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The Veil Torn

Frequencies Found

By Johnny GerbrandtPublished 2 years ago 65 min read

As he stood watching the sky fall, she stood back sipping on a small glass of gin nervously crunching down on the ice cubes that were within. Pieces fell in odd color from the sky. However, no change of expression on her face seemed evident. Man, how did it get this far? It seemed like only a few weeks ago that things were normal, now, this. He was totally impressed with how she was taking it. Inside, he was losing it. The sky's falling, really what do we do? He got himself awake. What the hell kind of dream is that? The sky was falling, who is this girl drinking gin?

Anyhow he had to get up, he had a big presentation today on a new product he had been working on for a long time. He wasn’t really sure he wanted to share this very product as it was big, really big, he had others that he could demo, however, his friend begged him to show the council this very one. He said, “this is the one people will remember you for.” So he talked him into it. Since then though, night after night he has messed up dreams, just not right, they always end in some crazy end of the world shit seriously.

Finally he got his stuff together and was out the door and on his way. The ride in was, eh, the same as usual nothing eventful, except maybe one thing, it was so fast he wasn’t sure he saw what he saw.

He was sitting at a light and was looking straight ahead, when out of his peripheral he saw someone in his passenger seat, like a short flicker of the girl from his dream. He thought maybe he was still shaking off the morning drags. Other than that the drive-in was nice. His stomach was turning though he didn't really want to do this. He was this far and the appointment had been made. What he was about to show these people is not big in size. It’s about the size of a shoebox, but what it can do will blow their minds. He still didn’t know the limits as to what it can do, but the deadline is here so here he was.

He went through the door and could smell the bullshit right away, all the stuck ups that would never even look at him as a human, were now about to lick his ass and enjoy it, because no one has ever done this, no one, but he had, and they're about to see it.

He noticed that there was a huge decanter of whiskey over in the corner with some glasses.

His friend saw him look over there, and viciously shook his head, no, well that’s not how he felt about it. They will need a drink for this. So Ramos piped up, “gentlemen, I think we will need a drink to help with this information.” “ I am sure you will agree that we have made the correct decision when I am done.”

“Also, I have noticed when you and a man have a drink, the guard lowers and people let go of their inhibitions, and get real because it is about to get surreal.” “There needs to be a ground.”

They all poured a drink and sat quietly for a few minutes, then one of the men on the council spoke up, “ you have built up quite an air of mystery about this in which you are about to show us, it would please the council to be enlightened sir.”

It was time, are they ready, who was he to judge if they are or not, Ramos thought.

“Council I come before you know with a box, and this box can tear the veil sirs, not only a tear, but a doorway as it were.” “ Now, I know to say this as plainly as I have, leaves very little taste on the tongue or mind however, when I have shown you, you will not believe your senses.”

“ I will take one councilman at a time as each of you will have a different journey.” “ As to give everything validity.” “ Now there are a few caveats however, one is what we are tearing is the veil between our 3rd dimension world and the 4th dimension world.” “ Now interestingly enough, is that in structure it is similar yet vastly different.” “ It has a perceived atmosphere and we can travel in this atmosphere as a satellite does in ours, however, again I stress it is kind of an atmosphere.” “ It’s like the 4th dimension is in layers, really it is hard to explain.” “ Like an egg, our dimension is the shell, the 4th is all the inside.”

“So who would like to go first,” Ramos asked. A lean tall gentleman got up with a hard-face, soft eyes, looked at him straight and said, “ me I’d like to go first.” “ ok,” Ramos told him to come to where he was standing. Ramos turned on the box, the lights went out. “ This is normal, it shuts down all electrical signals in the room of origin,” Ramos said. The tear began to appear, they were all speechless. “ Keep watching,” he said. In about 1 minute it had gotten big enough that he and the tall gentleman could walk through together, “ I don’t want to lose you,” Ramos jokes, but not really. His face changed a bit, things got real, really fast. Ramos grabbed him by the arm and said, “ let’s go,” before he could back out, they were gone. Brian knew what to do while they were gone. Ramos continued to hold his arm, he looked at Ramos, and thought, “ where am I.” Ramos thought back to him, “ we are in the 4th dimensions atmosphere kinda,” “Are we talking in each other’s minds,” he asked. “ Yup, that’s what’s happening, you don’t need to talk out loud, and as I have noticed that it conveys emotion much better, as you are of one mind, as it were in here.” He was utterly amazed. “where in the building we were just in would you like to go to right now?” Ramos asked. The councilman thought of the 2nd-floor cafeteria, as he thought, the atmosphere spun and spun until the 2nd-floor cafeteria was right in front of them, they stepped towards it, then they were there. The councilman turned and tried to send Ramos a mind message, to which Ramos laughed, “ Ya I tried that too my first time, but it only works in there, still cool right.” “ It is,” he said, “now what?” he asked “Go buy a drink from the machine over there,” Ramos said. The councilman went and bought a drink and came back to Ramos. “Ok, I have the drink now what?” “Put it in your pocket and let’s go.” “ I have a beacon band that allows me to open tears wherever I am.” “ Are you ready,” Ramos smiled at him, and this time the councilman looked like a child going back to his favorite ride, eyes sparkling bright. Then in a blink they were in it again. This time they talked freely with their minds. “ Where in this city do you want to go,” Ramos asked. “To my house, it’s a 45 min drive to our office from there.” “Let's go there, no one is home anyway,” he thought. As he thought of his house, again the sky spun until his house was in front of them. They walked toward it. Then they walked out onto his driveway. “Hahaha,” the councilman couldn’t stop laughing, he was ecstatic. Finally, when he stopped Ramos asked him to go grab a different tie and put it on. He went in and put on a new tie, and came back out. “While we can talk outwardly, where in the world do you want to go?” He looked at him with amazement. “ Really anywhere in the world?” he asked. Ramos nodded, “ yup anywhere.” He smiled, “ could I go see my daughter, she lives in Puerto Vallarta?” “ She owns a little shop there, she says she makes enough, but I am never sure, I haven’t seen her in years.” “Could we go there?” “ You got it,'' Ramos said, “ let's think of her and we will find out exactly where she is.” “Once we get in the 4th dimension, ok.” He nodded. Ramos opened another door and they slid in. They were in thought land again.

