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Times Symmetry

A story of shifting consciousness

By simplicityPublished about a year ago 38 min read


Rock walls rise from the ground enclosing the small place I live. Slate colored rock altered with pink areas, as well as glitter specs illuminated by small bits of light that filter in from the outside to the inner cave, make the composition of the walls. Damp and dark inside, warmed only by my fire breath. My breath is used to keep a small fire lit in the corner of the cave. Glabra, Me, was captured as a young dragon by a man named Josiah. Josiah had been adopted by Dungfu. After finding me abandoned on a street one night as a baby, he taught me everything he had learned from some man called Yangshu'an. The only reason he was still called Josiah was because that name was found to be tattooed on him as a baby. Although, most called him by various other nicknames of the Chinese language.

Now, I was the ruler of this cave. It, my dominion. Josiah, although capturing me, treated me as a prized pet. He trained and taught me to guard the cave. The cave housed all his most prized processions and treasures he either looted or acquired through conquest, or as gifts. Mostly, the treasures were tributes showing people's love for him. Josiah visited at least once a month bringing me fire materials: wood and dung. He'd also bring food, some dead some alive. The live one's acted as toys for my amusement before becoming my snacks. My nest was constructed of old fabric, hay and other debris I used as padding. Josiah was known to be part of a Huanlong family, meaning dragon-raisers. Once captured, he conducted a surgery ritual removing a portion of my heart and consuming it in a special stew he then drank from a special goblet. This ritual binds a part of my soul to him. If I ever escape, and all his possessions stolen, I die with his death or at least my soul, or so the story is told. I have never heard of a dragon doing this or even trying to escape. Usually, if an owner knows to do the surgical ritual, the dragon is treated well because they rely on us for protection of the treasures. Plus Dragons welcome the arrangement. It offers a fulfilling job as well as a place to reside.

As a dragon restricted to a lair by a master, it is not without perks. A touch of magic sparked into me in my mid teens and continued to grow from that point on. In my teens I received visions of the outside world. I guess this would be attune to a medieval T.V. for my kind. While awake I could hone in on specific character. While sleeping, my mind took me place not of my choosing. It was an entertaining mind play that kept me distracted from the loneliness of the lair. My desolate, family-less, friendless existence. An important existence none the less for Josiah. I love Josiah.

At first, my love of Josiah was enough. That was until one day I had a strange vision of a man, a future man. This man was everything. Not perfect by any means, but relatable. He was fun to watch and be with. The more I watched the more I realized he was not trying for anyone, except maybe one female character, but he genuinely is who he is all the time. He wasn't putting on a show like most others I had watched. Trying to seem kind, efficient or superior. Each day he woke with just enough time to jettison out the door, making it to work in an appropriate window of start time. He worked at a non-profit. He placed low-income or previously homeless individuals into low cost homes. He did countless hours of screenings and was positioned as a liaison between the families, agency and housing supervisor. He was more entertaining than the looting, battles, village folk or daily routines of my time. Although, I wasn't sure if I was making him up. I'm fairly certain however, I couldn't make up this strange man. He seemed real, his design more concrete and less flexible than my imagination formations. He lived in a time of machines, mostly what I came to learn as electronics and vehicles. It took me along time to understand all of this, but he was addicting. So addicting, I spent most my wakeful hours with him.


Music and chatter permeated the air wafting up through my open window on Santana Row in San Jose. I have a studio apartment. It costs more than I can really afford despite the fact that it can only comfortably house one individual at a time. It is a warm day. The warmth of the sun coaxed me from a strange dream.

I had seen a medieval cup made of iron. The inside was coated with a gold gloss layer, and small jewels lined the perimeter of the goblet. The jewels were all emeralds and rubies in an alternating pattern of 2 emeralds and a ruby. After drinking from the glass a dragon had appeared in what I assumed was a cave in some underworld. Maybe it was Duat, I thought. Although this dragon was not as long as eight men, it was more like two. The dragon possessed three claws that looked deadly with long curving nails resembling tusks on feet, but with a more precise point. They appeared to pinch with precision like tweezers, even while sleeping.

It had been a glimpse into a foreign land before the suns warmth and the days noisy chatter ripped me from this land to my current time. As usual, I was grateful to be woken with just enough time to grab a granola bar and a soda and get in my car for work. It was always bustle here, work for hours, bustle home, make dinner, catch up on bills and interesting things, bed, repeat. Every day, with very little to show for it. All my items were cheap, although I treasured them, they were hardly treasures. Due to my line of work however, I felt blessed in my life.

"Oh how nice it would be to have treasures I could sit with all day and enjoy as my job, but I guess this is what retirement is for.", I thought out loud while parking my car. I could walk to work, but I always drive because I am not a walker. I am fulfilled by my work, but it can be challenging. Taxing emotionally and mentally. Plus, the pay never seems to compensate for the amount of work it truly takes, but that is found in every field. I stop to think about the treasures I would buy with endless amounts of money. Most would be historical items of interest. Items I only read about in my free time.

