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The Whispering woods


By Suman NathPublished 19 days ago 4 min read
The Whispering woods
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

**Title: The Whispering Woods**

Nestled on the outskirts of a small, sleepy town, the Whispering Woods were notorious among the locals. Stories of strange occurrences, eerie sounds, and unexplained disappearances had been passed down through generations. Despite its ominous reputation, or perhaps because of it, the woods became a magnet for thrill-seekers and adventurers.

In the fall of 1997, three friends—Tom, Rachel, and Jake—decided to explore the Whispering Woods. They were college students, eager for adventure and dismissive of the old legends. Equipped with flashlights, a map, and a healthy dose of skepticism, they set off on a crisp October evening.

The sun was setting as they reached the edge of the woods. The trees stood like sentinels, their branches twisted and gnarled, casting long shadows on the forest floor. As they ventured deeper, the air grew colder, and an unsettling silence enveloped them. The usual sounds of forest life were conspicuously absent.

“Creepy, but kinda cool,” Jake said, trying to lighten the mood.

Rachel glanced around uneasily. “Yeah, just keep an eye on the map. We don’t want to get lost.”

Tom led the way, his flashlight cutting through the gathering darkness. They followed a narrow, winding path, flanked by ancient trees whose leaves whispered in the faint breeze. The further they walked, the more oppressive the atmosphere became. The woods seemed to close in around them, the shadows growing darker and more menacing.

After an hour of walking, they stumbled upon a clearing. In the center stood an old, dilapidated cabin. Its windows were broken, and the door hung off its hinges. It looked like it had been abandoned for decades.

“Let’s check it out,” Tom suggested.

Rachel hesitated. “I don’t know, guys. This place gives me the creeps.”

Jake, always the daredevil, grinned. “Come on, Rach. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Reluctantly, Rachel followed Tom and Jake towards the cabin. As they approached, they noticed strange symbols carved into the doorframe—symbols that looked ancient and unfamiliar.

Tom pushed the door open with a creak, revealing a single room filled with dust and decay. Old furniture lay scattered, and the air was thick with the scent of mildew. A cold draft whispered through the broken windows, carrying faint, unintelligible murmurs.

“Do you hear that?” Rachel whispered, her voice trembling.

Jake laughed nervously. “It’s just the wind.”

But Tom wasn’t so sure. He scanned the room with his flashlight, the beam settling on a large, weathered book lying on a rickety table. He picked it up, blowing off the dust to reveal a leather-bound cover adorned with more of the strange symbols.

“Check this out,” he said, opening the book.

The pages were filled with cryptic text and disturbing illustrations—figures performing dark rituals, shadowy entities lurking in the woods, and a map that looked eerily similar to the Whispering Woods. As Tom turned the pages, a sense of dread washed over him.

Rachel shivered. “We should go. Now.”

Before anyone could respond, a chilling whisper echoed through the cabin. It was a soft, insidious sound, like a thousand voices speaking in unison. The temperature plummeted, and the flashlight flickered.

“Who’s there?” Jake called out, his bravado faltering.

The whispers grew louder, more insistent. The friends huddled together, fear gripping their hearts. Suddenly, the door slammed shut, and the whispers coalesced into a single, chilling voice.

“Leave this place.”

Tom dropped the book, and the flashlight went out completely, plunging them into darkness. The air felt heavy, oppressive, as if the very walls of the cabin were closing in on them.

“Run!” Rachel screamed.

Blindly, they stumbled towards the door, yanking it open and spilling out into the night. They ran through the woods, branches clawing at their clothes and faces. The whispers followed them, growing louder and more frenzied with each step.

They didn’t stop until they reached the edge of the woods, gasping for breath and drenched in sweat. The whispers faded, leaving only the rustling of leaves in their wake. They collapsed on the ground, too terrified to speak.

When they finally regained their composure, Tom looked back at the woods. “We’re never going back there.”

Rachel nodded, tears streaming down her face. “Something in those woods... it wasn’t natural.”

Jake, usually the fearless one, was pale and shaken. “We should tell someone. Warn them.”

The friends returned to town, but their story was met with skepticism. The legends of the Whispering Woods were well-known, but few believed the trio’s harrowing tale. The old cabin, the strange book, the whispers—many dismissed it as a figment of their imagination, a result of their overactive minds in a place steeped in folklore.

But Tom, Rachel, and Jake knew the truth. They had felt the malevolent presence in those woods, had heard the voices that defied explanation. They vowed never to return, and in the years that followed, they kept that promise.

The Whispering Woods remained a place of mystery and dread, its secrets buried in the shadows. The cabin, the book, and the whispers—these remnants of a dark past continued to haunt the forest, waiting for the next curious souls to venture too far into its depths.

As the years passed, the stories of the Whispering Woods grew, fueled by the accounts of those brave or foolish enough to enter. Some claimed to have heard the whispers, others spoke of seeing strange figures among the trees. But no one ever found the old cabin again, as if the woods themselves had swallowed it whole, hiding its secrets from prying eyes.

And so, the Whispering Woods endured, a place where the past lingered and the shadows whispered, a testament to the dark and unexplainable mysteries that lie just beyond the edge of our understanding. For those who dared to listen, the whispers carried a warning: some secrets are best left undiscovered, and some places are best left unexplored.


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    SNWritten by Suman Nath

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