They thought of his daughter, and there she was right in front of them. But something wasn’t right. She looked like she was in a room, alone all tied up. They walked through. There she was, in front of them shocked as hell. This poor girl had been through some shit, but when they popped in out of nowhere she lost it. Her dad calmed her down, told her how they were there. He untied her, and took the tape off her mouth. “Grab her and we will go back to the meeting, we don’t know when someone will come in.” The councilman grabbed her and they left. Her mind was losing it. They had not taken the time to warn her; they just advised her while they were in the 4th dimension's atmosphere. “You know I call it that cause I don’t know what else to call it, but it’s like an outer skin that moves and connects to all things at the same time in our 3rd dimension.” “ We can travel anywhere on earth or in space immediately and in real-time,” Ramos explained. They popped through into the office. The tall councilman thanked Ramos like crazy. She was still a little shook up, but was grasping things fairly quickly, as was everyone else in the room. They were blown away, as he showed them the drink we had gotten in the cafeteria, and the changed tie he had gotten from home, and his daughter, now safe with him. They marveled and talked amongst themselves, while Ramos went to talk with the councilman's daughter and Brian.

Once they had finished the tall man asked, “ Ramos could you take my daughter and a guard to my house immediately, please?” “Yes, of course,” Ramos replied. He opened the veil and they slipped in, He led them through, then came back to the office. Once back they all sat down, and asked Ramos to explain all that he had found out so far about this 4th dimension, before any more of them would go through. He had to admit, he had been very vague up to this point. He figured experience would show them. The others were not ready to go in yet, they wanted some details on this trip. However, the fellow that came with him was ready to go again anytime.

Ramos tried his best to explain an unexplainable thing in words that can’t describe it. What a task. “ The first layer we will call it, is like an atmosphere, but I don’t think it has the same purpose as ours.” “ We as humans when in this atmosphere, we can breathe if we want to, but there is no need to breathe there.” “We are weightless and float very stable and free for some reason.” “All thoughts are heard in this layer as well.” “ We seem to be able to open a door to anywhere on earth, whether close or far, and go to that location in real-time and come back.” “ As I have already shown to one of your councilmen.” “ I am sure his testimony is true and has shown you these things to be true.” “ This layer holds one other thing that I have not shown yet, as to go there would mean immediate death.” “ That place is space, gentlemen anywhere in the universe you want to go you can.” “ However, when you walk through you would die, of course, unless you had a suit to take care of that.” “Then you would be fine.” One of the councilmen went straight to his phone, and said a few things, then put it away. Ramos thought that for sure he was ordering suits for a space walk.

“This is the first layer.” “ The second layer is time, you are able to see all-time at once.” “The past, the present and the future, as if it’s one huge map.” “A few things I have observed about this layer.” “ First, the past is fixed on this layer; it is immovable.” “ You can go to a place in the past, step on a bug, kill a bad guy, and for maybe 15 seconds that reality exists, then it warbles a bit and resets as if nothing happened.” “ The past cannot be changed here, it’s like life was recorded on a vinyl record, so what is, is, period.”

“As for the future, this part of the whole is constantly changing, moving according to the choices we make every second.” “ There is no fixed future, it always changes.” “ When you focus on a person you see only the continuous moving picture of their possible futures.” “ When no person is focused you see all lifelines moving and changing.” “ When thoughts are on a world scale, you see possible disasters and major world events that are possible at that time.” “ In this layer, there is no need to breathe and no need to talk, as in the first layer you float weightlessly again as well.”

“Now, as for the 3rd layer, I have to tell you, I went there only a couple of times.” “Because at this point, it seems that we cannot go past the 3rd layer in our physical bodies.” “ In the 3rd layer the spirit and the body start trying to detach, which, to be honest, scares the crap out of me.” “ From what I understand, is in the 3rd layer, if you stay there long enough your spirit will leave you and it will go to the last depth in this dimension.” “ Where flesh cannot go, for it is beyond carnal thinking.” “ It seems the 3rd layer detaches and ejects your spirit into the final depth, and holds your physical body in suspension until you desire to return to your body.” “ I stayed in the 3rd layer until I left my body and got slammed into this unreal place with weird feelings I can’t even begin to describe.”

“ I got scared and ran back to my body and got out of there.” “ So other than a bunch of theories I have, that’s all.”

“ I only have this one box and this one band that works with the box.” Ramos thought his presentation went well. He sat back and took a big swig of his drink. They sat there a moment then asked him if he would leave the room for a moment. That was perfect, he had wanted out of there for a while already. “ Only if I can take a drink,” he said. They laughed, “ take the bottle, we will call you when we are done.” He grabbed the bottle and left the room.” Brian was asked to leave as well. They sat down at a table in the lobby and had a few drinks, actually more than a few. That's when he realized they had been sitting there for quite a while.” He had a really good buzz on, so did Brian, actually he was almost hammered. He couldn’t stop talking about the project. Ramos just wanted to sit and talk shit, nothing too serious, but Brian loved the project almost as much as he did. He never went to the 3rd level, it scared the crap out of him. The thought of detaching from his body freaked him out. Ramos too but he tried it a couple of times, each time he just couldn’t stay long enough to even take in the environment. He was so overwhelmed by so much of everything. We are not accustomed to this kind of environment. It overwhelmed him a bit. He thought that he kept a line to his body. So his mind was still injecting here and there. Never fully letting go to experience it to it’s full.