The End of A Day

"Another day good or bad, successful or not", said Glabra and Lonnie settling in to bed in their respective homes at the same time, exhausted. Glabra napping as dragons often do and Lonnie settling in for the night. If having been viewed by another, a similarity in souls between the two would have been noticed. A soul that spanned time and with the extinction of dragons found a home in a human and vice versa. Almost identical in characteristics.

That night, both Lonnie and Glabra became intertwined forever with a dream and a touch of magic in existence from Glabra's time. A magic strong enough to precipitate, with the crossing of stars, the rarest of phenomenon.

Glabra nestled in to her nest, pulling the goblet into her nest of fabric with her. Keeping the cup just at the perimeter of her nest. It was one of Josiah's most prized possessions. Supposedly, it belonged to an emperor, but had jewels that were added from each important territory at the time of its creation. These gems gave it special qualities.


Cold and dark, hard stone or rock all around. A light shown in the corner opposite of where I am. I walk in the direction of the light. Tripping on multiple items cluttering my path. As I make it near the crackling fire I see glints of gold, silver and colored prisms of light I could only assume came from crystals of gems. There was a leather saddle, swords, chests, wagon wheels, other items that look like medieval machines of some sort, etc. The fire brought the color back to my skin and surroundings making not just the temperature more comfortable, but the whole surrounding. Once fully defrosted I gain the energy to explore more. That's when I see it, a dragon. The dragon from the previous night. The skin is rough, an army green with rust colored areas and specs dotted with black feathers protruding from it. Giving the creature a strange appearance as if an alligator mated with an ostrich producing this creature. Having an appearance more realistically to dinosaurs I had read about from the past, but the face and context resembling what I knew of dragons. Peculiar. Not quite ugly, not quite beautiful, but mesmerizing none the less. The creature blinked its large serpent eyes open. I felt no fear. We looked at each other as if old friends. Its eyes were hazel with green and golden flecks in them, a larger version of my own. Curious, I thought. "I'm dreaming right", I murmur to myself. I pinch myself then use the edge of a dagger lying near me to prick my finger. I bleed. I'm either really here or this dream is the most lucid I have ever had.


I blink trying to force my eyes open from sleep. I have a strange feeling someone or something is in the cave amongst my treasure. I'm ready to defend it from whatever creature wishes to battle me for it. I take my job and duty to Josiah as dedicated as any devote zealot of the time. As my eyes fully open I see future man staring back at me, no treasure in hand. Just a dagger next to him he used to prick his finger, after pricking, releasing it to fall back to the rock floor. Future man is no thief, I immediately relax, but how is he here. Excitement surges through me for the first time with the knowledge of his authenticity. His presence, all the valid proof I need to know he is not a figment of my imagination.

He speaks, but it is all gibberish. Apparently he has lost words at the sight of me. Understandable, I'm a sight to behold and very different than the mundane images he is probably use to. I decide to speak directly to his mind instead of speaking vocally, as to scare him less. I know 5 languages thanks to Josiah. So although Chinese would be easiest for me I know this would not be understood by future man. I myself, am unsure how we came to be in this situation. I start with a simple salutation. "Salve, beo gesund", I say. He seems puzzled. Maybe I chose the wrong language. I never speak to anyone. Maybe language has changed too much over the years. I understand languages faster than most humans, I would need to pay attention to more T.V. with future man to learn faster. I remember the way the female greeted future man when I watched him. I try again saying "Hello, Welcome to my humble abode". Future man relaxes a bit and says "Hello, I'm not sure how I came to your humble abode. I was home and then here".

I am seduced by this strange man before me. He has no feathers, no rough armor of a skin. He has supple, soft, smooth, delicate skin. Softer, smoother skin than Josiah. Less rugged and aged for his age. The Future man has his arm outreached, thinking, asking, "Can I touch you? To see if I can feel you?".

"Yes, go ahead", I reply. I also am curious if this is more than a usual dream. He puts his hand on the side of my face. When he does this, stepping forward, his foot touches the goblet, which is resting against one of my claws. With the creation of this circuit, the goblet begins to vibrate with a resonate frequency. An audible pitch fluctuating ever so slightly between a medium and low singing is just barely heard. Surprised we both withdraw a little. The pitch stops. I keep reminding myself his name is Lonnie, not future man. Lonnies' thoughts are broadcasting themselves to my mind. I wonder if I can do the same. Lonnie is trying to work up the courage to ask if he can pick up and investigate the goblet. I nudge the goblet gently so it falls to his feet. Lonnie looks amused, but like he is close to cracking. Luckily with the goblets distraction his look of lunacy subsides. He is thoroughly investigating the item. Turning it over looking underneath then flipping it back right side up. Rubbing his fingers over the jewels. Knocking on it to test its strength and authenticity. "Is this a trick glass or cup?", he keeps repeating in his head. Another thought begins, "Is this what brought me here?". He is in whirling, spiraling, thought clusters being clouded by too much emotion, pushing me out. Desperate for him to calm, I yell in my head, "I don't know, but it will be okay, I want to understand this strange magic as well", desperately wishing for my thoughts to reach him. I wished it so hard I felt something strange occur in my chest, maybe my heart growing. It pulsed under my scar where Josiah had done the surgery. Lonnie waited for me to look at him, He nodded understandingly then came and sat on the edge of my nest, back to me, beside my mouth and nose. He heard me, he got it, and he trusted me. Progress, in a way. I explain in my head to him that I am somewhere called Maghreb, at least that is what Josiah has called it before.

