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To Let Light Shine In Our Hearts

A tale of duality and finding balance within yourself and the Universe. An immersion into an epic fusion of Spirituality, Greek Mythology, Native American Legend, and a lyrical analysis of a well known song that is often misunderstood. A beautiful tale of how people from all walks of life can live in a World of Peace and Harmony if we all open our hearts to Love and Forgiveness. Always remember to activate your Light, even in the Darkest of times. Both Light and Dark, Good and Evil, reside within us all. When the paths diverge, which do you choose?

By Jesse Caudill Published 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read

Calliope crashed to the ground....

A blinding light flashes, and then... Darkness. She awoke with no recollection of who she was, nor the events leading to her abrupt crash into the remains of what once stood a Glorious City.

She rises. Agony strikes her temples, her vision blurs, an intense ringing in her ears. Gasping, she struggles to catch her breath. A sharp pain tinges her left side. Wincing, she clutches at her ribcage. Her rib is broken. She gazes out upon the Dark, ominous sky. Fires surround Her. The air is hazy, an acrid smell of smoke and burning flesh seethes the air. She wears only a dingy cloth robe, a lovely Heart shaped locket rests upon her chest. A journal with a quill tucked into the binding and a broken Diadem lay on the ground beside her.

She searches for clues to spark her memory, desperate for some token of herself to hold onto. She opens the journal, scanning the pages for any musings of her story. Curiously, it’s empty.

The Heart glimmers on her chest. She turns it around in her hands. It’s made of Rose Quartz Crystal, a shimmering Rose and Lily embellish the front.

On the back it reads:

"Beloved Calliope,

Always remember who you are…

The Light in the Dark,

Hope when All seems Lost,

A Rainbow after the Storm”

She is Calliope.

… But WHY is she here?

The Heart glows a brilliant pure White, emitting a sparkling Golden aura. Vibrating intensely in her hands, it opens... Outpours an ethereal frequency, a captivating humming vibration. She falls into a trance. From her throat, she coos a powerful melody in perfect tune with The Heart. She releases herself to the magic of the music. Allowing it to speak through her, she chants, hums, and sings to the frequency. Energy pulsates throughout her. She glows as One with The Heart. A tingling sensation runs through her body as she heals from the inside out. The rib pain and headache dissipate, her bumps, bruises and scrapes disappear. Her robe gleams bright White, her hair forms perfect ringlets cascading around her symmetrical face, the Golden Diadem sparkles atop the crown of her head. Rosiness flushes her cheeks, her vision becomes crystal clear.

Golden-White lightning erupts from The Heart, striking the clouds. A marvelous Violet Archway forms from the clouds to the peak of a small mountain in the distance. As The Heart closes, the frequency lowers. She awakes from the trance and sees the Arch, it calls to her.

Mother Earth is on the verge of total destruction. She must activate the Rainbow so those worthy of salvation may be cleansed and crossover to Utopia.

Calliope steps out of the crater she created upon impact, she peers out across the vast landscape of rubble and flames. A mass of people from all walks of Life gravitates toward her, together as One. Mesmerized by her song, magnetically drawn to her aura. They now stand quietly before her in awe.

A young Native American woman steps forward, adorned with an exquisite headdress crafted from elements of the Earth. She confidently announces herself “O’siyo… I am Redbird, Daughter of the Sun, Chieftess of the Children of Light. We are pleased to receive you.”

Calliope’s voice chimes of bells, “O’siyo Redbird, it is my pleasure to receive you and the Children of Light. I am Calliope. I am here to guide the Children home. Time is of the Essence, for Wrath is near. We must crossover the Rainbow Bridge and ascend to the most magnificent Utopia. Those worthy of salvation who have already passed on, they are waiting to embrace their loved ones with open arms. There will be no more sadness, pain, illness, or death. Only Love, Light and Harmony for all.”

Redbird nods, “We have waited nearly four Cycles of the Sun for a miracle to save us from her Fury. Mother used to visit us everyday, but My Children disgusted her. Her stays grew shorter as her vexations blazed hotter each day... Darkness stretched longer as the Moon stayed up later to dance with the Children… Until Darkness swallowed up the Light. Mother returned with vengeance, starting fires everywhere. Some began to lose Hope… Your Light calls to us, brilliant and pure. We trust your guidance and protection, we follow your lead.”

Calliope smiles, opening her arms to welcome Redbird in embrace.

As One, they chant, “May all the Children be cleansed of their sins and sorrow, and return to the Light”

The Heart glows radiant Indigo. Outpours an enchanting frequency, this time accompanied by the crack of drums and rattle of rainmakers. The Indigo aura engulfs both women, they dance and chant in synchronicity with the song that flows through them.

A ray of Indigo light shoots from them into the sky, piercing through the haze and clouds like an arrow, joining the Rainbow. The clouds open above them and rain falls from a crystal Blue sky, stifling the fires surrounding them. Calliope, Redbird and the Children of Light take a deep breath of fresh air and release a sigh in peace. All rejoice and dance happily in the rain, they can finally see with clarity. The rain washes away all impurities, the Children are adorned with brilliant White robes glistening in the Light.

Calliope dances through the flock, kissing their foreheads, holding hands and dancing with each Child. They all link arms and dance together, a brilliant Blue aura rises and joins the Rainbow.

In the distance, Dark Souls watch from the mountaintops jealous with envy. Among them were those with the most evil intentions, including murderers, rapists, and corrupt politicians.