While they were talking she walked up. Ramos gave his head a shake, it was the girl from his dream. It was the councilman’s daughter all cleaned up. When he first met her he didn’t take the time to check her out much. But, there she was, or was he just too drunk. She came up to them and looked at Ramos with sheer joy on her face. “ Thank you so much for saving my life, you have no idea.” “ Thanks again so much.” “ Is my father still in there?” she asked. “ Ya they have been in there for a long time, me and my buddy here are getting a little loopy out here waiting,” Ramos jested. She looked down at the bottle. “ Ya I can see that, hmmm, you mind if I get a shot or 2 of that?” “ Not at all,” he shrugged, “it’s your dads anyway,” he laughed. She laughed. Brian started trying to pick her up, she was polite, she kept averting back to the project, and how we could have even come up with such a thing, it seemed to scifi. “ It’s crazy as to how we figured it out,” Ramos said. “Well come on tell me,” she begged. Ramos sighed, “ Ok,We were in let’s say the old country, I mean the real old country, we had been looking for something we had read about in college.” “ No one thought it was real, and really not many were smart enough to find the right place to find it, and truly we thought we were amongst those as well.” “As we looked in the places we thought this item was, it never was.” “ Then one morning we were meditating in the forest.” “ Close to where we had been looking the day before.” “We heard a tone unlike any other we had heard in our lives.” “We stayed meditating, when we heard an intense rush of wind which made both our eyes pop open.” “ Right in front of us was a tear in the veil.” “ We watched it for a while then the tone stopped and the veil closed.” “ We looked at each other, “ what just happened?” “ Is that what we were looking for?” “ And where is it?” “ How did it do that?” “ Brian had so many questions I had no answers.” “ We went over to where the door had opened and looked around and saw nothing strange.” “ We started to dig, and we were finally gonna give up.” “We were ready to admit we were wrong, it's not in the ground.” “ Then the tone started again, but this time really freak in 'loud.” “ The ground in the hole we had dug shook like crazy, then broke through and the tone stopped.” “ We went down into the hole to see what happened, and there was a huge crystal.” “ As far as we can tell it was an unknown crystal.” “ When the tide went high, the water hit the crystal at a certain angle, and when it hit the crystal it

created a tone that we think opened the veil.” “ We have 2 theories as to what’s happening, one is that the tone itself is at a frequency that creates the tear,.” “ The second is a little more. it is that it changes the light spectrum through vibration, so we are able to see these rips, whereas looking through our normal spectrum we see what we normally would.” “ When we see more, or see detail parts of the spectrum normally invisible to our normal sight, we see what is always there but not seen under normal circumstances.” “ Whichever it is, it has to do with the tone that comes from ringing the crystal on a certain place, at a certain speed, and at a certain hit power.”

“It creates a tear in the veil.” “ We put the pieces of this crystal in the band. and in the box.” “ Both have mechanisms we have designed to apply the previously mentioned parameters for these things to work.” “ Size doesn’t seem to matter.” “ If it is smaller, you simply hit it a little softer and slower, this can all be adjusted on both devices.” “ I have them both locked, so no one will lose frequency.” “ I have marked the settings on them, as a safety precaution.” “ Whoa, my lips are loose, sorry I have had a little too much good whiskey,” Ramos said. “ She laughed, “ no, not all this is really interesting,” she said. Brian was still drooling over her. “ Wow, you guys that is an incredible story.” But I did see myself.” “ If you had told me, I would not have believed you.” “ I am still in awe about it.” she said. “ I was at home in Puerto Vallarta tied up in very big trouble.” “ Now here I am safe with my father, it is amazing, thank you,” she said, gratefully. “No problem,'' he said. “ Glad we found you.” They poured another round of drinks. As they were finishing up, the door opened. “ Sir would you come back in.” Ramos got up, Brian got up to go with, but they told him he was not needed at the moment. He sat back down. He didn’t mind, it gave him a chance to try and get to know this young lady a bit more without me in the way.

Ramos was a little drunk when he went into the room. They did not seem to flinch, this kind of freaked him out a bit. Ramos stood in front of them, waiting to hear what the council had to say about his project. There was a long silence, really long it felt like forever. Ramos was about to say something, when finally one of them spoke. “ We have talked at great length about that which you have shown us.” “ This is nothing short of amazing, however, the research is incomplete.” “ You need to finish the project before you bring it to us.” “ At the moment we reject it, however, we will fund all your endeavors. ” We will supply you with all the things that you may need.” “ We have gotten you a lab here in this building.” “ We will need consistent updates as things progress.” “We have already gotten you suits that are able to withstand space.” “ Now go home, get some rest, and come see your new lab tomorrow, we will pick things up then.” Ramos thanked them, and left the room. When he got out of there, he lost it. “These guys are giving me all I could ever want to have, to complete this project,” He yelled to Brian and the councilman’s daughter. They were pumped. “ As if they wouldn’t,” she said. “No, they rejected my project as-is, but are funding me to finish it.” Ramos said, “ how great is that man, we can do so much more now.” “Space, anyone?” He said. “ Do you guys want to celebrate a little more before calling it a night?” Ramos asked. Brian and the councilman's daughter thought that, that was a great idea. “ I just want to tell my dad where I am going, and that I will see him later, he doesn’t even know I am here yet,” she laughed. “ Tell him I will bring you home,” Ramos said. She nodded, and went to talk to her father. When she got out, Ramos remembered he had to go get his stuff from in there. “I got to go in there and get my stuff.” “ I'll be right back, he said. He opened the door and no one was in the room, he didn’t see anyone leave. Where did these guys go? He knew they didn’t use the box, his band would have reacted. He shrugged it off, grabbed his stuff and met the others in the parkade.

“ The councilmen just disappeared, or do they have secret passages? He jested. The councilman’s daughter laughed, “ ya they do, it freaks people out, makes them look mysterious, just hidden rooms and hallways.” “ Don’t tell him I told you,” she giggled.

They all got in my car and went to Ramoses place. He had a nice little place, nothing fancy, but not shitty either. He had a lot of ancient writings on his walls like wallpaper. He had a library of rare ancient texts. Statues, crystals everywhere, of many different types. Huge geodes, goblets of gold and silver. Different weaponry from almost every era, hanging on the wall. They sat down in his lounge room, and started talking. “You don’t even know our names yet do you?” Brian asked. “ Your right, how rude of me, my name is Gwen Peirce, pleased to meet you, what are your names?” she asked. “ My name is Brian Wilks,” he blurted out, “ and the genius over there is Ramos Steele.”

