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The Wrong Day


By ThePenArtistePublished 6 months ago 3 min read

Feyisara groaned and pulled her hoodie around her more. Her head bent low, feet focused on taking her to the one place that held the solutions to her struggles. The noise of hustling and bustling of Lagos city was enough to run her mad. She had never felt this irritated by the loud noise that permeated Lagos city before, but it wouldn't take a genius long to figure out why it was annoying to her now.

The voice of Davido from 'Jowo' soon became the main noise and she knew she had herself where she wanted. Feyisara raised her head and managed to pull a small smile. She looked around, taking note of her surroundings for the first time that day. The big Lag Suites Hotel was surrounded by various exotic cars, with some of their equally exotic looking owners beside them. She scanned their billion dollar dressing and compared it to her simple hoodie and faded black jeans with peeling converse that she wore and hoped for the sake of pity the buff looking bouncer stationed at the entrance will allow her in.

Feyi drew her confidence from all her years of practice into one breath and made her way towards the entrance.

"Please, madam, where do you think you are going?” The bouncer stretched his hands sideways, blocking her way in. Feyisara bit her lip nervously and thought hard and fast.

"What's the meaning of this nonsense? I need to go in to get my bag and keys and you dare stop me?" Feyi said menacingly. Begging couldn't and would never work. The only way to get herself in was to act like rich brat that spent all her money on designer clothes that looked like trash.

The bouncer scoffed, obviously not wavered by her tough act, "Where is your pass?"

"I can't believe this. I just told you I needed to get it back from in there. And why would you need a pass from Barrister Layonle's daughter anyways? You really want to kiss your job goodbye, don't you?"

The bouncer backed down a bit, but still had his arms blocking her way. He looked torn between offending possibly one of the most powerful men in the country daughter or busting her ass. Feyisara knew she had to push more, her acting wasn't that believable and she knew she was extremely lucky the bouncer was all muscles no brain. She made a show of whipping out her phone from her pocket, thankful she got the gift of the new iPhone 12 from a friend days ago. "I need to call my dad. I seriously am insulted."

Feyi clicked the call button, making sure the bouncer guy saw she was calling someone not just who. The phone started ringing, and she flashed a smirk at the bouncer who had managed to gather beads of sweat on his brows. She prayed Chi wouldn't pick.

It seemed like their little drama attracted a spectator, who was making his way towards them and fast too. Mr. Spectator got there just as Chi picked and Feyisara used the opportunity to end the call. Mr. Spectator flashed his pearly white, "Please what is going on here?" He was obviously speaking to the bouncer but his whole attention was on Feyisara.

The bouncer glad that someone came to his rescue was quick to reply, "I don’t understand what she is tricks she is trying to pull. This madam came here..." But before he could complete the statement, something dropped on the floor beside them with a little wham. The little distraction turned out to be a rope about 70 something inches long, Feyi couldn't tell, she wasn't good at gauging length. One thing was sure though it fell from somewhere, up there.

Feyi wondered for a brief moment where it came from, and how it made it's way down there. Was it from a BDSM session gone wrong? Her question was soon answered when she looked up, it seemed like another thing was falling. Something bigger, Feyi barely made it out if the way when it landed with a sickening crunch beside her. A lady's screamed filled the air, this made Feyi open the eyes she had shut instinctively.

She looked down.

And she gave a blood-curling, earth-shattering scream of her own.

MysteryShort Story

About the Creator


I believe in storytelling that entertains, enlightens, and, most importantly, makes you think. Whether it's a ghost story that sends shivers down your spine or an article that speaks to your inner self, I've got something for everyone.

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    ThePenArtisteWritten by ThePenArtiste

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