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Wicked Tongues - Part IV.

Covetous Covens & Magical Rituals. Part IV. The Old Laws

By Addison MPublished 8 months ago 7 min read

At the astute comment, the leading woman did smile. But it didn’t fit well, it was so wrong, obscene, all present could tell. A mannequin mask drawn over a shell.

“Forgive the dramatic entrance, I’ll dispense with this rues. It served its purpose and I bet you’re confused.”

Her face cracked and fell away into dust and into the dancing candlelight, a new face was thrust.

Her long hair slithered back into a short cut, retracting as from her chin a beard did erupt.

The shape of her body reconfigured to broad, as an Adam's apple appeared, above a tattooed image of God.

“I apologize for the interruption but not the deception, a necessary ploy given the predicted reception, as you deduced we’re the Inquisition. Here by divine right to complete our mission.” The man stated loudly with arrogant swagger. Wagging a finger around as a rogue would a dagger.

Esmeralda, prime witch of the Clover Coven stepped forward, wand raised in menace.

“Such hubris you have, dog of the Inquisition. Forget where you are? A long way from home, I think my sisters would agree you’d be better off as a toad!”

“Settle down witch, We’ve broken none of your laws. Would you break your codes and cast magic that harms? Malificence is forbidden, as well as all charms. ”

“You may have us there, but you’re still outnumbered fifteen to one. Picking you lot apart with our hands might prove rather fun!” The other two witches spoke as if one, nails extending in preparation for what was to come.

“Ohh no, who could have possibly anticipated that? Did you perhaps spare a thought for where the Cowled Crows are actually at?” The Inquisitor smirked, with a look of feigned worry.

The women all paused, taken aback. As they pondered the question that stalled the attack. The crowd remained silent, unsure how to act.

“I’ll answer that for you, save you the trouble. No need for a cauldron to boil and bubble or to cast some bones and ask the divine,” He produced a photo. “Let me save you the time. They are alive for now, safe and unharmed, as they will remain while under my charge.”

“Monster! Should expect nothing less from your despicable kind. Violence and suffering are always on your mind! Pettiness, cruelty and greed, your true creed, goddess curse you.” Esmeralda spat as she seethed.

“Bemoan all you want, be bitter and pout. I’m here on a mission, you will hear me out. This need not end in violence, that choice is up to you, I've merely engineered a situation to allow me to complete what I must do.”

“Ohh thanks for reminding me. For those in the back attempting to flee, you won’t get far. The graffiti you passed contained divine marks, all warping and teleportation aside from the entrance portals has been prevented. I have forces positioned outside every exit, to this place worldwide, with strict orders to shoot on sight, I’d suggest not rushing out, and it's pointless to hide. Though my typical agents cannot enter, I have special operatives with enough magic to pry open the doors temporarily. Should we not return before an hour from now unharmed and alive, they will open the gates and flood this place with promethium, burning everyone alive. I believe I’ve made the situation clear. If you’d like to resume shitting yourselves with fear.” He said with a tone most malicious.

“You’ve made it clear, oppressor then why are you here, what do you want if you could have just firebombed our gathering?” Esmeralda asked through grinding teeth.

“I’ve no intention to burn a bunch of women needlessly. Those times are behind us, for the most part, at least. There's real evil in the world these days. Most of you are no threat, shysters, and charlatans at best your kind are a dime a dozen. It's the few of you gathered here tonight that have drawn my lord's attention, too much magic in the hands of a few.

The power contained inside you lot and that book. He gestured to the grimoire, Is something the Inquisition simply cannot overlook. Witch, brings me to my mission, pun very intended. I’m here for your magic, psst this is the part where you all get offended.”

The crowd erupted in turmoil and then into laughter.

The Inqusitiors ego deflated the moment after. The unexpected raucous response unsettling the man, it seemed that was not part of his plan.

“Ingorance suites you Inqusitor. You’ve wasted your time. This was a lot of pageantry for nothing. Only sisters can perform Ritual and transfer magic, ” Scoffed Esmeralda. “Was this some grand jest old crone? Did you set this up for our amusement?” She said, turning to the stone crow with the blazing eyes.

“I assure you it’s not!” barked the Inquisitor, brow furrowed in disgust and frustration.

“Which crone is in charge?! Caes’lanich? Malthundreh? Lord Inquisitor Kreigslathe sends her regards!”

