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The War Of The Ages

The Last Humans Left

By Chrissy BarnhillPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The War Of The Ages
Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

In the year 2031 there was a collision between Jupiter, Mars and Earth. Jupiter and Mars joined Earth to form one planet. This collision detonated nuclear bombs all over the world. Earthquakes of mega proportions formed. Aliens roamed the Earth. Destruction at its best. Those who could hide underground did; those who couldn't, encountered either nuclear radiation or risked coming face to face with aliens who were intent on taking over Earth.

Jupiters aliens formed an underground tunnel full of pods where they took humans to put them to "sleep", claiming they were trying to help these people escape Mars' aliens. One particular survivor was a man, one of the first humans to be grounded to the pods, who convinced his family that all was well and not to fear what was being done to them. A little girl wrote about this in her journal telling a story of how her father had given her a heart shaped locket filled with a picture of the family in case they were ever to be separated from each other.

Mars' aliens formed tubes that held humans to rid them of their insides and blood as the aliens experimented on them. The Earth began to transform into a planet not like any seen before by human eyes. The trees and leaves were as one with bright green and bluish colors; the grass had tusks growing out of the ground with a red hue; and the sky was filled with beautifully colored, almost surreal lights covering the sunlight and the stars.

These aliens were at war with one another to see who could take over the planet. The people left on earth who had not died from the destruction of the planet or who had not ran into the aliens themselves were nevertheless still bystanders amidst this war. They built underground bunkers to keep themselves safe and only came out to scavenge for supplies when necessary, or to search for other survivors. Only a few hundred thousand people were left on Earth.

The war lasted for many years. There were bodies of humans as well as aliens strewn in any which direction. The lights in the sky caused a hypnosis-like effect on anyone who looked at them, luring them to the underground tunnels where they were captured and put to sleep. People began to suspect the lights of having this effect, so the ones who noticed the effects of others started wearing sunglasses to block out the rays in terms of keeping them from losing their own thought processes.

There began to form a resistance among the humans. They were to fight back with any means necessary to keep the aliens who held them captive from completely taking over Earth, albeit the other two planets were as of now one planet amongst the three. The people of the planet set up their own weapons of mass destruction formed out of pipe bombs and explosives. They set up land mines that, when stepped on, would blow up any aliens coming within range of their bunkers.

A city was created underground that spanned across the globes. With three planets, there was more space to roam. Trade began to resume. Individual and family housings were built into the cave walls. Occasionally loud booms were heard topside, in hopes that it was an alien who was destroyed and not another human, for too many had been lost fighting to survive this ongoing war. New businesses were built. Gardens were designed to grow vegetables and edible plants. Cattle, chickens and other animals used for meat adapted to the underground to be killed and eaten.

Until one day some of the people grew weary of having to stay underground for days on end. The resistance decided it was time to fight back, so they began to salvage weapons left over from demolished aliens. They began to establish weapons that would be grand enough to destroy the last of the aliens who hadn't been killed off by each other. Weapons that were greater than any nuclear arsenal ever designed.

The people who formed this resistance set out to hunt the aliens and destroy them. They hunted from one end of the new planet to the other until all were captured or taken out. As the last of the aliens were destroyed, the resistance returned home triumphant over their victory. It took many years and many people died fighting, but the war of the ages was finally over.

One by one the people of the new planet began to venture towards the topside. The animals and plants were uprooted from underground to adapt to the new planet. Cities and houses were rebuilt. The people became one nation set out to rebuild their lives. Sunglasses were a permanent attachment to their faces, but as long as they wore them they could contain their own thoughts. The lands would be made whole again. The Earth would replenish itself. All who were left would be well and life would go on as it should and the resistance were now prepared for another attack should it ever happen again.

The End

CB 06/27/2021

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Chrissy Barnhill

Of In @ com

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