse. I trace my finger along the design etched into the cover. I don’t even have to open it to know what’s written inside.

It was my mother’s journal. After she…well, after what happened, it was one of the only things of hers I was able to keep.

Knowing full well the kinds of things we may be up against here, I wrap the journal in a shirt and tuck it away with the other spare supplies.

Once Alice finishes eating, she throws her bowl onto the table. “At least it was palatable this time.”

“If you say so, Alice. Mine was barely edible.”

“Better than it normally is.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“You won’t have to, since we’re going be here a few days.”


Once Alice is dressed, we set out into the city. Alice leads the way toward some of the less-than-savory parts of town. She thinks that some of her contacts down there may have some information for us. I’m hopeful that she’s right.

This bounty on my family has me worried. I don’t like leaving Rachel and Jason alone and exposed. Especially not with Chris around. He seems like a good enough kid, but I barely know him. For all I know, he could sell us out for his own freedom. I don’t think I could blame him either. Seems like the kid’s been through a lot.

As we walk through the city, I can smell the heat in the air. The odor of sweat mixed with sweeter aromas wafting from the markets. Dust from the constant influx of carriages lingers in the air. I feel the heat of the summer sun beating on my neck, the humidity making my clothes cling to my skin.

I feel claustrophobic walking through this crowd. Maybe it’s just my anxiety about this whole situation, but this place, it just feels like everyone’s watching me. Even with Alice by my side, I just feel trapped. Anyone here could be the next bounty hunter out to hurt my family. Or the next threat could already be lurking near the others. The fact remains that I just don’t know, and that terrifies me.

Alice doesn’t look any less on-edge than I am. She knows this place, which definitely gives her an advantage, but she’s tense. I can see it in her shoulders and in the way her eyes dart, rapidly scanning all the faces in the crowd.

It wasn’t always like this. Alice used to be one of the most lighthearted people I’ve ever known. Intense, insane, but never on edge. Honestly, I long for those times. Life has become much more complicated since we left Atlanta. Darker. It’s tough to see her like this. From everything she’s told me about my time away, she’s been through hell, just like Rachel and me.

We go by several places in the city, systematically checking off several of Alice’s contacts. So far, the only promising lead is from a squirrely little guy working at a shop in town. I didn’t catch his name, but he was willing to help us for little more than a bite to eat. Alice gives him a small loaf of bread we had picked up at a bakery this morning. He whispers something in her ear, and her only response is, “Seriously? Oh, crap.” Obviously, she knows where we’re headed next, and isn’t terribly happy about it.

After some time, we come to a dive just inside the wall. This place is dingy, to say the least. The surrounding streets are not much better. Even this early in the afternoon, there are about a dozen people at the bar, none of them very nice-looking. Every last one of them is a dirty, sweaty drunk boasting about deeds long past. I see why Squirrel Guy sent us here, though. Judging by what I can overhear, at least a few of these guys are former bounty hunters.

Alice gestures for me to follow her, and we head to the back of the establishment. Along the way, she catches the eye of the barkeeper who follows us to the back room. This guy seems to be the only thing about this place that’s somewhat clean. He’s neatly shaven, with a well-kept, if tacky mustache and short blonde hair.

“Hello, Philip.” Alice seems a bit perturbed by this meeting. Maybe it’s another one of her old boyfriends.

“What are you doing here, Alice? You wouldn’t be here unless you needed something, so what is it?”

“You’re right about that. I’m here because I need information about a bounty. We both know that you have connections in that world, so here I am.”

“What’s in it for me if I help you? It’s not like you have any money for payment.”

“Philip, come on. How long have we known each other? I’m not asking for much. I just need the name of the person or organization who’s offering the reward. That’s it.”

“Who’s the target?”

“Tucker. Steven and Rachel Tucker. The bounty card we found said dead or alive. Preferred alive. Didn’t mention what the reward was supposed to be.”

“Well, if you have the bounty card, what do you need me for? The card should say who issued it and how to contact them when the job is complete. What are you doing bounty hunting anyway? That’s never been your thing. Even though you’d make a killing, with your skills.”

“The card got a bit of blood on it. Made the info we need unreadable. And I’m not hunting. Steven and Rachel are old friends.”

“Is this him?”

“No. This is an associate of mine. He’s just here to carry stuff for me while I figure this out. I’m just trying to figure out who’s trying to get to my friend and why. Maybe stop them if I can. We had a lead that said it was someone in the new Atlanta government who issued it, but I need to know who exactly. Can you find out?”

“Alice, you’re asking for a lot. If you’re lead’s right, I don’t want to get mixed up in it. They’re not people you want to screw around with.”

“I get that, Philip, but I need that information. Can you get it or not?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. But it’s going to cost you. Big time.”

“Okay…What do you want?”

“I have a job that needs doing. I could use someone with your set of skills. If you can take care of it for me, I will see what I can do about getting that information. Deal?”

“What kind of job?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes, it matters.” I blurt out, unable to hold my tongue anymore.

“He speaks! Look, it’s nothing too illegal. And it’s for a good cause. But I can’t give you the details right now. Come back here tomorrow. First thing, before this place opens. Keeps us away from prying ears.”

“How do we know you can even get us the information? Alice, who even is this guy? What makes you think we could trust him?”

“You shouldn’t trust me. You shouldn’t trust anyone in this city. Or anywhere else for that matter. Steven.”

“Philip, I told you, this isn’t St…”

Keeping my voice low enough that no one in the bar can hear. “Alice, it’s fine. Clearly he’s not going to believe that I’m just your flunky. Fine, Philip. Hi, I’m Steven Tucker. My sister and I are on the run from bounty hunters. Congratulations. You discovered my secret identity. Bully for you. If this job is the price for information on the people after me and mine, I need to know what it is.”

“Then come back here tomorrow morning before we open. I told you, I’ll give you all the details then.”

Suddenly, Alice pulls me aside. “Look, Steven, Philip may be a lot of things, but he’s also a good guy. If he says he’ll get the intel, he will. As for the job, Philip is involved in some shady business, but only because he can use his contacts to help people in the city. You’ve seen this place. You know about Chris. Slavers run rampant here. The government, if you can call it that, is part of the trade. They don’t care about people they put in that life. Philip, on the other hand, does. I don’t always approve of his methods, but he really does try to make people’s lives better.”

“But do you trust him?”

“For the most part, yes.”

“And for the rest?”

“He and I have a history.”

“That seems to be the trend with you and this town.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve been living here for a few years. A lot has happened in that time.”

“But Philip? He’s gotta be twice your age.”

“It was never like that, not that it’s any of your business. We helped each other out a few times. We’ve also been on opposing sides a few times. Hence the warm welcome.”

“I see.” Reluctantly, “If you trust him, I’ll trust you. And…” Sheepish. “I didn’t mean to insinuate—”

“Yes, you did.” She admonishes.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. Really. It’s not my business. I just…I have a lot to catch up on.”

Alice turns back to our gracious host, rolling her eyes at my apology. “We’ll be here in the morning. Like you asked. One job. Then you get us that name and any information you can get about them. And that’s only if the job isn’t too much. Deal?”

“Deal. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

AdventureYoung Adult

About the Creator

Kevin Barkman

Somehow, my most popular story is smut. I don't usually write smut. I did it once, and look what happened. Ugh.

Anyway, Hope you enjoy my work. I do pour my heart, soul, sweat and tears into it.

PS: Please read more than my smut story.I beg

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    Kevin BarkmanWritten by Kevin Barkman

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