The entire area was cast into silence, all sound devoured.

The silence was deafening, pure pressure of magical power.

As a hunched figure appeared in a tattered old robe, propped up by a crooked staff it shuffled towards the great tome. It had been centuries since any had witnessed the Crone.

The Inquisitor bowed, as did all the witches a sign of difference and honor, as was tradition.

She stood stooped and crooked, timeless and wise. She stood and waited, with unreadable eyes.

“We seek to invoke Ritual, the right to magical challenge.” The Inquisitor stated clearly, hoping he had read the Crone's intent correctly.

“Clean your ears out, can’t hear over your own ego? Only sisters and covens can challenge. These are the ways of our ancestors, outsider. It's all written in the code, not that you would know."

“Actually... it doesn’t specify sisters, Blessed of Mana is the term I believe, and the rule of three contestants is correct but nowhere does it specify a ‘coven’ the codex predates that term” offered the Inquisitor, with more bravado than his sweating brow portrayed.

The Crone's withered hand raised as the barrier around the grimoire receded, and the pages flew by in a fury, settling on a page. The crone's ancient nails tracing down the text. Her ancient face crinkled slightly as she read. She opened her mouth and almost imperceptibly whispered words in a language so old and dead none present could hope to understand. She withdrew her hand and the barrier returned. She nodded and another resonating bell tone chimed, the stone crow once again sprang to life, landing on the pedestal between them.

“This is correct, by our sacred codex they may challenge!” The crow bellowed with the voice of the Crone which broked no challenge to its authority.

“We’ve already challenged, you face us Inquisitorial swine! Esmeralda exclaimed.

“Incorrect, you challenged the Cowled Crows, not me.” He said with a smirk. “You’ll get your turn to face the Inquisition, one of our order but you are beneath me, and I’ve no desire to claim such paltry magic as yours. I’ve limited time and many duties. I’m here for bigger game.” He said, casting his gaze across the theatre.

“Well, the Clover Coven challenges you!” Esmeralda steamed.

“Challenges whom? What is my name, what is our group of three? Issue the challenge as the old laws decree, call me or my kin out by name” He laughed.”Away with you, moss witch, I’ve real magic to claim.”

“This isn’t good Morgana began,” Her tone laced in concern as she understood the man's plan.

“Why, they apparently know the Crone's name, won’t she mop the floor with this fool? Can’t you feel her power, it’s terrifying,” Asked Calintha.

“Crones cannot be challenged, it's in the codex,” Morgana whispered through her teeth.

“Wait, what? Serenda sputtered. Does that mean?” Realization dawned on her and Calintha as they turned back towards the stage.

“Ohh noes.” Calintha choked out of a suddenly dry mouth. As the Inquisitor pivoted towards the three, his predatory smile amplified by the unsettling gleam of candlelight on bleached white teeth.

“Morgana, lovely Morgana, would you do me the honor? We hereby challenge you and the Coven of Astral Sodality to Ritual in the presence of the Crone and all covens, sisters, and proxies present. Will you accept the challenge and save your sisters or wallow in shame until the end of your days?

There was no real choice in the matter.

“But of course! I would cherish nothing more Inquisitor! I'll happily do Ritual, and then show you the door!” Morgana announced with a royal flourish. Her confident smile emboldening the crowd, hiding the thoughts she had to push down.

“F*ck me.” All three thought in unison.

“It is decided! Take your position, Ritual Begins!” Called the stone crow, as the entire crowd erupted into bedlam.

"It's time sisters, we Ritual!" Morgana said to her sisters.

Morgana focused her resolve, her magic enhancing her poise as she became an avatar of grace and femininity.

Serenda, embraced her hate for the Inquisition, as ire flowed through her veins granting her magic a vicious power.

Calintha threw up a little in her mouth and tried not to cry.

==Part IV of V==

The story concludes in Part V. Coming soon.

Short StoryFantasy

About the Creator

Addison M

Artist & writer although, those may be potent terms for what I concoct. A spirited creator may be more apt. Spreading my particular brand of insanity through myriad stories and mediums. Learning the ways of the written word along the road.

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Comments (2)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran8 months ago

    That Inquisitor is so scary and arrogant! Looking forward to part 5!

Addison MWritten by Addison M

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