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Voices of the dead

A recording device that captures the voices of the dead from the other world

By Samara BenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
image by Unsplash

Strange are those stories that we hear and they tell us that it actually happened, and they make us think about why it happened, and when he spoke to other people and people, nothing happens to them. The topic is very confusing, and strange at the same time, but it is very terrifying.

On the afternoon of April 4, 1960, a large, old man approached the salesman who was standing in the recording equipment section of the largest electrical store in Stockholm, and spoke hesitantly as he asked to meet the owner of the shop. It was not easy for sixty-year-old Fredrik Jorgensen to settle his matter. On this visit, he hesitated for several weeks to gather his courage, and then picked up a recording device that he had bought from the shop, to show it to the shop owner. In these circumstances, he did not like to be labeled as mentally deviant if he disclosed something that puzzled him in the recording device.

The owner of the shop asked him about the source of his complaint about the device, and what kind of defect it had. He said that the device works efficiently and accurately, every piece, every wire, and every electrical connection. He also said that he was ready to pay all the expenses required for this examination. At the end of the meeting, he said to the shop owner, I'll come next week to see if you've discovered anything unusual in the device, you may look at me like a weirdo, but you'd drive me crazy if I revealed to you the secret of this examination I'm asking.

The owner of the shop examined the device and did not find a single defect in it, and when the artist reported this to Jorgensen, the owner of the store found out about the strange secret, and within hours, the story appeared in all its details on the pages of the newspapers. The artist was deceived, that he had tampered with the apparatus to obtain these recordings, and others said that Jorgensen had tampered with the tapes and added voices to them, and one newspaper wrote that, if Jorgensen had made up this story as a form of publicity for his exhibition, he should certainly have searched For another, more original method.

Jorgensen was supposed to defend himself, but he remained silent, feeling annoyed and insulted, and all he did was host some engineers, scientists, and spiritual researchers to test the apparatus and hear the voices.

At the beginning of the spring of 1960, Jorgensen first discovered that the tape recorder acts as a mediator between our world and the other.

The device was placed in a state of readiness, in one of the corners of the drawing room of the object on the outskirts of the city. The device remained idle for a week and was busy drawing a silent, natural painting for his next exhibition. On Friday evening, he had some ideas about a personal painting he intended to draw, so he turned the device and began recording Thoughts so that he would not forget them, but when he replayed the tape, his surprise was great as he listened to other voices mingled with his voice. He thought that the tape in the device was not good, so he chose a new tape that had not been used before, and went back to recording his observations and thoughts.

And again the scrambled voices appeared, but this time he was able to discern amidst the mingling of sounds with his own voice, a song that was repeated, repeating, “We are alive, not dead.” Jorgensen couldn’t believe his ears. He listens to those mysterious intrusive sounds interfering with his recorded words and so, he picked up the device and went to the electrical shop.

When the news of this phenomenon spread, it flowed When the news of this phenomenon spread, specialists and researchers flocked to a studio and conducted a comprehensive survey of the studio in search of any hidden device that would be a source of these sounds. They carefully examined all wires, connections and tapes, and then watched the recording process. They did not detect any kind of defect at the beginning of the deception, and one day in August 1960 In the presence of ten witnesses who recorded the tape, sharp violent sounds in a foreign language, suddenly one of the German technicians who was sitting next to the apparatus shouted, “This is Hitler.”

Indeed, that sound was matched, with Hitler's voice in the library of a radio station, and the voices were completely identical. Hitler's voice in Jorgensen's tape was addressing a person in a concentration camp, and Hitler was apologizing for Some of the atrocities committed in World War II.

After this, Jorgensen had fewer satirists and more correspondents around and inside a studio, collecting news stories about this strange phenomenon. He rarely disappointed them. Over the years, Jorgensen collected 80 tapes with distinct recordings of a number of voices amounting to 140 voices. Among these voices The famous American killer Karel Cheesman.

Jorgensen could not provide an explanation for this phenomenon, other than that he had chosen a recording device, to be a mediator between us and the voices of the departed. Jorgensen in his studio, drawing a little and sitting most of the time by the tape recorder, waiting for more sounds from the afterlife.

Short Story

About the Creator

Samara Ben

Cooking, Beauty, hair and culture writer. One of Most Influential People in the Multicultural Market.

I am a Creative Writing major I was focused on writing fiction. I have a great passion for writing.

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