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There's a what in the barn?

A teens unbelievable story

By Michelle NoonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
There's a what in the barn?
Photo by Dick Hoskins on Unsplash

Andy had sweat pouring off of him, heart pounding faster than he thought it could without passing out. He only had a couple blocks left to go till he reached the old barn around back of the main house. That would be the best place to hide whatever this thing is that he found.

Finally, he reached the old barn doors and gives one door a push sideways and it nearly falls off the hinges. ‘oh dear’ he thinks, ‘I am going to have to fix that if this is the only place to hide’.

Once through the rickety door, he struggles over to the corner where there is some old hay from when they used to have cows. He puts the egg-like object down on the hay to get a better look at it now that he was safely hidden from prying eyes. It looks to be some sort of egg , but it looked unnatural. Some kind of egg made in a lab somewhere with pieces of metal holding the exterior of the egg together. The texture of the egg was warm to the touch, but rough like touching a piece of cement.

Andy wasn’t sure if people were looking for this thing, but the chances were pretty good that someone was, considering the metal pieces holding it together.

Andy put more old hay around the object, and took off to the house so his parents wouldn’t get suspicious of where he has been all afternoon. Being 17, he has been given much more freedoms being so close to manhood, but sometimes his nosy mother would come snooping through his room to see if he is hiding anything he shouldn’t be. Mom never goes out to that old stinky barn though, she will never look there!

After a nice meal with his parents, he goes to the living room where his dad has sat down in his favorite chair to watch the daily news show. Andy was nervous, there is definitely going to be something on the news about this object he found today. On the side of the dirt road a few blocks down from his house. It looked like a discarded piece of trash at first glance. He was so glad he took a second glance considering it seems to have a heartbeat in there.

Andy has always been an animal and nature lover. Bringing home all kinds of different pets that his parents then turn him around to take back to where ever he got it from. This happened with many puppies and kittens but the one that hurt Andy the most was when he found a goat that had wandered on to the property, he named him Sven and he followed Andy where ever he walked around the yard. As soon as his mother saw the goat, she forced him to take him to the neighbor’s house as he probably wandered over from their farm. Which of course she was right, but Andy can still be mad about it.

Once his parents were in bed, he snuck down the creaky stairs. Looking like a person who forgot to how to walk down stairs as he awkwardly tries to only step on the tips of his toes on the tiny spots on the stairs he knows don’t creak. Finally he made it to the bottom, after being positive he was going to fall down the stairs very ungracefully and wake up the whole house.

Back into the barn, and the egg thing now has a strange green glow coming off from the cracks beside the metal bits holding it together. The egg has some kind of pulse coming out of it. Very rhythmically ‘Boom….Boom….Boom’.

Ok this thing is definitely alive, what could a country boy do now? He has no clue what this thing is, more or less how to help it.

Andy gapes at the egg for a good twenty minutes trying to decide what to do. He simply traces his finger along the edges of the rough surface, and a little piece breaks off.

‘Oh shit!’ Andy yells, before looking around to make sure no one would have heard his minor discretion.

He turns back to look at the crack that was made from the piece he broke off… and some sort of green fluid was now dripping out onto the hay.

‘ohhhh that can’t be a good thing’ Andy exclaims. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have brought this thing home’ he pronounces, but too late to dwell on that now. This egg thing is definitely starting to hatch. Two long skinny legs get pushed out through that crack to open the egg fully.

Dripping in goo, with big brown eyes sits this creature that looks eerily human minus the strange ears and nose. His nose was almost nonexistent and the ears on the creature were very long and skinny looking oddly like rabbit ears without hair.

What kind of human species is born in an egg like this? Andy is starting to freak out. Pacing around the little barn, exclaiming’ ohhhh no oh no oh no, this is how I go. This thing is going to eat me and then my parents, NASA is going to come and quarantine everything oh god oh god’.

Andy feels a tug on his pant leg. The little humanoid creature was staring at him like a loving baby. I guess he would be this things mother in its eyes.

Well clearly there was only one thing to do. He has to somehow manage to take care of this thing in the barn, and make up some kind of story that his parents will believe.

As Andy is sitting beside the humanoid, a bright light flashes in the sky overhead. Andy looks up, and sees bright green lights directed at him and coming closer. Some sort of circular airship was gliding, making zero noises, right for them. Unsure of what to do Andy freezes and stares as the ship gets right outside the front of the barn doors, hovering silently.

A blue hatch door on the underside of the ship opens, and downs walks a fully formed humanoid creature. Fully nude, these creatures slowly walk towards a shivering Andy. Moving slowly and cautiously they approach and the baby humanoid reaches for the coming creature. The creatures embrace, and slowly start backing away from Andy and turning back to the hatch.

Slowly the hatch closes after the last of the humanoids are inside. The craft slowly starts to rise, and then disappears into thin air. Andy runs outside the barn to look for where it went, but could only see the stars.

‘Mom and dad are not going to believe me this time’ Andy says under his breath.

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    Michelle NoonWritten by Michelle Noon

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