Lonnie is speaking to himself as well.

"Lonnie, I am Lonnie, I'm in a strange land and I am Lonnie. Or I guess, I am in Maghreb, says a dragon in my head. I am Lonnie and I am overwhelmed". I'm wearing my smart watch, remarkably it is still working. Using its location finder in maps it says location is Anti-Atlas near Tafraoute. "Does this dragon have a name?", I wonder. "Where is Tafraoute? How is that even said?", honestly lost in my geography.

"Yes, Glabra", Lonnie hears.

"Glabra the dragon, Glabra Abra Cadabra", Lonnie plays, rhyming the name and smiling at the wittiness of the short phrase.

"Yes, but no Abra Cadabra", says Glabra.

"Its a saying for magic, for when a magician does a trick and is about to reveal the big magic, never mind, can you not read into every thought I have. I'm confused at the moment, none of this makes sense. Not every thought is speaking to you", Lonnie snaps. Feeling just slightly embarrassed now at the short phrase of rhyming.

"I understand. I watched you before. I kind of know you, your days", explains Glabra.

"I saw you once too, in a dream while you slept, but I was here before, in this cave", Lonnie adds.

Glabra appeared to smile, liking the mutuality of it.

"The goblet", they both think at the same time.

The goblets reaction was unexplainable and most likely the source of this strangeness.

Looking around, Lonnie picks up some of the treasures lying around, "wow, omg, this is worth a fortune, a sword, what is this machine....oh a loom, wow".

"So impressed? Its nothing like the items I've seen in your day", says Glabra.

"My day, these are real treasures!", thinks Lonnie.

Glabra looking concerned transmits, "Josiah may be coming tomorrow or the next day".

"Josiah?", inquires Lonnie.

"My keeper, master, owner, ummmm parent. He brings me food, bedding, wood and dung for fire", Glabra explains.

"Oh I see. We need to figure out how to send me back. How to fix this magic", Lonnie considers.

"I know, its just too soon, I just met you in person, but I know you are right", Glabra agrees.

I think Josiah has a book with an explanation about occurrences like these. It is bound with green and gold. Its green material with gold lettering. Last time I saw it, it was over yonder with some bronze items and carved statues", Glabra considers.

"Yonder?", Lonnie inquires.

In a split second Glabra is on the opposite side of the cave in the northeast corner of the cave digging around. Like a shooting star Glabra streaks across the cave. Surprisingly gentle in the search. A moment later Glabra is back to the nest with the book.

We both flip through the book and stop on the explanation of qi and qigong. On the back of the explanation is a recipe using the goblet. Glabra translates.

Using a blank page from the back of the book. Place a drop of blood from each being, Fill goblet with water, half full. Wad up paper and place in water. Place whole goblet and contents under the flame of a dragons mouth. The color of the flame explains the qi. Follow direction for that color.

Blue-Pour on ashes of a fire on a full moon

Red-Smother the flame of a candle with the goblet after drinking the contents

Yellow-Freeze and then throw into a body of water

Black-Pour contents of goblet into a hole and burry. Then drink holy wine out of it

Purple-Spit into cup, leave for 2 days before pouring out

"We have nothing else, do you want to try it?", Lonnie asks.

"It doesn't say anything about if the blood is okay to use from a dragon providing the flame for it", Glabra worries.

"True, but we have no other lead and it also doesn't say you can't", Lonnie contends.

Glabra rips a page from the book and uses the same dagger Lonnie used earlier.

Both prick a finger and place blood on the sheet. Then Lonnie fills the cup with water from a barrel and places the page in the water.

"Stand back", Glabra warns.

Fire roars out encapsulating the Goblet until it is glowing red hot. The flame turned white. A thunderous explosion causes aftershocks throwing us back so we hit the rock wall. The cup still there, but all contents gone.

"The flame blazed white. Is there anything in the book about a white flame?", I beseeched.

"Nothing, but the water. What barrel did you use to fill it? The one on the left or the right?"

"Right I think", I respond.

"Bai Long"

Glabra seems to be in a trance.

It had to be the mighty powers of a Bai Long. Little me, Glabra, under the magical workings of a Bai Long, the most virtuous of spirits, a legend upheld to the highest emperors and kings. Why, why would Bai Long be meddling, I'm deep in this thought.

"What's our next move?", Lonnie asks getting up from the ground.

"I don't know", and I really didn't. I sat in my nest and tried to work it all out, but I had nothing. I didn't want Lonnie to worry so I tried to distract from the current predicament at hand.

"Do you want some Amlou? While we think.", I ask Lonnie.

"Amlou?", looking bewildered.(Lonnie)

"To eat", I reassure. (Glabra)

"Sure, I'm hungry. As long as it doesn't walk or something, sure", Lonnie answers.

I grab the bread and amlou and pass it to him. I take a piece of bread and spread amlou on it using a claw and eat. He copies me.

"Oh thank god it's granola kind of", he seems pleased. (Lonnie)

Shockingly he eats more than half of the contents.

