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Winter’s Love

It’s all Winter can do to keep herself hidden from the girl she once knew, in another life. Will she be accepted by her old friend or will she forever be condemned to a life watching from beneath the tree line?

By Ari StrellaPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Top Story - September 2021

I crouched behind the clump of bushes, watching her. Her long dark hair was dotted with crystals as they tumbled from the sky. Her clear blue eyes lifted to gaze at the heavens as she soared into the air. She slid away from me, then giggled as she was propelled forward again. The chains of the swing set looked like rivers, twisted beneath her gloved fingertips. Her pink hat was daintily perched upon her crown, a sharp contrast to the deep, rich chocolate of her hair, trailing out behind her with the wind as she swung forward. Her laugh broke the winter silence as it rang out, chimes in the wind. I closed my eyes and savored the richness of it. Recollection of the sound sparked longing deep within my chest, a pain that outweighed the cold upon my bare feet or the bitter wind upon my back. I longed to go to her, to embrace her once more. She would not recognize me now, I thought angrily. I returned my gaze to the summer angel immersed in winter as she innocently played, oblivious to my surveillance. She swung high in the air now, soaring above the ground; her eyes glittered mischievously as she shifted her grip on the chains. All at once, she let go and flew, a wingless bird soaring over the white powder. She crash landed into a drift of snow that exploded upon impact, into cold, downy crystals. She grinned and a giggle burst out of her. Her bliss was overwhelming, washing off of her in waves of joy. So contagious it was that I involuntarily let out a soft barking laugh.

She sat up quickly, terror apparent on her face. I could have kicked myself for my lack of control. She glanced around wildly, fear staining her face a sickly white. She turned her gaze to my hiding place. I froze; she walked to her left, making a large, slow circle around the junipers. I did nothing, holding my breath in the arctic air. I could feel the moment her sights found me. She let out a small gasp of terror and the stink of her fear filled my lungs, suffocating me. I knew what she was thinking as she stood there, terror struck.

Their bodies were long and silver as they circled us. Claudia's hand in mind, tight with fear. I spun around, looking for a way out, a hope for escape. There was none. They stood, watching, waiting. I thought they would be growling until I remembered what Grandfather had told me. "If a wolf growls at you, it won't kill you. It's a silent wolf that is deadliest."

I dropped my hand to my side and brushed my wrist against the lump in my pocket. Slowly, painfully, I tucked my fingers into the fabric of my jeans and withdrew my pocket knife. "Run." I mumbled to her as I flicked out the blade, fear making my hands shake.

Claudia's big blue eyes were wide as she beheld the knife in my hand and the determination on my face. "You shouldn't watch this. You go left, I'll go right."

I pressed the tip of the blade against my fingers and bit my lip against the pain as hot, wet blood ran over my hand. Their furry ears pressed forward as they refocused their attentions on me and my bleeding hand. "Claudia, RUN!" I burst into a sprint and vaulted over one of the monsters as they spun, chasing me.

A glance over my shoulder told me that she had paused only momentarily, then followed instructions, running in the direction of home. She was going to try and get help, but they would be too late; I knew that I had only minutes to distract them and lead them away from town. I would be lucky if there was enough of me left to recognize as an eleven-year-old girl.

Their heavy panting and hot breath on the backs of my shoes pulled me away from thinking--I simply stopped thinking and ran. I jumped a small stream and scrambled up over the rocks, hoping to hinder them as I ran deeper into the woods. They dropped back as the sheer rock faces caused them some difficulty. I understood and sought other such obstacles. I headed for the fallen tree. Vaulting it, I felt hope arise in my chest, replaced quickly with dread as I biffed the landing and rolled my ankle, dropping to my knees. Their soft footfalls in the snow drew nearer as I struggled to my feet.

I knew he was there before I saw him. The Alpha, big as a small horse and black as midnight, with white eyes. He stood directly in my path, forelegs splayed, crouched. I closed my eyes and braced. It didn't hurt all that much considering. I felt a soft poke in my neck as his canines punctured my artery and a soft bang as my back hit the snow. I opened an eye briefly and saw that the world had been painted in red. Never having liked the color, I closed my eye again and settled in to die.

