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Their only fans

The story of Kori

By Kentavion LewisPublished 2 years ago 13 min read
Their only fans
Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

“What are you waiting for? You’re not scared, are you?” The male and female voices shouted from the speakers of Kori's laptop. See, Kori was an adult content creator. His every day life consisted of him showing his many followers his body. He made a living depicting his body in many different risqué positions, while in various situations. Kori would collaborate with other content creators to make content; it was highly requested by his fans base. He loved the attention, but loved the bag even more. I mean He does have the body of a Mandingo warrior; why not flaunt it? Both women and men would pay big money just to see him splash water on his body!! He made the most revenue by inviting other content creators to join his videos & LIVE BROADCASTS. That’s what his fans like to see: him doing kinky things with other guys or girls.

“Im not actually gay guys,” he said with a blushing smirk, “but I love y’all so much! & u know i love that bag even more. So, fk it. If y’all want to see me with a guy, I got y’all! Just show me some love! I need at least one thousand likes & one thousand dollars to even get naked with another guy!”

Kori had been getting thousands of messages from fans desperately desiring to see him to make videos with another hot guy. He would always say "…maybe one day if my followers show me the proper love…” He loved making his fans happy. Happy fans meant a happy bank account. He lived comfortably in a high rise loft in the city but he was saving his money to get a bigger place. After researching how much money he could potentially make, his ambition to become more successful, quickly escalated from a this being a side hustle to, a career! He would tell his followers about his life but only to an extent. He was big on discretion. He had never disclosed his location, but would mysteriously get recognized by a fan or two while out in public. He was difficult to miss. Kori stood six foot two inches with beautiful & curly brown hair. He was muscular and God blessed him in all the right places. His eyes were a shade of golden brown that would light up the wind like shiny copper in the sunlight; a definite sight for sight for sore eyes. Face card VALID!! He made a career out of showing off his many assets, including his bubbly personality. He wasn’t very social & he only connected with his followers. He was a single black man that all the every one lusted after. Today, Kori's life would change forever. He would soon find out that everything that glitters, isn’t gold.

One afternoon, Kori was in the middle of a LIVE VIDEO showing off his goods to his adoring followers, he heard his phone ding.

Kori blushed & began to get teary eyed. “

“Thank you!" he said excitedly, jumping naked on the camera! as the ding indicated that he had just got a deposit into his bank account. He went to grab his phone still showing off for the camera, his mouth dropped as he saw the deposit amount on his phone. He immediately got up and ran to his laptop nearly falling. He turned off the camera and began to cry because he'd just gotten a deposit for five thousand dollars. This was the most he had ever gotten in just one day. He looked to see who sent it and noticed it was from an anonymous fan. He wasn’t able to see who it was, but was able to send them a thank you message. As soon as he sent the message, they immediately replied saying, "there’s more where that came from." Kori was estatic. He began going back and forth with the anonymous fan trying to figure out what he’d have to do to get the more that the fan said he had to offer him. The fan told Kori that he wanted to make some content with him and would pay twenty thousand to make a video with him. Kori was money hungry, he really wanted his dream home and to eventually not have to work again. “This has to be a scam or something” he said to himself. “But they just sent me five racks.” He was going over it in his head trying to wrap his mind around it. He then asked the anonymous fan what would they do. Kori didn’t know if it was a man or women. He really didn’t know who he was talking to. "Think smart Kori you can get this bag!" He said out loud to himself. So he told the generous fan that he needed to see who he was talking to before he would go any further with the conversation. The fan then asked for his number. Seconds later he was getting a FaceTime call. He was standing in his room already in his birthday suit. Hesitating, he accepted the FaceTime and was shocked to see a very beautiful woman with a not so bad looking guy on her side. He was taken at the beauty of the two. "Sorry for being weird, we are your biggest fans and really would like to make a video with you." The women said with a blushing smile. Kori had to go sit down to take it all. “I would love that! we can talk business” he said biting his lip in the sexiest voice he could muster up. The woman, in her early 30’s, responded, “we like to play & we don’t mind paying for the experience” Kori tried to hide his excitement, but it was hard to conceal, “oh yea? I can get behind that.” He paused. “Let me check my schedule and I can see what I can move around to accommodate the both of you.” The guy, in his mid 20’s, spoke up at this time, “no worries. The sooner the better though because the offer won’t be on the table for long. We’re in LA and can have you out here by tomorrow evening” with that the phone call ended and he was left with a black screen and racing thoughts. "Was this shit for real? Can they be setting me up? How clean are they?" A million thoughts came into his mind but no answers. He quickly picked up his business phone and dialed T. T was his number uno. She orchestrated the meet ups and did the background checks on any potential clients.

