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Virgo’s Child

Part 1

By Kylie Barnes Published 2 years ago 10 min read

Present Day

Tyra St. James awoke in a cold sweat. She had just had the same dream again. It was the one where she was someone else and she was running for her life. As she sat up in bed, she felt a large male hand on her stomach. She glanced around only to find herself in a strange motel room. A pair of handcuffs was lying on the nightstand, and strange clothes were scattered everywhere. Great, just great, she thought to herself. She knew she had to escape. Taking the handcuffs, she handcuffed the strange man to the headboard, before digging around for her clothes. All she found however were leather pants, a leather halter-top, a leather jacket, and a pair of knee high boots that all were too small to be his. She was still digging for her bra and panties, when she heard him stir. Deciding against them, she dressed quickly and slipped out the door. She only paused long enough to leave a note and the keys to the handcuffs on the desk. As she slipped out, she noticed his jacket. The name Bubba was embroidered on the left pocket. Judging by the clothes and the Harley outside he was a biker, Ty just could not believe her luck. If she ever made it of it this in one piece, she knew her best friend Christina would never allow her to live it down.

Christina Carrington was watering the plants and taking care of her best friend dog in her best friend’s, Tyra St. James’s, apartment. Chris, as her friends knew her, was no stranger to Tyra’s long unexplained absences as she and Ty had been friends since their first year in college. Chris and Tyra had been partnered together by The Society of Paranormal Research, Investigation and Study eight years ago. Both were freshman in college, when it was discovered that they had some psychic ability. The spirits allowed Chris to capture them on film, while Tyra it seemed was able to communicate with them and deliver their messages from the world beyond. Ten years ago they had their first investigation in which they traveled to Gettysburg, which started them down the path they were still currently on. The owner of the house had just purchased it and was afraid for her children. So she contacted The Society, and Tyra and Chris was soon sent to Gettysburg to investigate. Afterwards Tyra disappeared for the first time for almost two months before finally resurfacing. She couldn’t remember where she had been or what she had been doing, but she did have a ton of money and an ID with a false name on it. Not to mention numerous G-strings, and a few high heels.

Since they had recently returned from what they decided would be their last investigation three weeks ago, Chris didn’t think much of Tyra’s disappearance, especially after what had happened. She figured that Ty especially must need some time to recoup from the loss. No one seem to know when or how everything had gone south, however when it did, it went there in a hand basket with a pretty bow on top. Chris was just finishing water Ty’s herbs, when the door flew open, and Ty came rushing through, pausing only a moment to slam and lock the door.

“I need a shower! I don’t think he followed me, but if a biker named Bubba shows up, you don’t know where I am or when I’m going to be back. Got it?” Tyra shouted as she ran toward the bathroom.

“No problem.” Chris said calmly as she watched Tyra’s retreating figure. She jumped at the sound of someone knocking on the door.

“Hello?” Chris said as she partially opened the door.

“Hi, I’m Bubba, and I’m looking for either Sage Worthington or Tyra St. James.” Bubba asked with a touch of uncertainty in his voice. Chris stood in the doorway sizing up the 6 foot biker in front of her. As far as companions go it could have been worst, he was at least clean and he was holding a bottle of wine and papers

“I’m sorry, but they’re not here right now.” Chris said as she took in the image of Bubba.

“Okay, well these are Tyra’s papers, at least I think they are hers. I figured that they are important. I brought her a bottle of wine as a peace offering. Besides important papers always go better with a glass or two of wine.”

“Thanks, I will make sure that she gets them.” Chris said, keeping her face void of any emotion.

“Thank you, Miss, I appreciate you doing this for me.” Bubba said as he turned to leave.

“I will do that.” Chris said as she watched him walk away. Closing the door, she turned to see Ty coming out of the bedroom.

“Let me guess, Bubba?” She said as she headed toward her bathroom.

“Yeah, he left some papers and wine as a peace offering for you. Who the hell is Sage Worthington? I don’t remember a Sage on the team or coming up in any of the séances.” Chris said as Tyra got the stuff for her bath.