“Now that introductions are done away with, let's get to celebrating,” Ramos said. Gwen poured them all the first round. They talked more about my project. She wanted to know everything. Now, what he had told the council was really a basic overview of what he had studied. They will learn more as he took the rest of them on a journey with him. Before he was going to say any more, he wanted to know why she was tied up in that room? What was going on? Was she still in danger? “What was happening when we found you?” Ramos asked. She sighed, “ ya, I owe you that for sure, I am just so glad to be away from there that I didn't want to talk about it.” “It seems that a group of army rejects found out who my father was, and was going to hold me for ransom” Ramos looked at her, “ you mean your father knew what was going on.” She answered, “no, he had no idea yet, they had not got a hold of him they wanted to see if I had had money stashed somewhere.” “ They beat me, tied me up, put me in that room, and searched both my shop and my house.” “They argued lots on how they wanted to do it, but finally it seemed they were going to call him in another day, but you found me and saved me first, thank goodness” “Are they going to be looking to get you back,” Ramos asked. “No,” she answered, “ that's not how they work, they will just find another to prey on.” “Thanks, Gwen, I am glad I was able to help,” Ramos said. “Thank you!” she said. They sat and talked more,had some laughs. There were no more questions. Ramos was happy to leave it at that, he had talked way too much about the project, to begin with.

It was almost 3 am. “Ok, maybe I should bring you home.” “ I have to get up in the morning.” “Ya, ok,” She said reluctantly. “Plus I have to show you what happens in there when you are drunk, come on let's go.” “ We are going to use the beacon band.” He opened the veil and they stepped in. while in there she started to laugh, “ I am sober 100% sober, I thought something else would have happened, but it makes you sober crazy.” “Ya, no hangovers,” He said. “Think of your room,” Ramos instructed. She did, and it appeared before them. she said goodbye, walked in, and was gone. He went back home. Brian was still there, he wanted to know if he could spend the night. Ramos told him he could take the spare room. “Goodnight,” Ramos said. “Ya, night bro, we killed it tonight, you watch you will be remembered for this one buddy, your other projects are cool, but this one is the ticket,” Brian slurred out.

They slept solid until the alarm started buzzing. He did feel hungover, and Brian was way more so. Brian was even still a little drunk. But they ate breakfast, did a morning workout, and were off to the new lab he had acquired.

He had no weird dreams, he thought that, that must be a good sign. When they got into the building they were immediately met with a guide, to show him where he was to go. She was an older woman, in very good shape, still had a fire in her eyes. “ Right this way,” she said. Ramos followed her. They went onto an offside elevator that took them way down. There were no numbers to see what floor they were on. If he had to estimate he thought it had to be about 90 to 100 feet down when they stopped. The doors opened and they were greeted by the councilmen and a few others that were top in their field. “Come in look around, tell us what else you may need and if we may continue with our question and answer session from the other day,” one of them asked. Ramos looked at him speechless, nodded yes, and continued to scope out the place. This was great, now he could move this thing along really fast. His mind was reeling at the possibilities, not just for this project, but for many others.

After he regained his composure he was introduced to the other men and women that were at his disposal. All were the very elite in their chosen field. They all had already made themselves familiar with his work and this particular project especially. As they talked about experiments and theories, he felt a good back and forth with these people. They got the concepts, understood most of the principals, they seemed good, but really he didn’t need them. Unless they wanted to be guinea pigs. He was sure they would not want to do that. Now the patient councilmen gently urged us all to be seated. “ Let us investigate more of this project of yours Ramos.” “ We the council are glad to have you here, and we would like to present a few more questions which we already know that you may or may not be able to answer for.” “ In the cases in which you know not the answers, our task will be then to find a method on which to get these answers.” “Understood,” Ramos answered, “ yes absolutely sir.” One of the councilmen, a short gruff looking man fairly stout spoke up, “ you had said we could go to space if we had the suits, sir, we have the suits would you be willing to take one of us to the moon.” “And while on the moon, are we able to take a rock with us back here?” “ I can take you to the moon, as for taking something from somewhere, it seems to work if the item is charged.” “ What I mean by this is remember the items I and the taller councilman came back with.” “ It was a pop can, I had told him to put it in his pocket, and the other was his own tie and well the 3rd his daughter, but unlike the other 2 items she is living flesh with a spirit, which it is ok with.” “ However, my thought is that our spirit or energy leaves a residue, and that the residue lingers on us and our clothes.” “ He put the pop in his pocket which is charged from his spirit, energy, and now it can travel.” “ It really seems to not like things that are not alive, or doesn't have a spirit.” “ I believe the 4th dimension environment is meant for spirit beings only, but for some reason, we travel well through the first 2 layers.” “ The 3rd layer suspends your body while the spirit moves to the actual spirit world, where like I have said I have only been there twice and each time I chickened out.” “ I went a little way in, but as for the feelings, I was vaguely telling you yesterday, they were overwhelming.” “ I knew everything, I understood everything, I felt all emotions at once.” “ I got scared and fled to my body, retaining nothing I had previously known but a second ago.” “ Knowing is like seeing without an actual physical view, somehow you can see it.”

“As for taking things from the second layer, that one is a little more tricky, you can take it, but like I have said before, you can not change the past it will always reset.” “ If you can get something and bring it with your spirit residue that is on you and on your clothes, and it is back here, it will evaporate in about the same as it takes to reset, about 15 seconds.” “So once you get it here you have 15 seconds to do what you can because it will be gone fast.” “ Time will not let you keep any item.” “ The first layer will?” one councilman asked. “ Yes,” Ramos answered, “ generally, but no electoral at all can go in there it will be destroyed.” “ Would an old spy type cam work?” he asked. “ Yes they will.” Ramos answered. “ And as for the suits, anyone wanting to go to space will need to wear the suit for at least 2 hours before we go normally.” “ That much charging is not usually needed, however, if no one has ever worn these before there is no residue on them.” “ We need to charge them more then.” The gruff councilman stood up. “ Ok then get mine ready, I am going.” They put their suits on and sat around talking with the rest. Ramoses 2 hr timer went off, the councilman's eyes darted to his. Ramos could tell that he wasn’t sure, but he got up. Ramos looked at him, “ you ready?” “ You don’t have to put your oxygen on yet, but I would, just to be sure.” They turned their oxygen on. Ramos opened the veil and they stepped in. This guy's mind was moving fast, way too fast. He had to step in and help him slow it down. Once he got used to not having to walk, talk, or breathe, he settled down. Now that he was calmer Ramos asked him if he was ready to go, and to focus on the moon. Once they did this, the layer around them spun until the moon was right there big and bright in front of them. “Are you ready,” Ramos thought to him. “ Once we step forward we are on the moon,” he warned. The councilman's first thought was, “no,” but he corrected his reaction with action and they stepped through.

