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Woods of Spellbound Ruins

Will She be disturbed?

By ImraldPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Woods of Spellbound Ruins
Photo by Raph Howald on Unsplash

"You have to travel across a path of arcane light if you want to save your realm, young prince, to reach Ivy's solemn empire, the Queen of everything and the everything she permeates.

You've heard many stories about her. You might think that she doesn't exist, but you will have to change your mind since she is the reason you are born and you want to meet to ask to change the destiny of your own county. I understand that you are worried and somewhat scared because you have never seen her. You have to believe in her if you want to do something for your own kind, so be trustful of my words and more than everything trust Ivy the Majestic.

Very few are the signs that are intelligible of her act, as mysterious as her illegible crests in the rivers and fire, in the forests as in the sky.

In the first part of that sacred River, you can witness her passage from the soft footprints left in the stones that are resting on the riverbed and are big enough to surface on the water.

The second part of the River received her blessing in that big old tree whose roots caress the riverbank and at the point where they meet the water, you can see her handprint that possesses the same grace as her figure.

You only know that every single thing existing in the world is her doing, even the Hollow Cathedral where her living spoils inhabit while she flows around as the air we breathe.

You saw how impressive that place is. It makes feel smaller than the ants that you put your feet on while mindlessly walking in despair for your future.

It makes you feel crushed by the weight of thousand metals, those from the mythical weapon that she used to destroy her enemies, our enemies, have been forged. The more you approach the Cathedral the more you feel like you are dying because you don't feel worthy enough to surpass its tyrannical gateway. But the thing that overawes the most is the constant falling of the water and its drop that resound cynical and cryptic to your ears because you can hear it but you cannot see it and there, there in the far corner of the human mind lies the Waterfall of Eternity which gathers her power, and its the source of life that consented the Queen to make us live in peace for the furthest that you can remember, even after the King and Queen's chapel has been destroyed by a fierce opponent.

He was furious because he was jealous of his sister's wisdom, strength and willingness to improve the living conditions of her folk.

Yes, his brother challenged her in a duel thinking he could defeat her easily to steel her everything he had always desired, power, but his foolishness made him find death in the dried up fountain that once was the pride of the living and the dead of her empire.

His cursed and cruel blood was the cause of the Blessed Waterfall to retire its water from that marvellous opera of finesse, symmetry and harmony of the shapes and the shades, opera that now lays dead and silent, even if cleaned from the disgrace of the failed usurper.

His bones were the first pieces of the foundation of the miraculous Shrine in the Lake where her people pay their respects to her. The temple reprised the same architecture from the old fountain and multiplied by hundreds and there you will go to make your requests to our Queen.

Her reign was right, resourceful, and clever. No one could be more pleased and accomplished under her ruling, and whoever tried to convince the other of the contrary would be sacrificed on the Altar of the Dyings and his energy imprisoned in the Sun of her sky, forever condemned to contribute to the realm he refused to serve.

So try to not make her unhappy with your queries, young prince, or you will pay."

Inspired by Torchlight, a Dungeon Synth project from Salerno, in our beautiful Italy, and the album Woods of Spellbound Ruins, always found on the In The Woods Channel, as the majority of the stories of this challenge of mine.


About the Creator


I'm a 29yo dreamer with a difficult relationship with emotions/affection.

I want to change sex but my family doesn't support me, so I struggle a lot in life.

I love writing, reading, Minecraft, animes and Nature.

Hope you'll enjoy reading me.

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