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Victor The Vampire

Edwin J. Gasque

By Edwin J. GasquePublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Photo by emre keshavarz

In the heart of a hidden city, shrouded by centuries of mystery, lived a vampire named Victor. Unlike his nocturnal brethren, Victor had made a conscious choice to forsake his thirst for blood. He had seen enough suffering and pain caused by his kind and was determined not to add to the darkness that already engulfed the world.

Long ago, Victor stumbled upon an ancient text that spoke of fasting as a way for vampires to transcend their primal urges. Eager to explore this alternative path, he began fasting, enduring the hunger pangs, and suppressing his predatory instincts. As the days turned to weeks and the weeks to months, Victor's body grew weaker, but his willpower grew stronger. He learned to cherish the beauty of life without inflicting harm upon others.

With each passing day, Victor embraced an elegant and graceful lifestyle, devoting himself to the pursuit of knowledge and art. He surrounded himself with exquisite paintings, delicate sculptures, and shelves filled with books from every era. Music filled the air of his grand mansion, for Victor found solace in the melodies that echoed through the halls.

Among all things, he held women in the highest regard. Having witnessed the mistreatment of women by his kind throughout history, Victor vowed to protect and cherish them. He saw them as more than mere prey but as beings worthy of admiration and respect. In the quiet corners of his mind, he wished to be the protector and not the predator.

One evening, as Victor sat in his opulent study, he noticed a gentle knock on the door. To his surprise, a young woman stood before him, her dark eyes filled with trepidation. She was lost and seeking shelter from the cold night. Victor felt a surge of compassion for her, realizing that her vulnerability was a reflection of the world's cruelty.

With a warm smile, Victor welcomed the woman into his home. He offered her a steaming cup of herbal tea, knowing that it would not satiate his thirst but would comfort her instead. As they spoke, he listened intently to her tales of struggle and dreams of a brighter future. It was then that Victor realized his mission was not merely to abstain from blood but to protect and support those in need.

Days turned into nights, and the woman became a regular visitor to Victor's mansion. They shared stories, laughter, and, most importantly, an unbreakable bond of trust. Victor's yearning for blood had dwindled, replaced by a newfound fulfillment in nurturing and uplifting others.

Word of Victor's peculiar lifestyle spread, and soon, others in the city sought his guidance. Vampires and humans alike came to him, seeking to understand his remarkable transformation. With unwavering patience and compassion, he shared his journey, encouraging them to find solace and purpose beyond their instincts.

As time passed, Victor's legacy as the fasting vampire grew, inspiring many to find harmony within themselves. His mansion became a sanctuary for those in need, and it echoed with the laughter of those whose lives he touched.

And so, Victor, the fasting vampire, lived on, savoring the beauty of life without causing harm. He proved that even creatures of darkness could embrace the light and choose a path of benevolence and compassion. In his elegant lifestyle, he found fulfillment, and in his respect for women, he found the essence of humanity. His story became a beacon of hope in a world often overshadowed by darkness, reminding all who encountered it that redemption and change were attainable to those willing to persevere.

Young AdultShort StoryMysteryFantasyFable

About the Creator

Edwin J. Gasque

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” -Confucius.

Making my dreams a reality. I hope to grab the attention of many readers and give them insightful information. I mostly write poems and short stories.

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