The thirst I had been ignoring came knocking within me. I was glad Glabra gave me food, but I was extremely thirsty. My muscles felt close to cramping. The amlou was delicious, Glabra was kind to share it with me. But the thirst was getting unbearable. I'd have to ask.

"Thank you for the food, but it seems it has made me sitient. Can I have some drinking water?", Lonnie says apologetically afraid to be a bother.

"Barrel on the left, use the ladle that's in there to drink", responds Glabra.

I hobble over to the water, limping. The patter from my uneven gate shuffling and dragging floor items with me as I go, while I put all my weight on the left side since my right ankle seems to be swelling. The trek was arduous, but proves worth it after my first sip. The water is clear, cool and replenishing. I feel all my senses come back to me instantly. I hear drips falling into the drinking barrel. At first, spaced in long intervals and then faster.

"The ceiling is dripping into the barrel", I inform Glabra.

"It's raining, the barrel collects the rain that drips in, the rest is filled by Josiah", I inform Lonnie. "The rock filters it", I add.

"Bai Long", I repeat to Lonnie.

I flash over with the goblet to the water barrel next to Lonnie. My speed impressed upon his optics. I catch drops in the goblet until its a third full.

"Take a sip", I say releasing the goblet to Lonnie's hand.

He sips, then I sip.

A Romulea Antiatlantica floats atop the water in the barrel.

"How did that flower get there", Lonnie says startled.

"Bai Long!", I repeat again. Lonnie saying it in his head as I say it out loud. Then I eat the flower and return to my nest. I feel a warming from within that beams around inside my form. Lonnie returns to the nest with me. We are silent in thought, both of us turning over the events that just transgressed.

"Who/what is a Bai Long?", Lonnie inquires.

"When you speak that name, say it with reverence in your heart, voice and actions. Bow your head a little. Bai Long is representative of a spirit, one of four dragon kings. The White Dragon. A Pure spirit, the purest.", I trenchantly explain.

Lonnie needs no other explanation, he seems content with this. All the information exceeding his understanding of plausibility of worldly possibility until tonight.

"I need rest", Lonnie mumbles.

"Lets rest", I agree. This is a long interval of activity for a dragon.

Waking to the New & Old

The extent of Bai Longs trick did not show itself until we awoke the next day. I as Lonnie. I could only hope Lonnie as me. The ancient magic must have allowed us to transmute forms. I felt my skin with my hands. I look at my real hands. Then using them to clumsily grab a time device I have seen Lonnie silence at least a hundred times. I press the button on top, It quiets. Hands are not as precise as my talons. I think more an issue of altered dexterity. With practice dexterous adroitness would come to my new form of hands. I missed Lonnie even while revering in being a real human.

That's when I saw it and heard it, a visual and auditory hallucination. I saw Lonnie as me. Slowly I realized they were not hallucinations, but rather real portals communicating with me. A glowing energy within, my crystal ball to Lonnie. I wondered if he would be able to hear me if I attempted to communicate. Human is not so different than dragon; emotions, thought process, and feeling are much the same. Action is slower and mightiness significantly decreased, making vulnerability heightened in every situation. I do not enjoy this vulnerability, it makes me long for my dragon form. The form is the only noticeable change because all other mystical faculties are still present. I am still connected to Josiah as well. The bad news is he was less than a day away from visiting. We would need to confided in Josiah, he may know what to do or what book could help our situation, maybe provide a useful potion.

I needed Lonnie's help right now. I could act the actions of the routine, but actually acting the part would take a little help and bumf. After silencing the time machine, I hear "Clock, its a clock, clock, clock. Like Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse went up the clock...".

"I silence the CLOCK", I repeat THEN....", I anticipate, but nothing. Then I go to the kitchen and grab items and eat on the way to work. In my 'car machine'.

"Do you drive? Driving is not hard, but you need to know how to do it", Lonnie explains.

"Think about each step thoroughly, I will get it I think. Think about every step", I repeat this in my head for 30 seconds.

"I see. I look for specifics. I see, a key goes into the slot to start the machine. Peddles for acceleration and braking. Mirrors for viewing surroundings and avoiding touching other cars. Horn, lights and blinkers. It is complicated, but I understand the more Lonnie explains each step. Over and over he thinks of the steps, completing a more complete picture each time.

As I get ready to go, grabbing the key, and a 'wallet' Lonnie asks, 'So, what do I do as you all day?"

I think about my days in the cave. I take inventory of items daily, organizing and polishing certain items. I conduct pest control of the cave. Keep my fire going continuously and most importantly stay alert to protect Josiah's treasures. Compared to my current surroundings the cave seems rather austere with its piles of things. Lonnie's home is comfortable and homey with personal touches of aromatics and interesting art. With my explanation, Lonnie seems content with his duties for the time being. I leave to try and implement what he has taught me about driving.

The day was harder than he made it look all those times I watched him. Driving was not as fun as it seemed. I found my place of work, but navigation did not come as naturally as I hoped. Once there, there were so many things to do. I had to answer phones, send emails, fill out forms, and coordinate activities. Without Lonnie I would have been lost and the day a disaster. It wasn't so bad once I got the hang of it, but I now see why Lonnie is so tired at the end of his days.

