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We agreed to love each other for the rest of our lives

That year, she and he was the most beautiful season, just entering the university, he was a child from the remote countryside, she was also.   They just came to the bustling metropolis, full of amazement, even see the skyscrapers will be dizzy high, hear the city classmates fluent in English, they will be inferior, see classmates say "hot dog". They think it's a dog. When they were ridiculed as country people, they would always comfort each other, and for a long time, the two hearts got closer.

By Faygath FyaharhPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
We agreed to love each other for the rest of our lives
Photo by Caleb Ekeroth on Unsplash

Like all young lovers, they hit meals together and go to the park together, both spending little money. Most of the time, she and he have to soak in the library. Write little notes. Although people are poor, the light in the world of love is the same, he and she, and that kind of love with a bang.

  Because they are poor, so, compared with other lovers, less flowery. He seldom bought her anything. Once she looked at a pair of red gloves. Ten dollars, he touched his pocket, only seven, so had to smile awkwardly. Later. She bought wool knitting two pairs, both red gloves, one pair, she said, only five dollars of thread, worth it, right? He took her in his arms and vowed to be good to her for life.

  Junior year of college. They went out to work some jobs. Things got better because he could teach a few little kids math and physics, and he had some money. This time, he bought her a necklace with two months of his salary. Because once when she went to the store, she stared at the necklace for a long time, trying it on and trying it off, and at that time he said. I will buy it for you when I have the money. It was a silver chain, very beautifully crafted, and shone brightly on her neck. She was not a particularly good-looking girl but looked very beautiful with this necklace on.

  It happened to be her birthday soon, and as a birthday present he gave her the necklace, and she said, "I have a present for you too.

  What she gave him was her virginity.

  That day, in a small, humble hotel, she and he. That kind of lingering that kind of emotion. He said I will be good to you for the rest of your life, no matter how capable anyone is in the future, okay? For a lifetime, we will not separate.

  She curled her body into his arms and burst into tears. She believed that this man would be good for her.

  Two months later, she became nauseous and vomited, her body reacted strongly, and she was pregnant.

  It was a terrible thing. She came to him to discuss, what to do.

  Let's do it, he said, we are still students, the university will expel us if they know, we will graduate next year, don't take the risk.

  No, she said insistently, I want this child because it is mine and yours. Because I love him, I must have him.

  A month later, she took a leave of absence from school due to illness and returned home with the baby in her belly.

  He wrote almost every day asking how she was doing, and by the time he graduated from college, the baby was born, a boy.

  She did not return to school and he stayed in the big city of Shanghai. He could have gone back to the mountains because she was waiting for him there. She was alone with her child, working for a small company, earning just enough money to feed her stomach, waiting for him to graduate and then live a happy life together.

  But he didn't come back, he said, Shanghai has many opportunities, and when there is money. I will pick you and the children out.

  This promise, he did not fulfill.

  The actual situation is. He only came home to see her once. Found that she had become so ugly, with messy hair, a yellow and thin face, and wearing extremely sloppy clothes. There were milk stains on them. The child was crying constantly. Compared with the well-dressed and graceful him, she is a woman who has not yet come out of the mountains. He was scared for a while: did he want her again? Is he still taking her away?

  She was still so dependent on him, asking him how he was doing in Shanghai. He said, "I'm not doing well, wait a little longer. He lied. By that time, he was already the head of the department of the company, and his monthly salary could get 7,000 to 8,000. She only had a few hundred dollars, and when she parted, she took a thousand dollars and put it in his hand, saying, "You have big expenses in Shanghai. Take it. His tears came down, knowing that he had failed this woman. When he got on the train, he opened the paper bag, it was a scattered thousand dollars, probably she scraped together a lot of change to come up with it.

  And he lied to her, he decided, with money to pay the bill.

  Soon, he sent her 20,000 yuan, and wrote a letter, he simply said, I'm too busy. Maybe I can't get married now. At that time. He was too embarrassed to say the breakup directly.

  And she soon sent back 20,000 yuan, she said, I'm sorry, I did not wait for you, I got married, said it was a lifetime. But I got married.

  He cried she is how understanding a woman ah, for him, she got married ah, it is also to let her own heart dead ah. She gave him back his freedom and gave him back his love. He did not dare to go back home to see her, he thought, from then on, each to go ahead, perhaps her current husband will be more suitable for her than him.

  At that time, he was surrounded by beautiful and fashionable women to pursue him, and because of her departure, he decided to start his love again, not to mention, that the girl's family in Shanghai, powerful, is extremely helpful to him.

  Soon, he and the girl traveled abroad to study and opened their own company in the United States.

  He had too much money. He had a villa and a private car, everything he and she had dreamed of back then, but she didn't. For the sake of the seed of love, she chose to give up, but the result of giving up is that the man suspected her is a piece of outdated fabric, and simply does not want to make clothes to wear.

  He knew he was a bad man, too bad, so he chose to return home after five years and invest in a company in her hometown, he was ready to help her.

  And she was then a high school teacher in her hometown, almost forty years old, with half-white hair, people are slightly fat. Puffy eyes look extremely dull because of overwork. The moment they met, they both froze! He did not expect her to become so powerful, once there was a trace of youth, but now, it has aged into this! And he was more handsome and upright, as if he was in his twenties, so charming and poised, driving a BMW, wearing several thousand dollars a set of clothes!

  They froze for a long time, this is the years, decades have passed, she has been old and decaying, and he was in his prime, the years to her increased is the vicissitudes, to him increased is the endless charm.

  He met their son, a seventeen-year-old boy who, like his copy, studying very well, has been sent to Beijing to go to university. He wanted to say thank you to her, but felt that the language was so thin, he wanted to say sorry. He wanted to say sorry but felt that he did not even have the qualifications.

  After staying in her humble office for a long time, he dared to ask a question, what does your lover do?

  She smiled, the corners of her mouth wrinkled moved a little, and calmly said: I have never been married.

  In a flash, he stood up from his chair, tears fell unexpectedly, and the flood inside broke the dike, such as the sky and earth something exploded.

  She has been waiting for him, has been so infatuated waiting.

  You are stupid. He scolded, you are stupid ah you.

  Her eyes are teary, her body is a little shaky: you said, to love each other for life, I think it is true, you said.

  He hid his face, and then slowly kneeled. This kneeling, is his heart willingly, in love, he is not as good as this woman. He doesn't know what a promise is.

  And at this time he could not divorce, his wife and daughter, his career and family, all he had, could no longer tolerate such a woman, but he knew that she was a pearl in his heart, worth a lot of money.

  He found the necklace around her neck, duller, has been black, silver faded, a black circle on the neck, this is the year he bought her, once the most moving and brightest necklace is so dull, such as his and her love, has been a flower from the drifting water flow.

  He asked her what she wanted because money can't make up for everything. What's more, what she values must not be money, because that year the 20,000 she returned to him.

  She smiled, if you want to help me, donate to a hope middle school, look how backward we are in this environment.

  That was the only thing he could do. It also had nothing to do with her. Her eyes are the wind over a thousand mountains of tranquility, everything has settled, she said, that is my love and loyalty alone, you have nothing to do with the.

  The pure look in her eyes is as moving as it was back then, and when she said that she loved each other for life.

  It turns out that love for life is not a simple word, that is to spend a lifetime practicing a vow, with their hearts their love. Unfortunately, he did not do it, he knew that this life. He is not only sorry for her, but he is also sorry for love.

Short Story

About the Creator

Faygath Fyaharh

I can love you to death, can not love you to shame.

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