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Wolves Edge Part 2

After a rough rest, Muroq makes the next step in his journey and it comes with an even rougher greeting

By Toby HewardPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

The night compared to the last was certainly a brutal one. After the punishment of fleeing the packs home from those invaders with them nipping at my heels, any sort of comfort would have been a sweet relief. But the hard reality of having to sleep out in the cold under the snow, being battered and bruised all over from hitting everything in way while trying to escape did not uplift the mood. The cold blanket of winter had shielded my scent from the previous days attackers, but it had left me more weary that rested; especially my tail since it was tipped in a metal blade. Once I had made sure that I could still move onward, the next course of action that became apparent was to find a different route to our packs predetermined new home. Since the moon wasn't out and the sun being shielded by the clouds of this snowy season didn't give me much of a lead, I struck out again with the wind as my guide.

I had not made very much progress in my journey, no more than three or fours hills worth when I came across a familiar scent. It wasn't of an enemy, but it also did not have a very friendly feeling either. Slowly making way through the snow covered brush and trees, I came to where that scent was coming from. The familiar odor was of one of the pack, named Ooleir. A hardy old brute with shoulders like solid oak and an eye that seemed to pierce ones very soul. He had his back to me, facing downwind and was hunched over slightly. Making my way closer I got up the courage to speak out, but a strange feeling stopped me. Upon moving closer to him I noticed a very odd glow. Almost like a pulse, black and red mist began to rise from the fur on his back in waves. Then what came next horrified me to the point my lungs nearly burst and my eyes became as big as boulders.

Ooleir turned around clockwise slowly to face the creature behind him, but it was in a very eerie and distressing way. Upon making it halfway around, my eyes soon came upon what that feeling had made me pause earlier. Oolier was no longer one of us. In his side was a large gash dripping a dark black ooze and his right piercing eye had turned to that of those savage invaders; dark blood red with a golden wispy center. Blood dripped from his fangs and the loss of fear was apparent from him. All to quickly he then sprung at me with jaws wide open and the intent to kill was ever so real. In fear I wished to run, but the words of my father gave me the confidence that was needed to take on Ooleir and make a stand to move forward.


Within his last stride and making a quick spin, the Saber upon me met the space between upper and lower jaw. A death defying howl came just before impact but after meeting the edge, all soon became silent. Ooleir slumped to the ground, my Saber drenched in the blood of a former pack mate. Everything became still and even with the lack of noise, all sounds seemed to roar with much vigor. Quickly I snapped myself out of it and came to a realization of what had taken fold here. Distraught mixed with relief hit my heart all to quickly. My next desire was to howl for the loss of a former colleague, but my instincts told me it would be the end of my journey if I let this location be known. With a slight bow of my head, I gave respect to Ooleir and loped away after the wind. This encounter brought me to a realization that hardships can come in many forms and this would be one of many I would have to face in order to make it on home.

Short Story

About the Creator

Toby Heward

Creativity is boundless. We are gardeners that bring forth these fruits of wonder. Nature is my passion and I love to help readers see the stories with their own eyes through my works. Whether its poems, fact, or fiction I bring it to life.

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  • Test4 months ago

    I couldn't stop reading. Your writing was really well done!

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