In between helping me, Lonnie attempted his duties in the cave. He had an interesting method of pest control however, he found an old cage and was catching and caging all the rodents. Strangest thing, I guess he didn't want to feel too lonely or just doesn't have a taste for them.

"Can you see what I have done?", Lonnie was asking.

Once I had a break and could focus, I saw! He had made the cave hospitable and even cozy. I delighted in the way he designed it. Something about using feng shui. I knew the concept, but had never seen it in action. The loom was placed beside one side of the nest, giving it privacy from other areas of the cave. The cave now had designated areas for reading, recreation, food storage, etc. He used wagon wheels and other machines in new ways outside of their designated purposes. This, allowing him to build and use space above the floor, creating levels.

"I can do so much more in a day with speed and abilities like this", Lonnie asserts, amused with the qualities of being me. The novelty of being me, a dragon secluded in a cave, still fresh.

"Before I forget, when Josiah arrives explain the situation to him in the way we have thought about. When he doesn't believe you say 'Ba women bang zai yiqi de jie jixu cunzai', it means 'the knot tying us lives on'. If you say this he should trust you", I explain to Lonnie.

I go back into work, luckily the clock says I only have a few more hours of work to endure. Then, I get to go back to my apartment with T.V., food, and a bed. The apartment is smaller than my cave, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in feeling.

"You have a call waiting for you?", the receptionist notifies me.

I straighten out my cloths, the way I have seen Lonnie do, in his dignified way and go into my desk.

"Hello, Hello, this is Eugene Smithens. Sorry to bother you, but I called earlier this week. Were you able to complete my families request? Will we be able to move into the unit next week, the one near Hull Ave? I faxed in the rest of our documents and secured work. I am available for a walk through".

"Please hold for a moment", I reply. I locate his file. It is still not approved. I scan the document looking for reasons. Temporary housing approved at a different location. I map search it. The location is at least an hour away from the other location. I find the documents he faxed in. His job is right next to Hull Ave. I understand his urgency. "Hello, sir", I say and begin to explain.

"No Sir, please you don't understand. Please resubmit the paperwork with the new documents, please. Please", he begs.

"I will see what I can do, I will contact you later in the week with an update. No promises", I say.

"Okay, I see, okay. Call me on the number in my file. Thank you", he replies. His energy crushed, but still contains some fight in it.

I finish out my day working on his paperwork with Lonnie's help. This job is so detailed. After learning about Mr. Smithens I feel for him and his family. I never felt this helpless as a dragon.

Relieved to be done, I find my car and my way home. Once inside my apartment I close all the blinds. The darkness relaxes me. For the first time today I feel no stress. I shower in hot water. Nothing compares to the hot water I have on tap. I sit under the water reveling in the convenience. After a shower I just have energy for bed and sleep. Lonnie is the same as me. His enthusiasm during the day has drained him.

"Good day Lonnie"

"Good night Glabra, I'm glad I'm not alone in this"

"Me too", I reply.

Day 2

Josiah arrived in the middle of the night. Glabra and he must be close because he new almost immediately something was different before I even spoke. Maybe it was the design of the cave that gave me away. I explained the whole scenario. I started with how I had no idea how I came to be in the cave, in the past, and with Glabra. I explained about where I was from. Then I explained the happenings with the goblet. I showed him the book Glabra had used. Glabra still able to be with both of us, translated for each of us. Designated as acting liaison between the two of us in this strange arrangement. When the explanation was done I looked up into Josiah's face, which was contemplative. It was minutes before he spoke. Then....

"All that in the night before my arrival huh, good show. Okay, there is another book, that of Bai Long, It is white with formica lettering. I will need to consort with an old friend and gather supplies. When I arrive back we will be able to mend this switch. In the mean time I brought you some food and fire lasters, as well as some new treasures. My men will bring it in, say nothing of any of this", Glabra translated for Josiah.

"They wouldn't understand me even if I did", Glabra did not translate my comment. Instead she sent me thoughts of encouragement. They did encourage me. I was amazed by how much language had morphed and changed over the years from place to place. Fascinating.

I showed Josiah the reading area where I knew I had placed the book he was looking for. He grabbed it, quickly thumbing through the pages. Then exclaiming loudly and rather drunkenly for such a sober man, "Ah Ha Ah Ha", slamming his hand down flat on the page.

"Its all here. We will need a goat, three Romulea Antiatlantica, sand or rock from Ifrane as well as Zerhoun. I will pick up amber and incense, as well as a few skins while I'm in Ifrane. A sorcerer is known to be in the area of Ifrane. I will need to be careful when purchasing my supplies. Avoid purchasing items known to work together in many spells. I will also need special waters. The water from each source ruled by one of the four dragon kings. I will need to put word out to those I trust to see if anyone has any of these items. This could take time. Tonight I plan and need rest. I will leave after that and will return once supplies have been gathered. I will need to take this book with me on my journey. To reference.", Josiah stated.

"Okay", I reply not about to argue with our only source of help. I felt for Glabra having to be so reliant on this man. He was kind, but she was under his thumb with no real alternative. Her only link to the world. Hardly a fair relationship.

"About how long are you thinking this will take", I ask.

