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When it ripped me off my soul


By SEHRPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

I never thought this would happen to me. I always considered myself an average boy, living an ordinary life. But now, as I find myself running for my life through this sinister alley, the reality of horror has become all too real.

My heart pounds in my chest, thundering in my ears as I race through the darkness. Each breath I take feels strained and desperate, as if the air itself is tainted with the evil that pursues me. I can sense its presence behind me, a malevolent force closing in, ready to snatch me away.

I try to run faster, pushing my legs to their limits, praying that somehow I can outrun this terror. Desperation drives me, fear propelling my body forward. The alley stretches on and on, seemingly endless, a labyrinth of darkness that twists and turns.

As I pass by a house, a flickering light catches my attention. The sound of a television seeps through the closed windows. I’m barely able to make out the words on the screen – something about multiple disappearances in the city. My heart sinks. I am not alone in this nightmare.

I open my mouth to scream, to call for help, but no sound escapes my lips. It's as if my voice has been stolen, ripped away by the unknown terror that chases me. Panic rises within me, filling every fiber of my being. It's like I'm trapped in a silent nightmare, with no one to hear my pleas.

My legs ache, burning with exhaustion, but I force myself to keep going. The darkness becomes suffocating, pressing in from all sides, threatening to consume me. But I refuse to give in to the inevitable fear that will paralyze me.

Finally, I reach a dead end. My body freezes with terror, knowing that I have nowhere left to run. I dare not look back, for I know that the sight behind me will only intensify my terror. Instead, I focus my gaze on the wall in front of me, desperately willing it to protect me, to shield me from the approaching darkness.

And then I hear it, a chilling whisper that makes my blood run cold. It calls my name, a twisted, sadistic melody that sends shivers down my spine. But I resist the temptation to turn, to face whatever horror awaits.

"Just turn around," the voice taunts repeatedly, each word dripping with malicious glee. But I stand firm, my trembling body refusing to yield. Maybe, just maybe, if I don't acknowledge it, it will go away.

Suddenly, a piercing car horn breaks through the silence, flooding the alley with a glimmer of hope. Relief surges within me, as I believe someone has come to my rescue. I turn, my weary eyes searching for salvation.

But in that split second, as my eyes meet the gaze of the monstrous entity that has haunted my nightmares, it rips my soul from my heart. Darkness swallows me whole, and my world is plunged into a nightmarish nightmare.

Now, trapped in this dark room with countless others, I am surrounded by faces filled with terror and despair. Whimpers of fear echo through the air, but no one speaks. We are lost, trapped in this harrowing existence, ignorant of where we are or how to escape.

The horror I once thought was just the stuff of nightmares has become my reality. And as the shadows creep around us, engulfing our very souls, I realize that there may be no way out. We are trapped, at the mercy of the unknown, forced to endure this eternal torment.

All we can do now is wait, hoping that someday, somehow, salvation will come to free us from this hellish nightmare.

Certainly, here's an addition to your narrative:

As time in this nightmarish existence stretches on, we begin to notice peculiar details in our bleak surroundings. The room we're trapped in is dimly lit, revealing grimy walls covered in cryptic symbols and faded, unsettling paintings that seem to shift when you glance away. The air is heavy with an oppressive, acrid scent, and an eerie silence envelops us, broken only by the occasional creaking of the old floorboards beneath us.

Some of the faces around me show signs of prolonged suffering, their eyes hollow and vacant. Others desperately cling to shreds of hope, engaging in whispered conversations about escape plans that never seem to materialize. The uncertainty of our situation gnaws at our sanity, and the dread of the unknown weighs heavily on our hearts.

Though we're all prisoners in this horrifying nightmare, a fragile sense of camaraderie has formed among us. Strangers now united by fear, we exchange silent nods and comforting gestures, sharing what little solace we can find in this desolate place.

The voice that once taunted me in the alley now lingers as a constant, tormenting presence, whispering malevolent promises of release and salvation that we've learned to distrust. It's as if the darkness itself has taken on a sentient form, toying with our emotions and sanity.

In our shared misery, we've begun to piece together fragmented memories of how we arrived here, memories tainted by confusion and despair. Were we lured into this nightmare by some malevolent force, or did we stumble upon it unknowingly? The answers remain elusive, buried beneath layers of fear and uncertainty.

Every passing moment feels like an eternity, and the boundaries between reality and nightmare blur into a disorienting haze. We can only hope that someday, a glimmer of light will pierce this suffocating darkness, offering us a chance to escape the clutches of this relentless horror. Until then, we endure, clinging to the fragile thread of hope that sustains us in our nightmarish prison.


About the Creator


Hi I'm Sehr and I love to write.For me its something that soothes me and is therapeutic. I love the worlds we can create.The characters, the adventures...everything!.I feel like the world in books is a much better place to live in.

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