She hadn't moved an inch. She was perfectly motionless, mimicking my stillness. I longed to say something, to prove to her my identity. Carefully, I tipped my face towards her, allowing her to take in my changed countenance. I turned and lowered my body to the ground, trying to seem as meek as possible. I put my head down low and opened my eyes wide, hoping that she would recognize them. Her face softened slightly and I parted my lips slightly, smiling lightly at her. "You remind me of my best friend, Maggie. She died a year ago, today. She was killed by wolves."

I whimpered slightly and wagged my tail encouragingly. She slowly crouched down, fear sliding off her face. "You don't look like you could kill anything." I laid my ears back against my head and let out a yip of laughter.

Her courage was growing as she pulled off her glove. "C'mere, little guy." She wiggled her soft pink fingers at me, tipped by bright blue nails.

I scrambled slowly toward her, belly to the ground, trying my best not to intimidate her. She was still afraid, but her curiosity outweighed the terror. Her fingers curled and uncurled, itching to touch my soft white fur. I came closer still and I could see the snowflakes laced in her long, dark lashes. I was close enough that she could see the blue specks in my unusual green eyes, a trait I kept from my human life. I knew she could smell the wildness of me, the deep rich scent of the forest. Finally, I stopped just inches away from her and lay down, dropping my muzzle onto the cold ground. She only had to scoot forward a couple inches to be able to touch me.

She was afraid again. The scent of it poured over me like icy water and I whined sadly. Her eyes were not on me though. It was him.

Daemon had appeared on the edge of the woods, a black specter upon the wintery landscape. Checking up on me; I could feel his heated stare upon my crouched form. What are you doing, he thought at me, words laced with fear.

I love her. She knows who I am, I thought furiously back.

She is human, Winter, he said gently to me, forcing me to recall that my humanity had been eternally altered.

But she is mine, I explained impatiently.

He said nothing, just turned and disappeared.

I looked at her freckled face cautiously. She had watched him leave and now shifted nervously. How I wished I could reassure her! He had backed down; she was safe. I scooted toward her slightly and she returned her gaze to me. I wagged my fluffy white tail happily and she reached down slowly, brushing her fingers along the soft fur upon my shoulders. Pleasure rolled through me and I wiggled closer, encouragingly. She laughed and petted harder, running her fingers down my long spine. I savored the sensation, letting a low, happy growl rumble in my chest. She smiled and scratched my ears. I wriggled closer still. We stayed like that for a long time, her fingers tangled in my fur, me submissive at her feet, enjoying a new blossom of our old friendship. "Claudiaa!" Her mom called to hear from the porch.

Claudia's head shot up and she looked down at me sadly. "I have to go now."

I sighed and sat up. She stared deeply into my eyes and I ignored the wolf instinct to look away; my human instincts won out as she studied me carefully. "If I didn't know better, I would say that you are Maggie reincarnated."

I yipped in agreement. She jumped back slightly, eyes wide with wonder. "Mags?"

I yipped again and wagged my tail. She stared dubiously. "Is it really you?"

I bobbed my furred head. She hesitated and I gazed at her in earnest. Finally throwing caution to the wind, she flung her arms around my neck. I closed my eyes and leaned into the embrace, heart filled with warmth. The back door opened. "CLAUDIA!"

She sat back and smiled at me. "Coming, Mom!" She patted my head gently. "I will see you later, Maggie. I love you." She rose to her feet and backed across the yard, eyes on me, disbelieving.

I felt Daemon appear at my side. I told you, I thought at him snidely. I looked up at him, my protector and he met my stare. I dropped my eyes to his chest passively. Time to go home, my Winter, he thought at me and together we disappeared into the forest.

Short Story

About the Creator

Ari Strella

Mother. Writer. Nerd. Model. Foodie.

From Colorado, Ari now resides in Anchorage, Alaska, with her daughter, husband, two dogs, two cats, and Betta fish. Her day job is managing a medical office, and writes speculative fiction.

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