"The end of the next season", He replies.

"That sounds long, Glabra that sounds long, how long is that?", I'm trying not to sound panicked, but I know I have failed.

"He has to acquire all the supplies. It's not like in your day. He will have to ride to these places, make deals, track down suppliers, carry them all back, all while not drawing attention or getting stopped or looted. He will need to coordinate with men he trusts. Its a voyage".

"I see", I say, but I don't, I am beginning to miss my time period and home. One of convenience and practicality. Not magical odysseys or quests.

I show Josiah an area for him to rest once his men are done bringing in supplies. It takes a third of the day for them to deliver all of them. He really must love Glabra, he spoils her with luxuries of the time. I see why Glabra reveres him. His care is meticulous and he seems genuinely concerned about her. I tell him all about what she is doing currently. He seems slightly amused in-between his worrying.

"She is magnificent, always has been", Josiah compliments.

Glabra is flattered, but I can tell she wishes she was home with him right now.

"You made me a sleeping quarters equipped with drawers for my things? Unnecessary, but good organization. Almost doesn't feel like a cave or lair in here, but a home.

"He likes it and you. Thank you.", Glabra notifies me.

Day 10

By day 10 the novelty of the situation has worn off for both of us. The job feels more like a prison. It has an appearance of freedom, but is very confining. Lonnie also feels this way. The cave feels more like a tomb that he has been placed and forgotten about than a home and job. We both are breaking, but trying to stay sanguine for one another at all costs. I have a new understanding of Josiah and human life. It is hard to be a liaison between groups. It takes a lot strategy. I begin to worry that there is no fix for our situation. I go to a place called a 'Library' to see if there are any books on 'folklore' or magic. I find a variety of books on a variety of subjects, but nothing like what I am searching for.

Lonnie is bored and plagued by loneliness. He seems to not understand how I have survived so long in this way. Although, he has found a Trades man who entertains him. It seems some of my abilities of watching others has remained even with him inside my form. My body must contain the magic, not just my soul. We both contain some magic, but to a lesser degree than if I was whole. The combination of mind and body must unlock the power. We had time spilling out before us, endless time with only time.


The camel walked in rhythmic trots of dips between steps. I know the journey that is unfolding before me will not be easy and I must complete it as quickly as possible without telling too many other people. If word got out that my treasure was protected by this human man spirit some may come to try to kill him and steal my treasures. They may see a weakness and decide to target it. Leaving me and Glabra's body in a precarious situation. Everything could be lost forever if anything should happen to anyone of us. The fear from this thought sent shivers through my body presenting as goosebumps on my arms. I firmed my brow, focused a stern gaze, and rode on leaving the worry and fear where they developed. There was no room in this journey for them. I had work to do.

I made it to a friends dwelling, late night. My friend lived in a ksour. Before entering the village I traced the geometric shapes etched into the compacted earth used to fortify the walls with my hands. Connecting with the earth and those before me. I slipped off the camel choosing to walk in, leading the animal. Once inside I found the door of my friends flat. "Adil", I called inside. Some shuffling of wares, then footsteps, then the kind welcoming face of my friend. I would stay here tonight. The first day of the trip proved successful. This was a good omen.

The two of us shared pleasantries and caught up. We ate and drank. Then I delved into business and what I needed from him. Adil is my oldest friend. A trusted confidant and willing supporter. He would undoubtedly help with the cause.

"Don't worry old friend, I understand, consider it done. It is done already in thought and the actions will follow", Adil confirmed his assistance.

Adil and I, combined, form a deep network that includes devote relationships permeating every trade, market, bazaar and kingdom. The process was underway and once began would not stop until finished. That night Adil sent two individuals to deliver messages to select individuals. Thus the process started. Messages related to the dirt collection and information gathering about materials and where they could be found.

I rested easily when night came. I was completely reassured by the support of my friend. He would get Glabra back home safely. My next move would come after the information was relayed back from the messengers. For now, just rest and waiting.

Closing of a Season

The end of summer came fast. Most of the materials were acquired with little to no attention brought with the purchases. I was waiting on two last materials. I had to get back to the cave before winter, with enough time to travel back to my home. Winters are wet and snowy. Although, considered milder to other locations, winter would be humid and harder to travel with my usual caravan. The last two items were expected in the next few days. I had journeyed to a bazaar and was now back at Adil's flat waiting on the remaining items.

"Josiah, a healthy goat will be here tomorrow", Adil states.

"Good", I reply.

"You are sure a Bai Long spirit had something to do with it and not some other spirit or curse", Adil asked.

"I'm sure", I state definitively. "The source is a drinking vessel I secured from a Chinese emperor. He gifted it to me, saying it contained powerful forces within the materials that compose it ", I explain.

"Oh, I see, yes you would know. I hope these items bring you fortune.", Adil commiserates.

"Me too", I exhaustively confess .

"Glabra, Glabra, are you there?", I ask in my mind.

"Yes", Glabra faintly replies, "The magic is getting weaker the longer I stay in human form. Soon I may not be able to communicate. I'm forgetting many things about being a dragon".

