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A Brief History Of The Future

By The OmnichromiterPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 5 min read

People are unpredictable. When you think you know someone, something happens that makes you realize that they wear their masks well. When all is revealed, truths are upended, unsettled as if in a crisis; as if in an emergency with a sense of impending doom. Freeze. Reality is not always your destiny. You are the one thing in life you can control.

What happens when that one constant is stripped away? When the one thing you depend on in yourself is revealed to be a lie? A figure in disguise if you will. Who’s behind it?

Reality is unhinged. A series of unnamed assailants. Heroes who I looked up to, the heroes I saw when I was young are not as strong as I once believed. Corruption. Lack of control. Excessive use of disregarded promises. Their sentences pile up, building castles out of deceit until the people revolt. Rising action in the form of words then war. Addicted to the panic, we put our hand up, prepared to run.

The question that still remains is: Who will lead us when these corrupt are ? Who will save us now that it's evidently clear that the wrong ones have won?

We are the children of the new world. We are worth more than they know. Living in a nightmare. Living in a dystopian society that takes from us until we starve to death. They watch us fall. We are the product of their apathy. Why do we feed the hand that holds us down? Why are we the ones that are always getting in the way? How do we decide what’s right? How do we see the truths that are in their lies?

Besides all our differences, we are one. Sever the bonds that have made us yield. We’ve suffered enough in silence. When you try to bind the free, when you beat them until they are cornered, the caged tiger strikes back.

It's time to stick the pins in the effigy. We are not voiceless. We are . are not stray rocks. are the founding stones of a mountain. are not weak. are no longer forgiving. are no longer afraid of the dark for we have become our own light.

No one knows how long the walls had been in place, that they keep us safe. Safe from the monsters that inhabit the earth. No one comes in, no one leaves. Well except the merchants.

Merchants are appointed officials who venture outside the gates to scavenge for supplies and objects to trade with other colonies. I always envied them. I always longed for the day I could become a merchant. Hopefully today is the day.

"Bella," my father calls from outside the tent, "come, the merchants will arrive any minute."

I exit the tent and take my father's arm as we walk to the large entrance gates. In looks, me and my father aren't much different from anyone else here. We all wear old worn, brownish dingy clothes. We all drink from the same well, all starve the same, all await the arrival of the merchants. My father is probably the closest thing to a leader my people have. Personally I don't think I could ever handle the he does. That's why I crave the freedom that awaits outside those gates.

two gates, the first one the merchants enter and close to make sure nothing comes through before opening the second gate. As we approach, the inner gate opens to reveal a disappointed looking crew.

", where are all the wares?" my father asks, panic rising in his voice.

"I'm afraid none sir" the fire headed merchant replies.

The people whisper amongst themselves. What will we do now. What will we eat? Will we have to leave?

My father sighs, " well we are going to have to go out again."

"We?" asks.

"This time, I'm coming."

"Father!" I yell, "take me with you", I plead, hanging on to his arm.

"No, it's too dangerous", my father replies."

"Ah, ", scoffs, "let the lassie go. She's going to have to learn to deal with the outside if she's ever to take your place."

My father stares at me a bit before agreeing.

That night we pack and sleep . My father and I meet the merchants at the gate.

"", my father starts, "I am entrusting you with Belladonna's life. Tell her all she needs to know, and keep her safe." With one last glance and a smile my father takes his place at the front of our caravan.

"Here", says, handing me a small golden, heart shaped locket on a thin chain, "it belonged to your mother", she would've wanted you to have it."

I smiled, "thank you", and clasp the small trinket around my neck. I was about to ask how had gotten a hold of it when I hear the clanking and squeaking of the inner gate.

As the inner gate closes, grabs my shoulder, "stay close, do not say anything about what you see to your father or else you may wind up dead", he looks me in the eyes as I stare both bewildered and confused by his words. "Your father didn't take too to your mother's words on the outside world."

Panic swells in my chest as the inner gate closes and the outer gate opens. I watch in wonder and horror as a luscious green world is revealed to us. fruit seemed to grow on every tree and bush. Animals ran around what seemed to be over grown ruins of a world long past.

"Not a word", he reminds me. I nod my head and start walking with into this alien world.

Doing my best to hide my disgust and horror, i turn and wonder at the sights, smells, and sounds around me. these were we were existed in fairy tales.

My father seemed pleased with my reaction. He picks an apple from a nearby tree and hands it to me. "Eat up", he says , "you're going to want all the strength you can muster for our trek to the cities". He turns to , Take your men and Bella to our spot and set up camp. Me and my men will go gather food." with one last smile my way, my father and his men head in one direction while leads me in another.

I wait a while before I say anything. I stop abruptly, " what's going on?" ask, my voice shaking in confusion.

's eyes darken as he starts, "your father thinks that by leading in hunger and fear, he keeps the peace."

"Peace?" I start incredulously, "what peace does he think he's keeping? And why do you allow him to do it?" I clutch my mother's locket, "my mother would've never allowed this."

"And your mother died fighting against your father's beliefs", another merchant named stated, "We couldn't do much without an army. We are your army."

grabs me and turns me towards him, "it's time to take back the throne, will you lead us?

AdventureShort StoryYoung Adult

About the Creator

The Omnichromiter

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    The OmnichromiterWritten by The Omnichromiter

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