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A Summer Worth Living!

By Dr. Totziette SlaterPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Birgit Loit on Unsplash

July 10th, 2021 -

The alarm clock was ringing again. I had pushed the snooze button repeatedly until daylight was beaming through my window. I grabbed my specks from the night stand and peeked at the time. "Oh, my goodness it was 6:45 a.m. - A hour later than I wanted to sleep." I yawned, sadly realizing the man holding me was only in my dream - I paused for a moment and said, "Oh God, not again."

Hmmm -

Well, back to reality, the grueling morning workout was awaiting me and my body was partially sore from the extra pounds that I had incorporated into my daily regimen. Every cep that I had was aching - the bi, tri and quadri. Maybe, I'm too old for this!

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I laid for one more second to say my prayers. Then, I eased out of bed dragging my tender muscles with me.

As, I slowly entered my walk-in-closet to grab my personals, the memories of the dream that I had awaken from was causing me sheer ecstasy - it's been such a long time.

I turned around and walked into my bedroom, and there was my locket laying atop my journal. I picked it up and held it close to me wondering -how it got there. Was it time for me to move on? I put it to my nose and the smell was lightly intoxicating.

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The "Musky Scent" that was upon his hand was yet lingering - from that unforgettable day when I was 29.

Allow me to go back 30 years -

July 10th, 1991 -

The morning started with the 1st dream of a mysterious man.

I've only had 2 of these dreams - one in July of 1991 which I'm speaking about now and the 2nd one in July of 2021 at the beginning of this story!

My 1991 account -

I sat up and stretched. I quickly said a prayer and leaped out of bed. Then, I started thinking about the man in my dream. Was he real or did I imagine him. "Whoa!", I retorted out loud - "I must stop this anomalous train of thoughts!"

And, besides, I knew my morning chores was beckoning me!

By Aaron Burden on Unsplash

After, I rinsed my face, and tidied my room. I read my devotion while sipping on my herbal tea. Now, it was time to water the garden and hang out laundry.

As I stepped onto the grass and was walking toward the line, I could hear the neighbors kids playing and laughing. This was a typical joyful summer day and "The Musky Scent" of my marigolds filled the air. I loved them all, but the deep robust color of the gold ones reminded me of the sunset - and that image often drenched my mind!

By Jacinto Diego on Unsplash

Suddenly, I heard a stranger's footsteps coming up to me as I was hanging garments on my DIY clothes line.

"Excuse me madam," a deep voice bellowed. I struggled to keep my composure, but straightened my apron with my hand, and fluffed my hair into place. Then, I gently turned around to see the face that matched such a baritone pitch. May, I say he was the most handsomest gentleman that I had ever seen -

He smiled and extended his hand to shake mine. I only stared and spoke in a modest tone "How do you do?"

He reached for my hand again. My heart was running a race with my thoughts - should I allow it or not?

The yes won, and I allowed him to shake my hand - then I peered into his eyes. I felt myself melting like snow - it made sense because in reality I was in the midst of the best summer ever! I slightly turned my head to keep my expression concealed.

By Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

Then, I saw from my peripheral as he repositioned his baseball cap. I turned towards him and gazed at his face. He spoke in a jovial tone - "Hi, I'm Dwight and you are?" I stood gaping at him and comparing his similarly to the man's features in my dream. "hmm, same jaw structure," I said in a lowly tone.

"Excuse me," Dwight said. I smiled gracefully and replied, "Yes"? He stared strangely and responded, "do you have a name?" I hesitantly answered, "uh, yes, it's Delores"- as I stood gazing at the gorgeous color of his eyes. "Hmmm, almost the same shade as the man in my dream," I muttered and continued to gape at him.

Dwight took off his cap and snapped it onto the loop of his jeans - "hmmm, same strong hands," I mumbled.

Well, what happened next caused sheer excitement within me - but, as I reflect now - it was his tactful way to win my heart!

The sun was shining bright, so I placed my hand up to my brow to keep the rays out my eyes. Dwight took his cap and placed it gently on my head. Then, he looked at me and said, "you're too pretty to sweat." I blushed profusely, but as I shyly looked at him - I knew those were not the eyes in my dream - nevertheless, we headed to the swing.

All of a sudden Dwight stopped like a train screeching hard on it's brakes. He reached down into my un-watered flower garden as I watched with wonderment. He plucked a marigold and gently placed it in my hair - I felt his breath on my face. My heart palpitated lightly - then he benevolently led me closer to the wooden swing.

We arrived and Dwight beckoned for me to sit and I did with utter exuberance. He began to push me gently - and instantly I had a horrid thought as I breathed in the wind - "Is this acceptable that a stranger was in my yard or am I acting like a heathen getting ready to sin? Could this be immoral or was I still loyal to God's law of being modest in behavior?"

Suddenly, the swing came to a gracious halt. I eased up and looked around and there stood Dwight with the locket in his hand. Then, he said, "Delores, I sense in my heart as though you should have this." I gave him permission by lifting my hair - and, I stood as a teenager on her prom night as he adorned me with such an amazing keepsake.

That infamous locket -

By freestocks on Unsplash

"How eloquent you are!", he said as he peered at my neck. His voice was echoing in my head, because he spoke with that same baritone pitch that I’ve heard repeatedly in my dream. Suddenly, he asked, "Pardon me, may I use your little boys room?" I smiled gently and nodded, "Indeed" I pointed and said, "through the back, down the hall and the last door on the left."

As Dwight walked away, I sprinted to get the rest of the laundry off the line. I took the basket into the house. I put it down on the chair and noticed him standing in the parlor.

"Wow!, it's a beautiful place you have." he said. Then, he looked at me charmingly and held out his hand. I inquisitively walked closer to him. It was odd because the nearer I came to him - the 2 small hazel colored objects resting upon his palm became obvious -


Contacts lens!

By Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I immediately glanced at him - his eyes was light blue. I was utterly shocked and my mouth stayed slightly opened as I stared into his eyes. He nestled me close and kissed me passionately, I reciprocated. The kiss paused, and Dwight whispered "Delores, I'm your man"!

The End!

30 years later-

The memories live on. Even, though Dwight died of cancer. I can still remember, "That Musky Scent" that he wore on his hand because of the golden marigold that he placed in my hair on July 10, 1991 -

So reader, The story opened and Delores was 59 being awaken from her 2nd dream of a distinguished stranger. She's much older and wiser. Maybe, someone else can make her season of fall - bright as a marigold flower?

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About the Creator

Dr. Totziette Slater

Just a country girl living in an enormous world that's filled with a smorgasbord of various ideas, expressions and content...Remain prayerful and be happy - it's your lifeline to paved successes!

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    Dr. Totziette SlaterWritten by Dr. Totziette Slater

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