“Waddup T?” He asked.

“Nothing much, just doing a search on the couple you sent me. They look like they are on the up and up, but I have some more research to do.

“Will it be done by tomorrow?”

“K, what’s the rush? You know how this works.”

“They kinda have me on a deadline & I want to make sure I have everything ready before I jump on a plane”

“K, you tripping, you know that’s not how we rock”

“Yea, I know but I’m in a bind.” he knew he sounded desperate, but he didn’t care. He always lived where the money was, but the last few months were rough and he knew this could set him up for his comeback.

“Look T. Just give me the info as it comes in. I can’t wait because of slow a** technology.”

She sighed, which was usual for her, “Fine Kori. I’ll continue to work on the background checks. Please be safe”

“I will” he sang before he hung up. That girl always worried. She worried and worried and there was no wonder why she had high blood pressure, but as far as he was concerned, he was gonna take advantage of the moment. That’s how he liked to live. The next morning, he woke up to a message from T saying, "THEY ARE LEGIT GO FOR IT BOO!"

Kori was so over joyed, he immediately got on the phone and called the couple. He didn’t even look to see what time it was. I was eight o'clock in the morning. The phone rang in his ear five times before he heard a man’s voice in the phone. “Good morning” Kori whispered in the deepest voice he could muster up. “Good morning Kori” he said. Kori could hear the man smiling through the phone. “Have you thought about what we discussed yesterday? “I’m definitely down for whatever you two have in store” kori replied. “That’s great! we will be on our way to pick you up in our limousine. Please send us your address.“ After hanging up Kori took no time sending his address and got a response saying "we will be there to get you within the hour." Kori was so excited, but he still wasn’t thinking this whole arrangement out. He ran to the bathroom to shower and then to the closet to find his best outfit and best content creating wears. It took him about twenty minutes to get ready. By the time he finished he received a text message. “Here!” It said. With butterflies in his stomach, he ran to the window to look outside. Low and behold, a stretch limousine was parked in front of his building.

He immediately grabbed his bag and ran downstairs. As soon as he opened the door to go outside he saw a tall mixed race man wearing a Versace suit holding the door to the limo open. He stumbled a little and tried to play it off with a cool walk. Kori couldn’t do nothing but smile. “Oh my he looks better in person! Kori thought as he slowly walked to the limo. “Hello my name is Heinrich but you can call me Rick” the man said in a deep sexy voice kori wasn’t even attracted to men but this man was beautiful in all senses of the word. As kori looked into the limo he saw a dark brown leg stretched out with royal purple fabric draped over it. “ hi I’m Kori nice to meet you he said stuttering a little. The dark brown coffee completed women poked her head out and said “hello” kori it is so good to finally meet you in person. Especially on short notice” “please get in” she said with a almost goddess like smile on her face. If you’ve ever seen twilight you’d understand how beautiful these two were almost like the vampires looked in the movie. She moved over and let kori in. Before kori could get all the way in and sit down rick was all over him almost pushing him inside as if he was helping him like a guy would do a girl if you know what I mean. As they moved around the limo to get comfortable it’s almost like time stood still for a second as the thee gazed upon each other in owe. The smile on kori”s face never left. “ you’ve already formally met Rick and my name is Monroe” the coffee skinned women said gazing into kori”s eyes “ this has to be a dream” kori said under his breath. So taken back by their beauty he didn’t realize he actually spoke the words. “He he he” they both giggled “this is no dream but a real life opportunity to make magic” Monroe told kori. Kori”s phone began to ring but he was so deep in conversation with Monroe and Rick that he just blew it off. “Where are we going again? he asked. We are driving about theee hours to one of our homes; it’s in the country a way from other people so we don’t have to be afraid of neighbors prying. “Cool” kori said Rick pulled out a bottle of what looked like wine in an vintage looking bottle. Like the crystal bottles people put their liquor in to be fancy. It was red dark crimson red like blood. “Would you like some wine it’s been aged for over a decade. “Hell yeah!” Kori said Monroe and Rick looked at each other and smiled and then at kori and said “good” we want you to be as comfortable as possible” They begin to talk and laugh and get to know each other. Assuming everyone was being honest with one another. Kori opened up like a book. Monroe began telling kori how she loved how he enticed his fans and how his body made their mouths water every time they saw his videos. They had about an hour left before they reached their destination and Kori”s phone was ringing again but he still ignored it. They could tell he was feeling the wine. He kept asking for more. “This is so good; why is this so good” kori would say laughingly to them. He began to feel a bit woozy and turned his attention to the windows and noticed they were on a road that had tall forest like trees on both sides. “Are we there yet ?” He asked “yes, just up the road here” they replied “good because I’m ready for us to make some magic he said. His phone rang again and this time he looked at his phone and noticed T had called him four times back to back so he texted her saying “girl im in the limo with Monroe and rick on my way to their house in the country” T immediately texted back I couldn’t find them on anything. Why didn’t you call me before you went with them. Kori laughed it off and put his phone down not thinking anything of it. “Here we are” Rick said kori looked out the window again and saw what seems to be a three story mansion sitting on acres of land. As they pulled up to the house Monroe insisted they have one last drink before they went in. “ let’s toast to a great night to come” she said holding her glass up to them both. Rick poured kori another glass. Kori drank the wine so fast he didn’t even notice they didn’t even drink there’s. Rick hopped out the limo and held the door open for them to get out. First Monroe then it was kori”s turn to get out. Kori immediately felt lightheaded as he moved to get out. Befor he could step one foot out of the limo he passed out.

