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To Be Vocal Famous (SCRIPT)

Why do you write…

By Alexis Dean Jr.Published about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read


Lisa’s sitting alone by the beach midday. She’s on her first vacation in a very long time. She’s watching the sun go down, and journaling by the ocean. Then she notices a guy out of breath quickly running up to her

Erick: Hey, this is going to seem extremely weird. But, can I borrow your pen?

Lisa: Um, I guess. Yea yea sure. Are you in trouble or…

Erick: One second or I’ll lose it.

Lisa: Lose it?

He snatches the pen and begins writing on his hand quickly

Lisa: I mean, did you want to borrow a piece of paper too?

Erick: Yes! You’re a genius! Thank you!

He thumps down next to her, and before she can rip a piece of paper, he grabs the whole notebook, flips the page she was writing on, and begins writing on the back of it. Now, Lisa loses it

Lisa: Wait wait wait!

Erick: Almost gotttt itttt

Lisa: Got what dude?

Erick: Done! YESSSS!!!!

Erick jumps up and raises his hands. He cheers towards the ocean like he just won a championship, while Lisa watches with interest and some concern. Then, there’s a brief pause where Erick just stares at the water. The waves crash for a moment, and then there’s silence. Lisa’s concern turns into curiosity

Lisa: Hey you!

Erick quickly turns around

Erick: Oh I’m sorry I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Here you go. I promise I’m not a weirdo who just steals pens and paper from strangers.

Erick gives Lisa the pen and notebook back

Lisa: Hey. Don’t you need this?

Lisa points to his writing in the notebook

Erick: Ah! Yes. Woops.

Lisa hands the notebook to him again while smiling. Erick rips it out and hands back the notebook like it’s very fragile

Erick: Thank you again. Erick by the way. I fast forwarded past the introduction part of this exchange. That’s my bad.

Lisa: No problem. That was a bit…much. But, I spend a lot of my day writing and trying to hold onto memories too, so I can understand a bit. I’m Lisa.

Erick: Really? What a coincidence. Just journaling? Or more “professional?”

Lisa: I do love this journal. Which you have defaced now by the way.

They both laugh playfully

Lisa: But, no I’m also an editor and reader of lots of work actually.

Erick: You’re messing with me. Are you really?

Lisa: Yes I am. Really.

Erick: So that means if I gave you this paper back, you may be able to tell me if I’m completely in the wrong direction and destroyed your precious journal for nothing, huh?

Lisa: That is true. And I’m pretty tough, so be careful. Don’t want to hurt your feelings.

Erick looks her up and down playfully then sits next to her and recites his poem


I can see you here…

Smooth dark skin, and smile like mine

Sun lighting your eyes

I can feel you here…

Warm hugs from father to son

Then, you wipe my tears

I can hear you here…

We laugh, we sing, we lament

Watching the time fade

I am with you here…

But, a few blinks and you’re gone,

‘Til I dream again

They sit in silence together. Erick begins to cry after hearing himself reading it aloud for the first time, and Lisa fights back tears of her own. Erick wipes his face and looks at Lisa

Erick: That bad huh?

Lisa sniffles and then lightly pushes Erick

Lisa: That was actually really…really beautiful. At my job we’d even call that a Top Story

Erick’s smiling face slowly grows a little more serious

Erick: A Top Story? What does that mean? Where do you work?

Lisa looks a little worried and tries to calm him down

Lisa: It’s okay, it’s not a bad thing. I’m sorry if I offended you. I work with Vocal. Have you heard of them? You know, you’re a writer. It may be a really great place for you because there’s rewards and…

Erick: It’s you??

Lisa becomes more worried. Erick looks fearful and distances himself from her

Lisa: What do you mean it’s me?

Erick stands and gets very emotional and upset

Erick: It is you! I’ve been writing and posting to Vocal over and over! Haikus, rhymes, fiction, fantasy. Yes! I’ve even tried FANTASY! I don’t know anything in the world about writing FANTASY! And over and over I get told “this is a Top Story,” and “that’s a Top Story.” But, you know what? My “Top Story” never gets chosen to be a grand prize winner! Now, why is that Lisa!?

Lisa: I…I…I don’t know

Erick turns towards the roaring ocean

Erick: Oh, YOU don’t know?! WELL WHO DOES?!

Erick’s screams echo, and then are overpowered by the ocean. He falls to his knees sobbing

Lisa: Erick…

Erick ignores her

Lisa: Erick, come sit by me.

Erick walks back to Lisa and sits with her

Lisa: I can tell you’re a great writer. And, though you seem to hate the claim, this truly is Top Story material. But. What it seems like to me, is that you’re beginning to write for the wrong reasons.

Erick looks her in her eyes. He stares as if he’s seeing her for the first time.

Erick: What do you mean?

Lisa: Yes, Vocal gives awards, prizes, and more. But, ultimately Vocal is just a platform. And I’m sure you can find money and all the notoriety in the world somewhere else. If that’s what you want, then just go get it elsewhere. Instead of yelling at the world. Ask what are you writing for? Is it to just win and be “Vocal Famous.” Or is it to share your stories for others who need to hear them? Because I’m glad I heard your story today.

Lisa takes a deep sigh and stares off into the distance

Lisa: Seeing you all behind a computer screen sometimes separates us, and keeps us from seeing exactly who you are. You’re real artists. Real people. And, today I got to see and hear a writer truly passionate about their work. And it’s really…really beautiful.

Erick: Thank you. And sorry for yelling. Guess I’m not great with first impressions. Am I?

They look at each other in silence. Just the waves of the ocean crashing. They both lean in towards each other slowly. Their lips are about to touch. Then the piece of paper Erick wrote on blows away with the wind.

Erick: No no no no no

Lisa: You don’t need it Erick, stay here

Erick: I do. It’s the first poem I got to read to you. Don’t go anywhere I’ll be back!

Erick runs after the paper as it bounces in the wind and on the sand. He finally jumps and gets it. He cheers like before.

Erick: I did it! Lisa I got it!

Erick turns around, but he can’t see Lisa. Lisa’s gone.

Erick: Lisa! Lisa! Where’d she go…

Erick looks at the paper with his writing, then flips it over. He notices a different writing. On the top of the paper it says “Top Stories.” Erick’s name is on the top of the list.


Inspired by “Forget Insta-Famous. Aspire to be Vocal-Famous.” (GREAT WORK)


About the Creator

Alexis Dean Jr.

Alexis “L.E.X” Dean Jr. is a clean Hip-Hop artist, poet, and educator from Milwaukee, WI. As a writer and music artist, he focuses on the importance of educating through his words and stories...

IG: @DreamsStartYoung

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    Great advertisement for Vocal. You did a good job at capturing the frustration that a lot of writers seem to feel on this platform!

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