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Vania's Law

R R Hannaman

By R.R.HannamanPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Vania's Law
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

It rains softly outside as Felix writes notes, as he studies the different effects of powder dragon scales have in alchemical solutions. Per Vardimir’s request for his assistance. An esteemed resident alchemist from the Elven kingdom, Ambrias partakes in the large collaboration of this experiment. A mutual benefit of all parties is to help gather data to help push a better trading law.

The scales for the experiments are naturally obtained after the molting season. It’s in the expansive caves and rocky grounds that the Dragons find home in the Dragons’ Sanctuary housed within the borders of the Vincinitive Empire, in Vardimir’s charging. Dragon scales have a reactive property to magic that makes it a versatile and valuable ingredient for Alchemist. Most like himself have long partaken in using the humane means of gathering the rare ingredient.

Putting a small sample in a beaker watches the simmering potion turn to dark purple. The bubbles rise and the solution goes through tubes and placed in a vial. The mutual part is Felix’s need to test an invention of his own. A type of glamor charm.They used this scale from the rarest species; the Glauridans. Nicknamed Mirrored or Prophetic dragons. Iridescent, mirror scales, but one on top of the forehead actually can show visions. A valued gift for the few chosen to see one.

Felix, now testing the solution, shakes his head at the selfish desires for the valued gift of seeing past and future. It is the way of things when a species’ thriving numbers dwindled because of a concept the scale was the only thing to hold value. It is why dragons and other rare specimens got sent to the hidden world, Avaboya.

Yes, these scales can do such spells, including a seer sighting. But he hopes the data could change minds; that molted scales aren’t less effective. Already knowing himself that the effects are the same and even more so. Felix hopes this data could even help Vardimir’s efforts for a new law to encourage trading the humanely harvested ingredients; The Empire is already partaking in the new type of trade as a trial. Hopefully soon this would be expanded to other kingdoms, providing economic growth, encouragement of humane tactics, and making the underground less desirable.


Avaboya itself is a magical place with its own type of floral and animals. Some domesticated for working or even as pets. Cannisals is a feline creature the size of Lynx in the wild, but the domesticated version is smaller; like the Savannah house cat. One named Halene roams the halls and pampered like the rest of the royal family. She prefers roaming the servants’ corridors with their bare beams and rafters. All those secret entrances are ideal to get in and out of rooms as she pleases. Like most pets learn their owner’s schedules and she makes her ways to him. He has been stressed, she could tell.


Vardimir sat in his study, the rain outside softly patters against the glass, creating a soft ambience. His desk organized chaotic scrolls of data unfurled on his desk; notes about the progress of trade within his kingdom. He wrote notes for his new law. Piles of books about law sat on his desk; some propped open and notes scrawled into margins. To his right lay a pile of books, about alchemical terminology. Although briefed every morning, the subject not being his forte studied it in his ‘spare’ time. He knew laws like the back of his hand, but all these letters and numbers were a foreign language to him. Flipping through a small book of Felix’s notes, Vardimir strains reading them.

“Damn,” He remarks about the scribbled notes. “His handwriting is worse than a healer’s.” A rumble of thunder startled him a moment; looking out towards the window.

-When did it get dark?–He ponders that as he pours another cup of tea. A dark red tea brewed with a type of herb for focus and staying awake. The amounts of the herb measured carefully; a sprig or two of it would be the equivalent of a cup of caffeinated coffee. Sipping his tea, he glances at a sketched portrait of him and his twin sister, the late Lady Vania. She was supposed to be the heir to the throne, not him. But the accident…saving dragon eggs during aftershocks of an earthquake was her downfall. She showed commitment to her duty as Dragon Guardian would. His eyes roam to another one of him with his nieces.

‘Mew’ -purr -'Meau'. Vardimir’s Golden eyes met with her deep blue eyes. Her sleek body curls up on top of the papers he is writing the law on. Her dark gold fur shone in the light and contrasted with her dark spots down her back, following the line of her spine all to her tail which has rings at the end of it and her four paws.

Vardimir attempts to nudge her away. Her response to nudge his arm holding the quill pen. Rubbing her head against his arm.

“Halene please. I have to finish this.” He punctuates that with a yawn. He scribbles again, taking Felix’s notes into account.

Grabbing the pen again, determined to decipher the notes. Halene dives back onto the desk, knocking the ink well over the moment he was about to continue. He stops the law from being ink stained as a small dark puddle spreads on his desk. Halene insists again and Vardimir yields, taking her into his lap to pet her; her head cocking to the side. He raised her as a kit, since his sister gave her to him as a gift. Now Halene and his nieces are all he has left of her. Vania's compassion inspired him to write the new law, named for her, Vania’s law.


About the Creator


I have been writing a lot of stories and poems for a long time. It is nice to have a place to share it. I like to write about varying topics in my poem. I am constantly working on my world building and stories about my world Avaboya.

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    R.R.HannamanWritten by R.R.Hannaman

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