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we best love no 1 for you.

"See you in so many years. I never thought I would get married.",we best love no 1 for you.

By Selly NathPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

I forgot your memory too

"Hello Nabin, how are you?" While I was buying clothes at the shopping mall, someone called my name. I saw a girl next to him. But the face was not recognizable. Looks like I saw it somewhere.

"You don't know. Remember 11th grade" She came to me and helped me clear the dust from my memory.

"Oh yes. Reena! How are you? How do I know you? You've become more beautiful." I said with a smile. She laughed with me too.

"See you in so many years. I never thought I would get married."

"Yeah, when did you get married? I have two kids too." I was looking at her beautiful face. After so many days, how many years later this face was seen. At the end of the study, this face was not found anywhere. But I didn't get it and when I got it, I was someone else's.

"How did you get here? Are you married?"

"No, not now. The marriage is settled. It will be this year. I have not been able to take care of the house yet. We are talking while walking in the mall."

"You haven't changed at all."

"You've changed completely. It used to be beautiful, now it's beautiful."

"What's the matter?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I will go and call you again. I have to stay here now. "He said and left

I watched her leave, she was really beautiful. It was beautiful at that time too. When they were studying together. I lost that moment in my memory. He began to remember everything. All the memories seemed to be fresh.

I was then in the eleventh grade. Our class was going on. Then a girl came. All the girls in the class looked the same. I also saw. A beautiful girl came to study. All the boys in our class thought they should come to this class. I thought the same thing and God listened to us. The next day he started coming to our class.


My first love

We were playing cricket on the field. I was just sitting. Batting has not come yet. Then my eyes fell on a girl. She was going to get milk. I saw him for the first time. Maybe there was someone new in the locality. I stared at him for a long time. When he started to leave, I asked my friend.

"Who is this girl? I've never seen her before."

"Yeah, these guys are new here. It's only been a few days." He replied.

From where we used to play sports, his way of coming and going could be clearly seen. Now it has become my daily routine. I used to come to the ground first. If we were fielding when he came, I would do the same fielding from where he could be seen coming and going. Fielding would have been missed many times seeing him. His arrival was monitored. Coming now - coming now. Care must be taken not to miss the ball here.

Thus the day passed. She hasn't seen me yet. Because he would come when I was playing. He will leave at the end of the game. I'm looking forward to the evening now. The whole day was focused on the clock. There was love for the game, but now there is more love in him. One day I told a friend everything. We have decided not to play cricket today. When he arrives, you have to go that way. His path will be 100 meters away from our cricket ground.

I looked at the clock. It's time for him to come. I called a friend and left. Where did it come from? We were walking slowly so that the road would not end and he would not be found. After a while the girl was seen coming. My heart started pounding. My legs did not move. I bowed my head. Now he came closer. I dared to look up at him. He was passing by me. He was also looking at me. Immediately I saw that he was looking at me

The story of a cheating girl.

The train was running at full speed. I was lying in my berth. After trying a lot to sleep, I could not sleep. There was a restlessness in the heart, the heart began to beat again and again. Even though the train was crowded, I felt lonely. I sat up to get rid of the memory. He took water out of the bottle and drank it. Memory has increased. Strange feeling, strange feeling. I put my hand on my chest - my heart was pounding. What we stay away from comes after us. I didn't want to go back to that memory. Which I was going to leave forever. Away from that memory, 'away'. Still, I would be attracted to those memories. The eyes become red. Do not look at the 'cry' of others. Didn't cry thinking about it.

"You know how much I love you Ragini." I took his hand in mine and said.

"Yes, I know. What's the use of saying that?"

"Then why are you doing this again and again? Forgive me once - did it twice. Still?" I had tears in my eyes.

"It definitely won't happen now. It will never happen again. I'll be your daughter. I won't talk to anyone now."

There was no love or comfort in his words. Just a false deception. I saw in his eyes that my crying is of no importance. There was no sign on his face. How many times has this happened? How many times have we read that the one who gives tears cannot love and the one who loves does not let tears come to his eyes. Knowing all this, I continued to believe that deception. I lied to myself, it's true. And I forgave that honest man again.

I'm running out of time. I wanted to meet him once before leaving. He was not there when he went to his house. I looked for it but couldn't find it. I'm her

I will live with your memory

Some people give their lives for others. I like to live in memory. The memories he had with his partner remained with him. They have nothing to do with the earth. Just get lost and be engrossed in the memory. I was very close to him. 'Kunj' Yes, that is his name. My friends used to play together, study together, go to school together. Our pair was also famous at school. We grew up together. Joined the same company. We had a very good time. We were very happy in our lives. This happiness was doubled when a humsafar was found.

Kunj was married to a very beautiful and polite girl. Kunj is as beautiful as his wife Rima. I also used to go to his house from time to time. I never saw them fight. Kunj's tiffin he used to bring to the office himself. His life was very happy. I have never seen Kunj sad. He always talked only about 'Rima'. But this happiness did not last long. Dark night also comes after day.

5 years have passed since their marriage. So far they have not been able to conceive. Reema was upset at the thought. I met many doctors. But nothing worked. This thought overwhelmed Rima so much that she started getting sick. The day came when he left this world forever.

As if Kunj forgot to speak. That bow of laughter became a symbol of sorrow. When he came to the office, he would sit quietly in the cabin and go to work. He never talked to anyone. Many days have passed. Kunj did not come to the office. No matter how many times he called on his mobile, he did not reply even once. I also got upset. One day he left the office and went home.

"Where's Aunt Kunj?" I met Kunj's mother


About the Creator

Selly Nath

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