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The search continues

By TeJayPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

It's been four days since I woke up here. The last thing I remember is being chased, my mother's hand in mines, running down the deserted streets of another empty city. I stared out the window of the room I was in, I didn't want to think about it. My hand touching the heart-shaped locket on my neck, I didn't want to think about what happened next. Tucking the long chain between my breast for safekeeping.

There was a knock at the door, a chambermaid entered and bowed her head softly, “The mayor requests your presence in his study.”

I turned to the girl, she looked younger than me and I can already see she was swollen with child. I can also see the fading bruises on her wrists, “What's your name again?”

“Nettie. Or whatever you would like to call me, I am here to serve you.”

I just nodded, all the females here are raised to be docile, I picked up on that rather quickly. “I'll be there in a minute.”

Nettie bowed once more turning to leave the room, I nodded to her, watching her go. I turned back to the window, the sight was lovely. Something my mother would have loved to see, just not from this beautifully crafted prison cell. I woke up in this gorgeous bedroom with Nettie taking care of me. She had told me some soldiers found me passed out on a supply run and brought me back here. I vaguely remember stumbling out of a building and seeing a jeep of men out front right before everything went black.

I met Mayor Thompson on the second day here. He ran this so-called Utopia. An entire city gated off from the outside world. To protect their water source he says. Bullshit. I came from the outside, I know what you’re trying to keep out.

My mother was born right after WW3 dramatically ended, right after the nukes that were dropped wiped out 50% of life on earth. Then another 30% died off after the rain stopped falling. Rivers dried up and now freshwater was scarce to come by. The world erupted and the desert took over all the lands. Mayor Thompson claims he stumbled upon this oasis and built the city around it. I doubted that; the man had eyes like a rat, beady, shifty. He was a killer and apparently a pedophile, Nettie had to be about 14 or 15 years old.

I watched some people walk around outside, they moved like sheep; scared, avoiding eye contact with the stationed guards, and kept their heads down. They were dirty, sweaty, and if I opened the window probably smelly too. I turned away, looking to the only exit, my hand again reaching for the locket. My mother had slipped it over my head right before we split up. My heart stung for a moment, trying to force my brain to be hopeful, to believe she could still be alive. I knew it wasn’t possible, she wouldn’t have given me her most prized possession if it was. There were monsters out there. My mother called them bloodsuckers. Savages that hunted humans for food and drink blood instead of water.

Deep breath Raz, bloodsuckers were the least of your worries. The real monster was the Mayor. A man used to controlling others and getting what he wants. Manipulative and angry. All the young girls that work in the Mayor’s manor are either covered in scars or pregnant but they were also the only cleaned and well-hydrated people in the city.

I glanced to the bed at the dress I was supposed to wear and frowned. I preferred something that covered more skin. I wore something like it the 3rd day I was here when the Mayor's assistant took me on a tour of the city. There were levels to the poverty here, the closer you got to the wall the worst people tend to look. The hierarchy seemed to start with the Mayor at the top, then his councilmen, then anyone with a useful talent-people he called Earns. Then the farmers and shop vendors, then everyone else lived in the part of town called the Barrel. Probably because they were the bottom of the barrel. He rationed out water depending on your status.

And then there's me, a 16-year-old girl that came from beyond the wall. He was adamant about meeting me personally, probably to judge where I belong in his perfect little city. He scares me, I'm not ashamed to admit it. He wanted more from me than just information on the outside.

A sigh whispered from my lips, I remember Nettie asking me about what's out there. Asking if monsters were real. If it was true that the desert stretched to the sun and back. I didn't confirm that her bedtime stories were accurate, she seemed to already be in a fucked up situation. I didn't want to take away her hope of escape with the truth about monsters.

I turned back to the window, a family of four was crossing the street, they were dressed fancy in their blue robes. The children smiled at the stationed guards as they walked towards a restaurant further down the block. It made me frown, the social scaling of this place made me want to vomit. There was so much more to worry about than your damn status. I glanced up to the towering walls that protected them, well maybe they didn't have anything to fear. Nothing was getting through that gate without a lot of pressure.

