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Times of Change Chapter 3

Rumblings from afar

By Antony AtkinsPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Several people of the Ruby looked down the hil they had been posted on for several days, over looking a village. They had orders to capture one person, and one person only. It was known there were a few of the Ruby below, but not enough to worry about.

"We only go after Elysi," the leader said. Standing the tallest at six foot eight inches, her coat bore the most honors and medals from their tribe. Battles fought, battles won. Brothers and sisters lost, but none forgotten. "We are not here to kill, only capture. Send the peridot out." Her smile was grim as the three members of her group appeared to shimmer then vanish. Only their foot steps in the grass giving away their position. For those that were wise enough to look for them. "Find the girl, and report back. You will not have the honor of capturing her." No sound came back as her order went on the wind.

"Commandant, I don't understand," Jhensen; a newer recruit, said as he watched the feet trail off and away. "It's this clans turn for the Oynx, why are we ordered to bring her home?"

"Because, the last time this clan had one of the Oynx, the world almost ended. Do you want that to happen again?" The leaders stern voice lashed out at her troops. "Have you forgotten the woe that befell everyone?"

"Of course not Commandant Delin," Jhensen said bowing his head slightly. Hoping that she would forgive him for his lack of insight.

"Good. When we rescue the girl from this place, she will be your duty. You will make sure no harm befalls her during the trek back." There were multiple sighs of relief as the others of the group let go of some of the stress they'd been holding back. No one had known who was going to care for the rescued Onyx, and they had not been looking forward to drawing straws. Commandant Delin of course would never have gotten the duty.

"Yes, Commandant," Jhensen said holding back his own shame. Since he would be carring for the girl, he would be left behind when the attack started. "May I request Genril and Funf stay behind with me during the attack, that we may see if she runs like the mouse she is said to be?"

"Genril will stay behind, Funf will be in the main attack. You wouldn't deprive the youngest of this party the right to fight would you?"

"Of... of course not Commandant. My mistake." Glancing at the young boy, who was maybe 13 cycles, he wondered if he would see him again. "Then perhaps Brunhel will stay back. He is the quickest of all of us."

"Good call Second," Commandant Delin said with a smile. "You'll maake first rank thinking like that soon enough. Perhaps, if you learn to keep your mouth shut, there will be a day when you hold my position."

"I would never dream of it Commandant," Jhensen said with some regret. None of his family had ever made it past First Soldier. "My family would die of stroke if I ever made it that far. Any whom still live."

"Speak no more of it Second Soldier Jhensen. And perhaps you'll find that live isn't as difficult as you've been led to believe."


Elysi swam lightly in the cool river near her house. It was a bathing day, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the water to herself. If anyone else were to come to the river, they would leave just as quickly. It was thought to be ill luck to swim with one of the Oynx. She was so immersed with the small amount of alone time from her parents, and from the community as a whole. She was tired of the looks, the questions, the accusations when something went wrong.

But Elysi was so engrossed in her ritual that she didn't notice the brushing of grass away from invisible feet, or the sound of someone or something running off from the water. She didn't know that the ones of Peridot had found her. She never knew the color of the eyes, or their abilities. Peridot wasn't of the natural order, and no one would have told her of their abilities. The rest of her community didn't notice when foot steps approached, then quickly went another way.

Only one set of eyes caught the steps, one of the Ruby eyes. But they had no idea what it was, and thought perhaps it was the wind. If only this member of Ruby had been paying closer attention, perhaps the attack could have been stopped. Maybe more would have survived. Perhaps Elysi wouldn't have been captured.


Panting, the members of the attacking group looked down at the destruction they had brought to this small community. They'd tried to recruit more of their own kind, but they had refused, attacking the raiders with everything they had. Only two of the attacking force had fallen. Commandant Denin had fallen when she erupted in Elysi's house, and was caught between two of the Topaz eyes, and one Ruby. The Topaz's had stopped her mind with their tricks, an offensive measure that she hadn't known about.

The other had been Recruit Soldier Funf, only 13 cycles old. He'd been surprised by one of the Saphire eyes, and the mother of Elysi. He hadn't stood a chance against someone with triple his life experience. Second Captain Gungir was now in charge, with Jhensen holding the young girl tightly, even though the chains and ropes kept her from being able to move, or see all the way. While able to breathe, she would be unable to talk until they returned to their own city. A five day travel from where they now stood.

"Good work all," Second Captain Gungir said looking around. "We will have time to mourn our Commandant and our Recruit when we get home. I am promoting Recruit Soldier Funf to Third Soldier. Someone please take note of such. We will need to move during the darkness at first. I am unsure if any of their Ruby's survived, and we will need to make sure that they are unable to track us. Peridot's to the edges, let me know if anyone is spotted trailing us."

"Yes Second Captain," the six beings of Peridot said in unison before shimmering and vanishing into the darkness. As they set out, Elysi was almost pulled off her feet in order to keep up. She was unable to call out for help, and her eyes welled with tears at the thoughts of those who fell trying to protect her. If this group had just asked, then her people would have handed her over without question.

"Very good Elysi, you come to me," the voice once again said in her mind. "You should have left of your own volition. Your parents and people needent have perished because of you. This could have been easy on you."

"Mmmhmmmhmgmmgmm," Elysi grumbled into her gag, unable to voice what she wanted to say too the voice. She needed to know who it was, because now she would be dealing with it.

"You'll find out soon enough young one," the voice said with a slight laugh. "Very soon indeed."


About the Creator

Antony Atkins

Author, Veteran, Father, Husband and Gamer, all in one. Where some people would be content with one or two, I have to run the gambit. Published on Amazon under Antony Mauro

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