Even with the suits on, the moon felt cold. Ramos didn’t like it. The councilman seemed to love it. He walked all over the place until finally, he came back to where Ramos was. “ I have what I want.” he said. He had a neat baseball-size rock that he put in a special bag, then put it in a pocket on his suit. They stayed there a little longer for him to do some other research. Ramos had no clue what he was doing, he let him do his thing. He was fitting the bill. As long as they didn’t screw this up somehow. He kept thinking that they had some agenda, but for now he would do research as well. “Are you ready to go?” Ramos asked. “ Yes I am,” he said. Ramos opened the veil and in they went. “ Where else do you want to see up close?” Ramos asked. “ I would like to go to Saturn,” he thought. “ We can’t land on Saturn, our suits aren’t able to take that, but we could float on the outer edge of the rings for a bit.” As the rings of Saturn appeared they were huge, colossal. They stepped out, and there they were floating right by the rings of Saturn. “Watch out for debris,” Ramos thought. He nodded.

But, as you would expect he got hit in the leg with a piece of debris

He started screaming in his helmet. “ Sir calm down,” Ramos said. He opened the veil and grabbed him, and dragged him in screaming. It didn’t stop here either at first, his mind screamed for a little bit, before he realized nothing hurt. He thought to Ramos, “ what happened, my leg, it feels fine.” “ When we get back I will explain,” he said, “ let's go back.”

They popped in the lab both fine. They got undressed, and took a quick shower. They showered, got dressed and came out. The councilman had already put his moon rock in a vacuum sealed container. He looked over at Ramos, waiting for him to explain his leg. Ramos got the point. “Gentlemen we were out by the outer rings of Saturn floating in the vastness, when your colleague was struck by passing debris.” “ If you would ask him, I am sure he would tell you that his leg was smashed to the point where 1 year, would barely scratch the surface of the healing time it would need to restore it.” “However, he can stand before you now healed fully, and in no pain.” “ It seems to me that the 4th dimension does not recognize, or allow physical disease or pain within it.” “ In the first 2 layers, it seems to have limits as to what they heal, but if the injury or disease is too much for it, it will drag the body towards the 3rd layer.” “ It will separate the body from spirit.” “ There is where the body will fully heal and regenerate.” “ The spirit will enter the depths of the 4th dimension and the body will heal in the 3rd layer.” “ When the body has healed, it signals the also healed spirit that if it intends to leave it may, and they unite once again fully healed.” “ Now gentlemen, I am sure you are asking how do I know this, when I myself have only been there 2 times very shortly.” “ Being a resourceful fellow, I have a friend who works with terminal patients waiting to die.” “ One night me and her were talking over some brandy, and we got onto this topic and decided to talk with a patient of hers.” “ He listened, and his eyes widened, as we spoke.” “He was willing to try it, he had nothing to lose.” “ I told him there was no danger, and as far as I knew there is none.” “ I opened the veil and I and him went in.” “ It took him, he had no control.” “ We could mind talk, as it pulled him to the 3rd layer.” “ Then I and him lost communication for a while.” “There was a bit of static, then it was clearer than ever so clear, it was as if his thoughts were my thoughts, they were so loud.” “ It was completely forgein to my mind, it got overclocked.” “Then I got a loud impression, I’m on my way back, filled my whole being.” “ I could see his body still in the 3rd level, then his spirit hit his body” “He was immediately pushed out of the 3rd layer and up to the 2nd level where I met back up with him.” “ We popped back up where my friend was waiting, hoping that no one would notice him missing, and lucky no one did.” “When she asked him how he felt, he looked at her, and broke down and cried and cried.” “ When he calmed down, he looked back up at her, and said that never in his life had he ever felt as good as he did now.” “ He was fully cured, she gave him an extensive medical, he was in perfect health.” “ I understand my actions were not very professional.” “ However, the outcome was outstanding.” There was a bit of murmuring amongst them. Ramos stopped talking. They stopped and looked at him, “ may we help you, Ramos?” “Yes, you can, '' he said, '' what if I may, are you whispering about sirs?” Surprised they all turned to the tall councilman, he got up and smiled at me. “ We were wondering if you would like to stop for a bite and a drink.” “That would be great.” Ramos replied. The building they were in had everything and to no surprise, it had a dining area. Which was way beyond where he would normally eat, unless heI was on a date. Which hadn’t happened in a very long time. He was too involved in his work to take the time to meet someone. No big deal. He still has too much to finish to be in a relationship. They all sat around a large oval table in the middle of the room. He felt way too exposed sitting there. “I will order for you my friend, I have something special for you to try,” the gruff councilman yelled over to Ramos from across the table. “For sure I’ll try it,” Ramos yelled back. The tall councilman ordered Ramos a tall whiskey. It was a giant glass-like big gulp size, it was filled with ISABELLA'S ISLAY, a 6 million dollar bottle, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Then he saw a bottle of The Macallan M, that one costs about 600,000 dollars a bottle. How rich are these men? The taste was fantastic. He was in my glory. He loved a good whiskey.

He sat there in a trance, he didn't hear anything anyone said for a while. He felt outside of time for a bit, that silent spot full and content. No one spoke to him until he spoke first, which came out of a thought which had just come to him. He looked at them all. “ Would you guys want to do a treasure hunt? He asked in an excited whisper. The men looked at each other, then back to him. “We don’t seem to understand what you are asking,” the tall councilman replied. “ Are there any of you that have a very good grasp of different world histories?” Ramos asked. A clean gentle fellow with glasses raised his hand. “ yes sir, I am very well studied in most of the world’s histories as well as hidden and obscure histories.” “Great,” Ramos said, “ right now, can you think of any treasure that has not been found yet in history?'' He sat back and thought for a while. Then his face lit up, “ ya I do, are we going to do it for cultural gain, or self-gain?” he asked. Normally Ramos would have said cultural. “Self-gain,” Ramos said.