"Okay, I will be back soon with all the supplies and we will fix this", I says. I pat my pocket where I'm keeping a prized piece of amber from the tree of life. I wrapped it in a piece of cloth from fabric of a Saint. The materials exceeded my budget, but nothing could be spared while acquiring quality items.

"Josiah, I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I have many friends here in the future time. Its not all bad, I wish I was back in the cave, but believe me I am good here. I can last here.", Glabra seemed to be saying to self convince.

"I know", I say with nothing else to add. We know the situation.

The Ceremony

Josiah arrives with a small caravan, only two men. Josiah says he has lost contact with Glabra. I myself have lost contact with Glabra for a week now. I worry how she is doing. If she is lost in my life and needing me. I feel more vulnerable as a dragon than I ever did as a human. Josiah's arrival couldn't have come at a better time. The cave has been feeling more forlorn than a placid hideout. I obtained my dream of sitting with a room full of treasures, but now that I have it, I miss outside. I miss the ability to research treasures. I miss the act of dreaming up what-ifs, and the hope it lended me, the motivation it brought.

Josiah entered with a goat. He was cursing, or at least I assumed it was cursing given the tone, as he entered through the small rocky opening that opens to the inner pit of the cave. The goat looked healthy and had a beautiful sheen to his coat. Josiah carried a satchel bulging with supplies. The two men with him had matching satchels. Setting down the satchel in front of me, he pulls out two books. One I recognize as the book he took from the cave before his journey. The other he must have acquired on the journey. Now my interest is peeked. I'm ready to get this ceremonial ritual going. Ready to lift this curse and get home to my body. My birth body would now forever be home to me. Maybe one day I will be able to relate it to something and translate it with my understanding of science to rectify this situation in my mind. Currently I couldn't. Yet, I remained hopeful the experience would prove magic really existed in prior times. Proving all the old fables I read as a child held some truth.

Without Glabra communication would be impossible. Josiah understood this fact as well. He patted the second book, then opened it a forth of the way in. He pointed to a few sentences on the page, then to materials in the satchel.

"Qinggan zai yuyan zhong yidong bing zai yuyan zhong xingcheng", He teaches me.

"Qinggan zai yuyan zhong yidong bing zai yuyan zhong xingcheng, "Qinggan zai yuyan zhong yidong bing zai yuyan zhong xingcheng,"Qinggan zai yuyan zhong yidong bing zai yuyan zhong xingcheng, "Qinggan zai yuyan zhong yidong bing zai yuyan zhong xingcheng", he repeats then I repeat after.

We do this until I get it correct. Once I get it, Josiah motions that he needs rest. I nod my head in understanding. Tomorrow or after rest we would continue. I could not rest. I was too anxious, leaving me hopelessly restless. Fire smoke puffed out of my nostrils as I found it hard to control myself, in the given circumstances. I pull the goblet and the second book into the nest as Glabra had. The second book is a burgundy wine color with black lettering. The material on this cover is worn thin and fringing in spots. I open the cover and flip through the pages, stopping on a page with drawn visual diagrams. It looks like an arrangement for a ceremonial ritual. The pictures contain the flowers, dirt, stones, herbs, etc. The pictures show the recipe and the arrangement of items for each step in succeeding order. Maybe Josiah could be trusted, maybe he could solve our problem. He obviously is somewhat well read. He knew of this book, judging how most the items he spoke of were present in the diagram. I think he is as desperate to get Glabra back as I am to be myself. I close my eyes to rest, knowing I will not rest. I'm just waiting for Josiah to awake and lead us through the ritual.

Hours passed with Josiah resting. Every time I open my eyes I watched as his chest fills and releases air. He snores loudly. He had had a long arduous journey. His body lays heavy and unmoving on his sleeping mat. I wondered about this strange man from the past. His story so unique and hard, yet he was kind and intelligent. I wondered if this ceremony would hurt, if it would work. Each time the glow of the fire got low I replenished it with materials and flame. The light kept me hopeful as the glow in the cave kept it dimly lit and warm feeling, just as a home should be. I sat wondering until I must have fell asleep from boredom.

I woke up to bustling movement and shuffling. Items were already in place like they were depicted in the pictures of the book. Josiah had laid a wine colored sheet down before placing the items. The goblet cup was placed in the center. I was to sit on one side of the goblet and the goat on the other. Incense burned, I think frankincense. The goblet had four small tea pot size pitchers in front of it. The first contained waters from the east china sea, the second south china, the third Lake Baikal, lastly the forth the west from Lake Qinghai. There was jade and amber. There was dirt and rock collected from the two places he had previously spoke of. Metals of various weights, colors and densities. There was a drop of silver placed on each hoof of the goat. Everything was in place and intricately ready for the preceding procession. Josiah recited the lines he had taught me and then indicated for my repeated response. I remembered, I had practiced during my purgatory of his rest. We were ready to begin. Any time he raised his arm and pointed at me I was to recite the saying he taught me. The rest would be uttered by him. Thus began the strangest thing I have ever been privy to witness let alone participate in.

