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Tide the Time Away With Me

Succubi of the sea

By Samara JimsonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

There lay a legion of bare skeletons, skulls, and bones on the shore. The obsidian sand sparkled under the moonlight, a beacon was shining into the coastline. Fog spread out randomly on the beach. Boats passed this island sporadically as it had been abandoned for what seemed to be an eon. Some legends would state that this archipelago was once flourishing, over time most of the isles had eroded. The villagers that once were had also vanished, evaporated. Tales of ole would mention briefly of merfolk, unimaginable creatures that lived under the sea. Lightning struck in the sky this night.

She was waiting for a new boat to sail by, she was bored, and very, very hungry. Ravenous, even. It felt as though it had been years since she last consumed anything more than mere crumbs. She couldn't bear another moment.

"Salice, there has to be something you can do besides mope around," A familiar voice called over the shallow water she was in. She looked over her shoulder to find her forever mate, all things considering, they had met over two hundred years ago. Her beloved's name was Astrid, and at one time been a human. What Legends do not tell you is that if you are scratched or wounded in any way by a merperson or a siren, and they do not devour you, you then become one. Astrid didn't resent Salice, in fact it felt as though she was honored to be with her forever. The two of them were the last of the sirens left in these tides.

"What do you mean, moping!?" Salice gritted her teeth with mock annoyance, "I could KILL for a boat to cruise by, how long has it been since we last ate anyway?" Astrid took some time to process, "A month or so, maybe a bit longer. Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?" She chuckled a bit, trying to hold back boisterous laughter. Salice turned away quick, blushing from embarrassment. Then the night went on, more lightening flashing in the sky. Rain started to trickle down at this point. Both of them carrying on, laughing, as though nothing or anyone can bring them down.

Days passed, a boat could be seen in the distance. The sun had set for a couple of hours or so at this time. The lighthouse shown it's beacon, attracting the ship, or at least that's what the girls with gills wanted. Salice smirked at Astrid, now was the time, what they prepared for. And so, they began to sing beautiful songs, more precious than anything with lyrics. The boat finally headed towards the stygian sands. They sang louder, enticing the weary seamen closer. In what appeared like moments, the boat had reached the shore.

Outlooking the ship were two beautiful women, the sailors had been away from home, their wives for so long this would be a fine treat indeed. They clamored off onto the mainland, it was a beautiful sight indeed. Palm trees, rum in bottles, and two scantily clad vixens. Like moths to a flame, the men were drawn, ten in total. Ten, idiotic, hypnotized mariners. Salice was the first to approach them, using a husky and lustful voice she placed a hand on the captains shoulder. He smoldered into her eyes, she leaned in for a kiss and lights out. Astrid came in from behind and took sailors out as well. All the while their sing song voices echoed in the cave.

She was full again, for how long she was unsure, having her cherished by her side for all of eternity was worth it all. She swam over to Astrid and kissed her briskly, "Love, you have done it again. You never cease to amaze me." Astrid beamed at her, throwing her arms around her shoulders and pressed her face into her neck. She didn't know how long this would last, a million thoughts of cannibalism, murder, and selfish ran through her mind. As though she were reading her mind, Astrid giggled, "Forever, we can lure more men, we will never, ever be without the other." That's how she knew she was loved more than she could ever imagine. Then she felt a sharp kink in her neck, then the blood. So much blood. Everything was going dark, she looked up and saw the malicious look in Astrid's eyes. "Such a fool, you deserve this."



About the Creator

Samara Jimson

28 years old, aspiring author from Ohio, love all things occult and scary. Mother of three school age children. Trying to find herself in the media form of writing.

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