Then he told the story of gold coins that have not yet been found here in the u.s. “How would we do this?” One of the councilmen asked. Ramos gave them the plan. He must be drunk, he was breaking his rules. He noticed, Brian was eyeing him to go to the restroom. He excused himself and so did Brian. When they got to the restroom, he said nothing, just motioned to my beacon band. I knew what he meant, we had already worked out codes for many different situations. Ramos opened the veil and they went through. Ramos was instantly sober, his thoughts came through, “what, are you doing, are we going to do this for real?” “Not with these already excessively wealthy people, come on Ramos, this was not part of the plan.” Ramos agreed. “Why did we need to go here for this,” he asked. “They have ears everywhere, remember that, even self-talk, save it for somewhere else,” Brian answered. “OK,” Ramos said, “ let's get back, anything else?” “Ya watch your mouth this is to be used for good, you don’t want to be remembered for any bad that may come from bad decisions,” Brian warned. Again Ramos agreed, Brian was a good friend. He opened the door and they were back in the bathroom. Now he was sober. By the time they came out their food was being brought to them. 3 lovely women had brought it to their table. Ramoses was a strange dish. He wasn't sure what it was. The pieces in it were moving wiggling around. “mmm, excuse me ms., what is this dish?” he asked. “Sannakji, it is a raw dish consisting of live octopus.” she answered. “Oh, ok, thanks,” he said. “No problem, enjoy,” He nodded. Ramos looked over to the fella that ordered his food and noticed that he had one as well. As Ramos was fighting his way through dinner. Lucky he was still able to get some of that whisky. Gwen showed up, kissed her dad on the cheek and apologized for being late. She came over to sit by Ramos. She looked down at his plate, “ aah, what are you eating, it’s still alive, where is the head?” Ramos looked at her, “ right, no head but it’s still moving, want some?” he gestured. “No, I’m good with the gin for now until my food comes,” she said. Just like his dream. She looked like the girl, now she drinks gin too, what could this mean he thought. “ It doesn’t taste too bad, it just feels weird in your mouth,” He said.

“ I bet,” she said. The councilman that ordered his food yelled across the table to him, “ good, eh good!” Then he gave Ramos a thumbs up. “ Ya good,” he yelled back. And gave him a thumbs up. They ate, drank, ate dessert, then they got out there smoking devices. Some smoked cigars, others smoked pipes, while others smoked other things. The glasses changed and so did the drinking style. Now they were drinking Remy Martin Louis XIII Black Pearl cognac, and Mendis Coconut Brandy, both expensive, the latter one being a million dollars. They all turned to Ramos. “ It is time we will tell you who we are,” one of them said. Gwen whispered to him. “Here's where they all pull out their dicks.” Ramos almost spat out his drink. “ We are some of the most powerful and wealthy unheard ofs in the world.” “ We do not want to be known, we are the council, we decide many things on the planet.” “We each hold a position, and know this position well, and have been doing this for a very long time.” “ We have acquired many things in some unethical ways.” “ If we are, to be honest, not all our endeavors have been noble.” “ So as to your story before, it left no mark with us, we are not judges sir, nor do we wish to be.” “ Take heart, we are behind you.” “To move forward, we here at this moment find ourselves in a dilemma.” “Which is that?” Ramos asked. “ We have eaten, we have drunk, we have smoked, we are well and good, yes.” Ramos nodded. “Yes,” he repeated. “ I am afraid that we are too comfortable to talk you into going to the past,” he said. Ramos smiled at him, “where?” The councilman smiled back even bigger, “Alexandria,” he said, “ the library at Alexandria, I will take a spy camera with.” “This will work, yes?” he asked. “Yes,” Ramos answered. “ Are you willing?'' he asked. Ramos laughed a bit. “ It's your money, let's go.” He was glad no one talked about the treasure hunt he had tried to start foolishly. They all stumbled to the elevator, and they took the long ride to 100 feet underground. By the time they got to the bottom, it looked like they were all going to pass out. Doors opened and everyone was wide eyed again. This was the third councilman he was about to take through the veil. He wanted to time hop. They walked up to Ramoses table where the box was. Ramos turned on the box. He put on the band as well. Before the veil opened Ramos told the councilman to follow him.

The veil opened and they went through. He was really calm, the mind talk went well. Not too much clutter in his mind very still. He followed Ramos to the 2nd layer. At first his mind got a little scattered here, but he got it under control fairly quickly. They could see all of time, past, present, and future. The councilman pointed, “ there it is before it burns, look there it is burning, let's go to the last days before it burns.” They both realized that they couldn't go there dressed the way they were. “ Let's look around to see if there are any clothes being hung,” Ramos said. Sure enough, they could see clothes hanging near the library. They hopped through, and wrapped the clothes over theirs, then went to the library. On entering the library they were asked if they had any books on them and if so they would take it, scribe it, and give it back. Ramos shook his head, no, but the councilman did offer him a book. The man took it to a scribe, and he started right away. Ramos looked back at him, “ what book did you bring?” he asked. “ Just an old greek book I had bought, it was dated after this century.” “ But as you said nothing will change right after we leave, knowledge of it will disappear, correct,” The councilman said. “Yes, correct, Ramos replied.

The councilman went looking for something. While Ramos was enthralled by every scroll he picked up. He could read a few languages, however, some, he was not able to understand. Some had greek translations on the side which he found very interesting. It helped him out a lot. Ramos could hear the councilman clicking his camera. It freaked him out, because nothing else around there sounded like that. It sounded out of place. No one else seemed to notice. Ramos went to see what he was up to. When he finally caught up with the councilman, he was done with whatever he was doing. “Let's go,” he hastily said. “ Ok,” Ramos nodded and opened the veil, they slipped in. While in there, the councilman’s mind was closed, dead silent. No one's mind is that quite, unless he was trained and was hiding something. The councilman caught Ramoses thoughts. “ Yes I am trained, but don’t worry about the other.” Ramos agreed, and they stepped through, into the lab where everyone else was still waiting.