Josiah threw dirt at the goblet, goat and I. Very unpleasant, some hitting my nostrils and mouth. Gritty holy dirt, it was a first for me, I endured only because I trusted Josiah's judgment. After a couple rounds of dirt and chants and the mixing of the four waters in the goblet a reaction began to take place. The same singing vibration began to ring from the goblet. Remembering how we were thrown the first time I began to regret being so close to the vessel and wondered if I should begin sheltering or bracing myself, but Josiah seemed unaffected.

Once the singing from the goblet became a substantial ominous ringing, an electricity came off of it. Visible lines of electricity leading from the silver on the goats hooves to the goblet could be traced. It all culminated with the goat levitating and a bright white flash occurring. The goat was then standing on the cave ground upright, but now no longer just a goat. A white goat with a face merged with that of a dragon. It spoke.

"I am Ao Run"

Josiah says something in Chinese to Ao Run. When Ao Run speaks both I and Josiah seem to understand.

" What is misplaced can easily be placed right in time and space, but what did you learn?"

I was in shock at the scene, but I attempted to respond. Flashes of thoughts and memories. The vulnerability felt from the confusion of the circumstance and being stuck in an unfamiliar environment. The comfort that had come from Glabra, Josiah, as well as a few treasures in the cave. Most importantly the memories of home. This reinforced my commitment to my job at home. They needed me. I had a greater understanding of how important I was to them. Why my services were desperately needed. Everyone deserved a space to create memories. To escape the vulnerabilities created by everyday life and unexpected events.

Ao Run smiled. I became aware, much like Glabra's ability, Ao Run was reading my mind. Ao Run indicated I should drink from the goblet. I did as directed. After my first sip, I feel a dissipating feeling in my head followed by tunnel vision and again a flash of illuminating white light. I pass through this light and fall into something. As I look around trying to steady myself I realize I am back in my body. I'm Lonnie again. I rub my hands together, touch my face, rub them on my jeans. My skin is soft, my hands have 5 fingers again, I walk and run. Human is wonderful. Not so different than a dragon, but much more fitting for me.

As I appreciate myself and my body again, a thought of Mr. Smithens enters my mind. The vulnerability he must feel for himself, his family, and obtaining the location for a home near his new job. I have a profound understanding of this vulnerability. In my new enthusiasm I get in my car and head to the office. There was one thing I hadn't tried in his filing. I would get it done. I would make it happen for him and his family. The monster of vulnerability would be kept at bay, the way Josiah and Glabra had kept mine from devouring me.

"Glabra you still there?", I asked in my mind.

Nothing. No response. The disappointment is felt, it feels as if a loved one has died. I guess everything was placed back as Ao Run had promised. I wish I knew how Glabra felt returning to herself. How Josiah felt getting her home. Work would be the welcomed distraction I need right now. To keep my mind from returning to the cave and the two of them.

That night, returning home proud, grateful, and exhausted I prepare for bed. On my night stand is a green emerald. It appears to me to resemble the ones found on the rim of the goblet. I look around studying my apartment. No one is found. No oddity discovered. I don't remember it being there before I left, but I had been distracted. I'm too tired to explore further into it tonight: I check that the door is locked, peer out the window, and settle into bed with the emerald placed in a small zip coin purse placed in my pj's pocket.

Meet You In A Dream

Not all the magic drained from us. On returning to my dragon body, it felt wonderful to be me, whole Glabra again. The way Lonnie had organized my cave was perfection and a welcomed homecoming. I vowed I would maintain his organization of it. I had all my powers and speed back. I felt more powerful than before the transmutation and my duties now paramount to my being. It felt like a second chance at life. As I settled in to my nest to rest I pulled the goblet near. I notice one of the emeralds is missing. As I rested, I was startled in a dream by Lonnie. It was really Lonnie in my dream or at least the mingling of our subconscious selves. We caught up. He thanked me for my work with Mr.Smithens and updated me on the case. We shared experiences and things we learned. I discovered he has the missing emerald. He wanted to give it back to me, but I suggested he keep it. It is after all, the last item connecting us and our experience. Later, we would discover it was our portal to one another. Any night he slept with it close to him, we would meet in a dream.


We remained friends and met regularly every week until Josiah's passing. After Josiah's passing Glabra began aging more rapidly. With her withering along went the decay of the treasures. Until one day, Glabra died. This is when the magic reintroduced itself. The emerald gem I had started vibrating and shattered into a billion, possibly trillion pieces right in front of me. Now, just an emerald shimmer. As I sit, looking at the pieces wondering what it all means, that's when I hear her. Glabra! She was with me again. Since our meeting, we had lived in and through each other. Never forgetting our shared experience. Now we slowly merged into one, more wholly complete together than apart. As if time had mistakenly placed us apart for so long it had to be set straight and corrected. Am I dragon, is she human, or are we both. We remained eachothers other half for the remainder of my life. I swore my appearance changed to where I even slightly resembled aspects of her over the years. Although, no one else noticed this. It was as if time corrected a mistake by uniting us. Creating a symmetry through time, that balanced us in our times. Maybe we'd be reborn as one after my passing, but only time can tell that story.


AO Run, Wikipedia, 12.10.2021,

AO Run King of the western sea, Collection,

Bai Long, Fandom,

Dragon, Wikipedia, 10.28.2022,

White Dragon Horse, Wikipedia,8.23.2022,

FableFantasyShort Story

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