I made a face, staring at the wall, if the city was so protected and doing so well, why were soldiers on a supply run when they found me? I don't think Nettie was supposed to overhear that bit of information. With the questions I was asked on the first day and this supposed supply run, it sounds like the Mayor was looking for something. Or someone.

I had to get out of here. My mother has fought so hard for so long to accomplish one goal in this hellhole we call life. The least I can do is honor her by making her dreams come true. Some thought her obsession with a myth was foolish but she made me a believer. And now that I was alone, it was up to me to continue the search. I just had to get out of this city first, which was already proving to be a challenge. The mayor had eyes everywhere and he seemed quite fascinated with me.

A knock came on the door, my hand reached for my locket once more, I forced the panic down. I could tell by the solitary thud that it was him. I kept quiet, standing with my back to the window when he walked in. Dressed like any man with a superiority complex would be in this piece of shit world we live in. The finest silks and the shiniest boots. His black wavy hair tussled perfectly around his tanned handsome face, his black eyes gleaming as if he can read my thoughts and enjoyed my discomfort. He was tall, lean, and built, a body of an athlete. His features strong and chiseled, the low light etching his face in soft shadows.

He smiled at me, a smile he used to woo females, making them feel relaxed. “I called for you, I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

Something tickled the back of my neck, telling me to be wary of this man, “Sorry, my brain's a little slow waking up today.”

He stepped closer, movements like a snake, stalking its prey, “Is there a problem with the clothes that were laid out for you?”

I stayed where I was, back against the window, “No, I’m just not used to wearing dresses.”

He grinned again, I thought of a shark, Those black eyes gleamed, illuminated by the thin stream of luminescence casting through the window. “ Earn Mable made it specifically for you.”

I glanced to the bed where the clothes were, “Purple really isn’t my color.”

He stepped closer, making me look at him as he closed in, wide shoulders blocked my view of the door, my escape plan dwindling. He was looking at me, his heated gaze roaming over my body in such stark possessiveness that I feared he was going to devour me on the spot. The thought sent a tingle to my stomach, I wanted to vomit.

His presence was like the boogie man, a dark tale purposely meant to frighten and terrorize. It was so malicious, I actually had to force myself not to tremble before him. He came closer, resting his hands on the window sill, enclosing me in a small box.

“I am sure anything you wear would look wonderful.”

He smiled genuinely at me, but his eyes betrayed the wicked intent of his thoughts. There was nowhere for me to move with him blocking my exit. He raised his arm, his calloused fingers lovingly stroked the long tail of the fish braid that was done with my hair, a suspiciously sinister smile on his handsome face.

“Join me for a drink in my room tonight.” His other hand reached up and wrapped around my neck, not choking but holding me firmly in place. His thumb stroking my pulse, feeling its fast tempo. His deep voice a whisper on an invisible breeze, caressing my face. “There is so much more I would like to speak to you about.”

I felt my heart rate increase if possible, it was clear talking was not what this man planned to do with me tonight. A memory skimmed across my mind at that thought, my mother's voice playing in my head.

There will be a time where you will be scared and backed into a corner. Adrenaline will rush through your body and your fight or flight instincts will kick into high gear. In moments like this, you have to remember 3 fundamental rules. 1. Be brave. 2. Never give up and 3. Go for the sweet spot.

A smile crossed my face as I summoned the courage I felt from my mother's locket. The door is not the only exit. My knee raised with all the force I can muster and smashed into his groin. The Mayor howled in pain as he fell backward grabbing his damaged jewels.

I turned and opened the window, without looking back I dived out. Gravity pulled me towards the ground fast, I was two stories high but I didn't mind it, I jumped from higher before. As the ground came closer, I twisted midair, landing in a crouch. Tucking my arms, I rolled, spreading the impact up through my body before standing. I opened my mother's locket, the small compass inside spun madly for a moment before pointing Northwest. I turned in that direction and darted into the gardens.

They will chase me, but I've been running all my life. In this world, you had to be fast to survive. You had to be smart or die. My mother knew the truth and she would have never told them. They will be after me next. I had to get out. I had to find the Watershed. For my mother. For my freedom.

The search continues...

Short Story

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writing to heal the pain of living

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