Gwen was still there, so was Brain. Ramos went to talk with them, while the councilman walked over to the other councilmen. He handed the camera over to a small fellow and he left with it. The councilmen looked over to Ramos , Brian and Gwen, “are guys coming?” one of them asked. Ramos looked at Gwen and Brian, “ Do you guys want to do something else?” Both Brian and Gwen nodded yes. “ Councilmen, I think I am done for the day, if that's all?” Ramos asked. “Yes, go ahead and have a great night.” the tall councilman said. They thanked him, and wished him a great night as well. They piled into Ramoses car and went to his place. Ramos had an idea. When he got to his place he went straight to his computer. Turned it on and poured a drink. Brain and Gwen came running in behind him. “What’s the hurry,” Brian asked. “Hey, do you guys want to go to a concert.” Brian and Gwen's eyes brightened. Do you mean anywhere in the world?” Gwen asked. “Yes I do,” Ramos replied. “Let's look and see what's going on around the world,” he said. Gwen got right close, hovered over the left side of his neck and was breathing on it, he tried not to react and every time she talked it was gently in his ear. Brian got the pic right away. “Who do we want to go see tonight?” he asked. “whose playing,” Gwen asked. “Well, let's see,” Ramos scrolled some more. “Hey do you guys want to appeal to our metal side, and go to Budapest, Hungary. But, first I should ask you Gwen, do you like, system of a down?” “Ya I do, let's do this,” she cheered. “ I’ll bring enough cash for us,” Ramos said. “No,” Gwen started, but Brian interrupted her, “Really Gwen he can afford it,” Ramos looked at her, “no worries,” he said. “Ok,” she shrugged. “Let's get ready,” Brain roared. They all got ready and were getting primed for the show that started in 2 hrs. “About half an hour after they start we will show up.” “ It will only be half an hour into one of the warm-up bands.” “ While we are waiting, Gwen, do you want to see what me and Brian play in our downtime for fun?” Ramos asked her. “For sure,” she said. “First let me lay some back round here, have you ever watched star wars, remember the part in the alien bar where some creatures are playing chess with little live aliens.” She stared at him, “you have little live aliens,” she screeched. Ramos laughed so hard he started crying. When he finally had finished laughing and was able to talk he answered her. “No, I wish, no, we made tiny steel skeletons and made tiny little brains for them.” “ We called a friend of ours to give them shape, turn them into mini monsters, he did a great job they look crazy real.” “We have rigged them so that they are all controlled by the mind.” “We wear a transmitter, and they have the receiver, that is the simple version.” “We can do voice command, but mind command is way cooler, and faster.” “I’ll get them out.” Ramos said. He went to a small vault, did the combo, opened it up, grabbed the hand-carved ebony wood box, and walked back to the table. Gwen’s eyes widened, she was writhing with anticipation. Ramos opened the box. There were 40 of them all unique. Gwen freaked right out, “ can I pick one up?” she squealed. “Ya, go ahead,” he said. “They look so real, how do you turn them on?” she asked. “There is a tiny switch on the back,” he replied. She turned the one on in her hand. Ramos turned on a headset and handed it to her. She put it on. “Put your guy down on the table, and move him with your mind,” Ramos told her. She put it down and it started walking across the table. She made it jump, flip, roll. He was impressed. He had 5 headsets, so him and Brian each put on a set, grabbed a monster and put them on the table. He ran back to his vault, got a circular battle arena that he had made of ebony wood. He put it on the table and put each of their monsters in it. “Let's practice first,” he said. “That's loser talk, war on,” Gwen and Brian yelled. Both their monsters came at his. He had been doing this for a while. His record is controlling 9 monsters at once, all in different battles. He did a slip and a dip and both their monsters were on their backs. They played for about an hour and a half. Gwen loved it. She got pretty good,she could control 3 monsters in 3 separate fights at once. They were starting to get antsy, they wanted to go already. “Why don’t we at least go there, and just hang outside for a while to soak up the energy,” Ramos said. They looked themselves over, they were ready. Ramos opened the veil and they stepped in. They stepped out just in front of the arena. A lot of people were inside already but there was still a massive group of people still outside. It was half an hour until it started. They walked around talking to all kinds of people having a good time. Finally it looked like everyone was going in, they just had to wait 30 more minutes and they would be in. They walked around a bit more,and found a nice little nook to hang and wait. Finally Brain yelled, “ time to go bro lets go.” Ramos laughed, “ok Brian let’s go.” Gwen smiled ear to ear. Ramos opened a veil and they stepped in. They stepped through into the main hall. No one seemed to notice them appear out of nowhere. They went up and grabbed some drinks and joined the already rockin concert going on. There was no opening act so they missed 30 or so minutes of the concert. They blended in with the crowd and rocked out like the rest of them. Gwen looked over and yelled, “this is amazing you are amazing,” and she continued jumping around and singing along. He watched her for a while, then looked over at Brian he was Jammin out with some ladies. He always liked a good time, that guy. He turned back to look at Gwen, when he noticed for some reason he was a ways off from her now. How did that happen? Must have gotten caught up with the crowd. All of a sudden from the left side a large fella grabbed him by the arm and dragged him off to the side. Ramos was freaking out. How did we get busted, he thought. when he finally stopped, he looked at Ramos, mad as hell and yelled, “ what the fuck are you doing you little speck of fleeting dust.” “What do you want, my ticket,” Ramos offered. “ No, you go places you should not, that's what you do, and you show people things you should not, and that's another thing that pisses me off about you.” he hissed. “Do I know you?” Ramos asked. “No, you don’t, but I know you Ramos the meddler.” he answered. “ I am, what do you mean?” Ramos asked confused. He reached out and grabbed Ramos again. The next he knew he was in the 4th dimension. His thoughts were racing, scattered. He could hear the stranger laughing in my head. Ramos looked for him, but he no longer had a corporeal body; he was spirit. Ramos calmed down. “Are you a spirit, is this your world,” Ramos asked. “Yes,” he answered. “It looks like I have been imposing on your world for my own convenience, and bringing people here whom I really don’t trust for my own gain I understand, I am sorry,” Ramos apologized. “You have understood well, you see men who have devious minds should never know these things, and you have only scratched the surface of the knowledge within this place.” “ As no flesh should know the secrets that are within.” “ Mortal men are corrupt,” he said. “You had a body, how? Ramos asked. “ I will answer you, only a few questions, then we must come to an arrangement on how to fix what you have done.” he said. Ramos nodded. “ Yes I had a body however, native to this dimension, we are all spirits and can go through the veil to your dimension at any time thereafter while we are there we can stay unseen, or be seen in any form we choose.” He answered. “One more question for now,” Ramos said. “Ok,” he said. “Do we come here when we die?” Ramos asked. He started laughing, “ no you don’t come here, you go somewhere else, and that is not my place to talk about.” “ We have been here since the beginning of time.” “ We are here to keep the balance in your dimension.” “ There are good, bad and neutral spirits.” “There are some that mess with you guys, really they are having fun.” “ When you are mystified, in awe or worship, they are laughing.” “There is something I must inform you of, aeons ago some spirits here were not impressed that we had to be put away, while you humans were centre stage.” “So some of them conspired to merge both dimensions.”