The self-proclaimed Goddess of Darkness is Pearl. A performer for an exotic Cabaret owned by Mo’Zart, she was given the stage name “Mystery”. She is alluring, a natural charmer. When she dances, temptations cannot be resisted, all who watch her fall hopelessly devoted to her. Mystery has many vices, her thirst insatiable. Obsessed with clout and vanity, she flaunts her luxury items. Her most prized possession is her Scarlett Red 1932 Deuce Coupe. Mysteriously, she has the only car amidst the ruins, and it remains in pristine condition. Her silicone body was nipped and tucked to idolatrous perfection. She is often draped across her hood, arrayed in provocative lingerie of Purple and Scarlett, adorned with Gold, Jewels and Pearls. Perpetually drunk, sipping wine from her Golden Chalice.

Pearl became intrigued by a most pure, Divine soul. A Virgin, dancing on the outskirts with the young Children. She must have him. She whips down the mountain in her Curly-Wurly.

She calls to him, “Come to me, Sweet Lamb... I’ll show you a good time”

The Virgin Christopher replies, “What are your intentions?”

Seductively, she whispers...

“I intend to Enchant you, Crown you my King...

As my Suitor, you must adorn me...

Bring me The Heart of Light.

You must work swiftly, like a Thief in the Night”

Christopher nods.

Redbird asks, “Calliope, have you eaten?” She gestures to a small mound, “It’s not much, but it sustains us... It’s all we have foraged from the land”

Calliope grins, “May I?”

Redbird smiles, “What’s ours is yours”

Calliope closes her eyes, envisioning a bountiful feast. The Heart glows a gorgeous Green, and outpours a wonderful melody. An Emerald lightray transforms jerky into roast beef with vegetables and gravy, stale crackers into bread with butter, corn-nuts into hominy stew, and snack-cakes into a glorious dessert buffet. Empty vessels fill with fresh water and wine, then the Emerald ray joins the Rainbow.

Laughter rings out as they savor the feast, more dancing follows. Undercover, a band of Seven Skyjackers sneak in and strike Redbird down with rods, locking her in a box and starting home to Mother Sun.

Meanwhile, Christopher confesses Mystery’s proposition to Calliope.

She declares, “You must place The Heart on the chest of Mystery, clasping it quickly. When righteous Red bursts from her bosom, lead The Lost Heart to the Rainbow.”

She places The Heart, along with her voice, in his hands.

Obediently, Christopher meets with Pearl on the outskirts, and they wane into the Mountaintops.

He inquests, "May I have the honor of adorning Mystery of the Night,

A gift so pure as The Heart of Light?"

She accepts with a malicious smirk.

He swiftly closes the clasp, she wails in agony. Frantically, she tears at her chest as it burns her flesh, she’s unable to remove it.

The power of The Heart reflects One’s true self in purest form.

Pearl is the Darkest of Souls, filled with unimaginable trauma, anger and sorrow. She is thrown into the depths of her deepest, Darkest Shadows.

To stand and fight through the suffering, reflecting inward to learn the lessons from the trials she has endured; to find Love and Forgiveness within her own heart for herself and others... Only then would she be released from the depths of Darkness.

The Heart glows righteously Red, bursting open with a supersonic boom, emulating outwards, passing through Dark Souls for miles. Those not powerful enough to overcome their Shadows, shriek in agony as they explode into smoke and ash. The Heart now rests atop Mystery’s ashes on the floor, Christopher places it around his neck. A few Dark Souls that overcame their Shadows still lingered, broken and tattered. Humbly, they ask if they could join him. With no fear, he agrees. He revved up the Deuce, and they ran through the night.

They confess to Him their terrible sins and pain they have caused, they ask if they are worthy of Love and Forgiveness? He ponders their question, The Heart opens, emitting a ravishing Orange aura, outpouring a forgiving frequency that fills them all with Love and Harmony. He smiles and nods, as the Orange ray joins the Rainbow.

Meanwhile, the Children are distraught that Redbird and The Heart are missing...

Quill to paper, she quickly composes an announcement, presenting it to a young boy to forecast:


I have sacrificed my voice for the Highest Good

Call on the Divine Power within to push forward

Everything is as it should be

We mustn’t allow Fear in

We will not falter...

Redbird and The Heart will return

WE are the Light in the Dark

WE are Hope when all seems lost

WE are the Rainbow after the storm”

As the ink dries, the words disappear from the parchment without trace.

Thunder cracks, The World falls black, a heavy storm ensues. Water rises around their feet.

They look up and witness the Red ray marrying the Rainbow, onward they go.

As they trudge through the growing inches of water, the Children share their stories with Calliope. Tears well in their eyes as they lament heartbreaking tragedies of all that plagued them the last several years... Dreams shattered, families torn apart, illness, famine, death, and everything in between. Calliope weeps at the heaviness in their Hearts. They tell happy memories to cheer her up, reminiscing joyous stories of their dreams and ambitions.

Christopher is waiting for them upon their arrival.

They join hands and bow their heads, releasing what afflicts them. They dance in the rain, opening their Hearts to receive Love, Happiness, Healing, and Harmony for all. The Heart glows a luminous Yellow, outpouring a glorious healing harmony. All illnesses, mental and emotional traumas are washed away, the Children are whole again. A Golden ray of Sunshine bursts from them, illuminating the sky. The storm stops, the Rainbow Bridge becomes solid.

Atop the Rainbow Calliope sees six of her sisters, each holding a trumpet in one hand, a scroll in the other. A Cardinal flies down from the Rainbow to deliver her own scroll and trumpet. Calliope looks to Christopher, signaling him to lead the way. He guides the Children over the Rainbow.

Christopher is handed the first scroll as the last Child ascends safely. He breaks the seal, the first trumpet blows, and the Four Winds are released...

Young Adult

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