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True Sight

Rebellion of a god

By John CarlinPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

Our eyes are windows into our souls, or so the legend goes. However, it was once not so. Ages past in the land of myth and madness, you can trace the thread of truth to the tale of what our eyes are. Ah, yes, our story dates back to when gods walked amongst us and stood in judgment over our very sins. Yet, these gods were not so simple as we know them now. Zeus once split humanity for fear of their power once unified. His progeny, sadly, were even less gracious. Wrathful beings full of pride and arrogance ruled over us with an iron fist. Humanity served them not unlike like priests do now, save with one vast difference. Humans were enslaved, sentenced to create monuments to their gods and serve their every whim, both saintly and carnal.

Aphrodite and Freya both agreed amongst themselves that the mere sight of such exquisite titans such as them and indeed any deity was too magnificent for any mortal to see. In quick succession the who goddesses tightened the leash around our necks and formed a new decree: “Hence forth, every mortal shall be struck of thine sight. Bound in Sin each shall forfeit thine eyes which hath coveted thy lords and lusted over thy superiors. Amon Ra shall become keeper of thy sinful Iris, until a time when mortals hath shown to be more than simple beasts.”. Every man and women who would read the plague wept for they knew it would be the last time they would see their loved ones. Wept for those born under a new darkness, never to know the brilliance of Helios riding across the sky or shimmer of Nyx’s gown as she drapes across the sky.

One such mortal cursed the gods and vowed to take back what was hers. She was gifted the name of Eris. Before Ra could finish his incantation, Eris struck first. With a trembling hand, she blinded one eye and gutted the orb out of her skull to save for her redemption. With a cloth covering one half of her face to hide her transgressions, Eris prepared for the last of her sight to be taken. Screams wretched the night sky as Ra finished his spell. Within his staff the essence of sight was stored and used to govern the very serfs that it was taken from.

Time passed and humanity grew accustomed to manual labor, cooking, hunting, and many other intensive skills without the use of their eyes. Eris refused to remain quiet and often held secretive meetings to persuade other to join her cause and other throw their masters. More oft than not she felt the tension of her words and the tremble of fear as she uttered forbidden thoughts. Those who listened would have never guessed that Eris second guessed every word she said.

Eris’ words became the voice of a growing rebellion across the realm. Riots ensued, slaves were executed, and cities burned for treasonous intent. Eris wept from her empty sockets for those who gave their lives for her ideals. No matter what punishments came, how many died, none would give up Eris’ location. Without her sight it became easier to rely on her other senses. Her ears could detect an owl hunting a mile away, her scent served her well when hunting, her taste buds gave her ecstasy when food was prepared. With the same knife that she used on herself, Eris made an oath to regain her sight.

One God in particular was quite sympathetic to rebellions cause. Odin, the Allfather, came to visit Eris after proving he meant no harm. Odin himself gave up an eye in exchange for knowledge and grew to respect Eris and her plight. With the knowledge he had gained, Odin divulged a fatal secret to

Eris. In three days’, time an eclipse shall darken the sky. During this time, Amon Ra would be at his weakest, and humanity’s eyes would be vulnerable. Eris agreed to steal the orb during the eclipse and cause chaos amongst the gods.

The day came without delay and Eris was prepared. She was brought before Ra as an offering, a new slave to serve in his palace and to serve in his harem. Odin forced her to memorize the map of Ra’s palace. Armed with knowledge and a chipped carving knife, Eris slipped across from Carnal pleasure halls as the Eclipse began. Many jackal Guards stood in her way and one by one they succumbed to the starving carving knife. Eris followed her mind’s eye to Ra’s antechamber. There within the gold inlay and marble flooring floated an orb the size of a canon ball. Eris could hear the hum of it as it struggled to stay in place. The guards here were more alert than in the hallways, yet even they were no match for Eris’ seduction, only for them to drink from poisoned chalices.

The Orb containing all of humanity’s sight rested in her hands. At last, her oath would be fulfilled. At last, the gods reign shall be tested. This very day a new god was born. As Eris shattered the orb, a new power filled her. Odin never mentioned what would happen to any mortal who dared to defy the gods in such a way. However, could he even have known what he would help create? Eris bathed in the sickly green fluid that swirled in the orb with eyes staring at her. Rising from the fluid, Eris was reborn into the god of strife and discord. Her first act as a god was to return humans to their rightful state. Each was returned with two eyes and the ability to see what was in front of them. Secondly, we entered Ra’s bedchamber as he lay sleeping during the darkest day. With her knife, Eris took His eye in exchange. Eye for an eye blood for blood, Eris cursed the gods once again and all of humanity rose up.

After a time, the gods faded from memory and even Eris deemed humanity too difficult to remain a part of. However, wherever strife, discord, and injustice lay, Eris is not far away. Through her struggles and suffering we regained a great loss, the ability to cry, see, most importantly we can now see the truth reflected in our eyes. Fear, hate, loss, love, joy, cowardice, bravery. It took a mortal to show us that it is truly our eyes that house our souls. To truly know one another you must see eye to eye. Otherwise, we may all be lost once more.

AdventureYoung AdultShort StoryHistoricalFantasyFable

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    JCWritten by John Carlin

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