“Where am I ?” Kori said opening his eyes to a candle lit room. He tried to look around and nothing looked familiar. The last thing he remembered he was in the limo arriving to the house. He looked left and then right and noticed he was laying in a bed with no clothes on. He began to try and get up but was shocked when he noticed he was chained to the bed. His eyes got big. “ what I’m the fifty shades of grey is going on” he thought to himself. “Hey Monroe! Rick” he yelled out. No response. “I know we wanted to make some content but y’all could have warned me of this kinky stuff y’all had in mind” he said jokingly. He kept looking around and calling for them. When he notice on the table a bunch of what looked like surgical equipment. “Oh hell naw” “what is going on” he said to himself. He closed his eyes and opened them again to see if he was dreaming but looking ove ray his hands chained up and feeling the cold metal wrapped around his wrists his stomach sank into im his back and he knew that this was no dream. “Whose ther” he yelled out as he heard foot steps slowly approaching. He could see a doorway with a long dark hallway in front of him. He starred in a catatonic gaze down the eriely dark hallway as he saw two tall dark figures slowly moving down the hallway towards the room he was in. “Monroe!? Rick!? Is that you guys? Stop playing with me what’s going on?@ he shouted in a crackling voice to the the dark figures. As the figures got closer to the doorway he felt an energy shift and in walks two robed people. He immediately got goosebumps all over his body and was terrified. Trying to seem like he was not scared he said “ hey y’all is this some forepay weird stuff for the video?” He asked the two people. With their head down so you couldn’t see their faces. They replied “yes it is us and tonight is a great night for you” kori said “ okay well fill me in on what we are doing” he looked around the room slowly and noticed there was no camera, no phone set up to record only him chained to a bed and a table full of medical equipment. He gazed back at them and they moved closer and pulled the hoods off their heads and starred at him in the most creepiest look anyone could ever give. “ Tonight you will become apart of us” they both said simultaneously as if they were twins. “What do you mean” he responded trying to sit up in the bed as best he could. “ it’s been a while since we have had such a magnificent specimen in our home.” Kori was so terrified he his hair began to turn white. “ what are you talking about” he asked barely being able to talk. “ we come from a long line of meat eaters that believe the best meat comes from people. Kori knew he was in the middle of nowhere and that his screams would do him no justice. “ ssso your going to eat me?” He asked already knowing the answer. With a cynical grin on their faces they got closer and said “yes my dear welcome to the family” screaming the last screams kori would ever scream he yelled until his couldn’t yell anymore. But by the time he stopped Monroe and Rick were cutting and biting his flesh away. The moral of the story is be careful who you meet online.


About the Creator

Kentavion Lewis

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