“I’ll have to go through the papers, but I’m positive that there wasn’t anyone by that name, but then again we were dealing with the spirit of a writer, maybe she was a character in something he wrote?” Tyra said with a shrug. Tyra St. James or Ty as her friends called her, looked much younger than her 33 years would suggest. She was five foot two with an almost boyish build, which she kept in shape with a strict exercise regime. She sighed as she pinned up her long brown hair high on her head. She usually highlighted her hair every six months with platinum blonde streaks making it appear lighter than it really was. Her sapphire blue eyes always seemed to be looking beyond a person’s outward appearance into their soul. Those who had met her would say that she had old eyes, while others would say that because she was born to see, her eyes reflected her gift. Tyra’s aunt had always told her that it was because she was Virgo’s child, a child born under the sign of Virgo with the gift of foresight. Ty had lost her parents when she was eight in a boating accident and her grandmother the year before. Both losses had been difficult for the young child who would many a summer at her family’s beach house cooking and doing “idle hand work” with her grandmother. Luckily for her, her aunt had taken her in and had raised Ty like she was her own. Although her aunt had raised her as though she were her own, there always felt as though something was missing from her life. Some part of her was wishing for a personal connection that unnamable feeling of belonging. When she had gotten a job teaching at the University, she had rented a nice little apartment overlooking the water. As she sank deeper into the claw-footed tub full of warm lavender scented water, Chris walked in. Chris, while slender like Ty, was taller and shared the same strict exercise regime. She kept her hair short and dyed it a different color every three months. Ty often teased Chris about it, saying that her driver’s license now came with a color wheel for her hair color.

“Everything okay?” Chris asked as she sat down on the toilet.

“How long?” Ty asked as she closed her eyes.

“Only three weeks this time. I suppose it’s pointless to ask where you were.” Chris said as she shook a bottle of blue nail polish.


“Haven’t gone through all of them yet.” Chris said as she set the polish back down.

“What papers did Bubba bring?” Ty asked as she let the warmth of the water warm her as it lapped against her body.

“From the investigation, I guess. I really didn’t look at them that closely.” Chris said as she examined her nails more closely.

“Are all the papers here then?” Ty asked as she turned to face Chris.

“Yes, as well as the jump drives with the recordings from the digital recorders. This was the last, right? We quit, the papers were filed, all the T’s were crossed, and all the I’s are dotted, right? I really don’t think it is in me for another investigation especially after what happened.”

“Yes, at least I hope so. Hey! Could you turn on my IPod please? I think I have a relaxation playlist on it.” Ty asked as Chris opened the door to leave.

“Sure thing.” Chris said as turned on the IPod in the portable docking station on the shelf near the sink and vanity. Chris knew Ty well enough to know that she had a feeling, and Ty’s feelings were rarely wrong. Deciding to go home, Chris headed toward the guest bedroom to gather her things. She had pictures to continue reviewing and Ty had reports to read, and a lecture to prepare.

“See Ya! Ty!” Chris called as she prepared to leave.

“Hey! Are you going to be there for class on Tuesday?” Ty called from the Bathroom.

“Can we play it by ear?”

“So you are going to download and review pictures?”

“Yeah, it looks like it.” Chris called as she started to open the door.

“Okay, so we’ll play it by ear then.” Ty called as Tala, her wolf-like dog entered the bathroom. On a day that Ty had been missing her Ty had been on her way to her car after one of the classes that she teaches when she nearly stepped on a tiny pitiful looking creature. After glancing around and finding herself alone with the tiny creature she leaned down and picked a tiny little dog that was only slightly bigger then the palm of her hand. One look in to the disturbing golden eyes, and for Ty it was love. Ty and Tala had bonded instantly were practically in separable.

“Yeah sounds good, I’ll call you when I’m done.” Chris called as she headed out the door.

“Sure thing. I’ll talk to you soon.”

After soaking for a few more minutes, Ty decided to get out of the tub, and wrapped a towel around her. As she walked toward her bedroom, she smiled to herself. When Chris went into her office to review the pictures, she usually didn’t leave until it was finished, and sometimes that could be days. Her pictures, however always turned out beautifully, whether there were actual ghosts or hoaxes caught on camera. Deciding on comfort instead of style, Ty slipped into a pair of black cotton running shorts, and gray cami tank top. After pulling out the hair pins and braiding her long hair, she went into the kitchen and put water onto to boil for a soothing cup or two of herbal tea. Picking up the pack of papers that Bubba had left, she walked over to the table, and glanced down at the papers. Come Tuesday she would be lecturing in front of fifty students four times a day.

“I guess its back to reality. Did Chris feed you the second time today?” Ty said as she looked over at Tala who was sitting patiently waiting for Ty to feed her. The strange dream from the morning was still haunting her thoughts. What did it mean? Who was Sage Worthington?


About the Creator

Kylie Barnes

My day job is currently doing welcome and sympathy calls for a pet insurance company, my passions are of course writing and reading as well as photography, I hope you enjoy my work

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