“They wanted to rule the whole place as tyrant immortal kings.” “ There are no weapons you have, that can withstand us, none.” “ There was a human with 2 spirits, now interestingly enough one of those spirits' origins was from here.” “ He did not know it at the time, but he was an immortal.” “That spirit was only a good pure spirit, with great strength.” “ The first time he noticed he had 2 spirits is when the pure spirit within him felt the stir of conspiracy in our dimension.” “ He came straight here to this dimension, both his spirits separated from his body, as he went into the depths, however, one lingered on the edge of it, while the other plummeted deep within.” “The rest of us that were good or neutral became not so neutral anymore and fought alongside this great spirit.” “While in battle, he was building a massive incomprehensible vault in which to lock them in for eternity.” “ The laws to which your dimension exists do not apply here, the spirit essence can create a thousand things at once while doing other tasks it’s almost limitless.” “We finally had them close to the vault, then this mighty spirit caused a whirlwind,and dragged them into the vault with himself as well.” “The massive door slammed and locked itself, and has not been opened since.” “ He is with them battling for all eternity.” “ Now as for the other spirit, he saw what had happened and left, he reunited with his body and left our dimension.” “ I have watched him, and it has been millennia, and for some reason he has not died nor barely aged.” “Even, we are baffled by this,” he said. “ He is a horrid man, his hate spreads outside his body, you can see this if you are a spirit.” “ If you're human, he looks normal.” “As a matter of fact, he is a man on the council with which you are dealing with.” “ And he is trying to come back here, it has been his life's pursuit.” “ He has not come close until you came along,” the spirit said. “We have known of you, but you have a good spirit, we were ok with you coming here, but we should have stopped you as to avoid the situation we are in now.” “The timeline on you went black, no one could see your future, nothing, this is still perplexing to us.” “However you seem to be a key of some sort.” “ You must not take the last councilman, you cannot,” he said. “Ok, I won't, I'll figure out something, we should go back to my friends, they might have noticed me gone by now,” Ramos said. “We have been gone for a while.” He agreed. We think about them, and they appear, they aren’t where they should be, they were outside the arena with security around them. “Ah, man I was gone too long,” Ramos said, a little frustrated. “ No you weren't,'' he assured Ramos, “you would have been with them.” “ I will come out from inside the arena,” Ramos said. He hopped into the arena, off to the side by the outside doors. Ramos walked out the doors toward where Brian and Gwen were. Gwen sees him coming and she throws her hands in the air. Ramos nodded. He walked up, “what’s the problem here,” he asked the security. “ Move along sir, this is not your problem,” one of them said. “ Well it kinda is my problem these are my friends,” Ramos informed them. “Oh, were you with your friends here?” the other one sneered. “ Ya I was,” Ramos answered. “ Well then you do need to be here as well, what's your name? He asked. Ramos smiled, “I have none.” “Oh you too eh, these 2 said the same thing, a car is coming to get you guys then we will straighten this out.” he said a little irritated. Ramos looked at Brian, gave him a short nod, Brian noded back. Brain came running at Ramos. “ You bastard, how could you do this to us?'' he Yelled. He jumped Ramos and they fake tussle until security tries to break us up. They turn and start fighting the security. Side note Ramos and Brian train all the time, they love that shit. Even when they play with the little monsters, they are trying out moves and stuff, they love it. They ended up getting away from them, Gwen watched for her opportunity and booked it. They ran until they found a good hiding place, opened the veil and were gone. They were back at Ramoses house. “ Hey man, I am sorry, those chicks just led me to a place with tons of security, and Gwen followed so we wouldn't lose each other.” “Then sure enough, we got busted and they took us out.” “We thought maybe you went to the restroom or went to get more beer.” “ We thought you would be right back, but we got caught first, sorry dude, if I didn't follow those girls we’d still be there,” Brian apologized. “That’s ok Brian, I am sorry I had to leave.” Actually I got to tell you guys what happened to me,” Ramos said.

“A weird thing happened to me, I was standing there rocking out looking at you guys and someone grabbed me and dragged me to a corner of the arena and we slipped into the 4th dimension.” They looked at him, “what?” “Ya someone else dragged there, and actually, he was a spirit, and he told me a bunch of stuff I didn't know.” “ I will eventually tell you, but there is a matter of importance that we need to discuss, one of the councilmen is not good and I need to withdraw my project immediately.” Ramos said. Brian was a little hesitant. Ramos told them everything he had been told by the spirit being. Brian changed his tune quickly. “Ya man shut it down,” he said. At that point Ramos decided to tell Gwen about his dream of her before he met her, and the terrible situation they were in. “Wow I wonder if it is a possible future you are being shown?” she asked. “ I don't know, and I don't want to find out, he said. “Me neither,” she agreed. “When we go into work tomorrow, we will tell them we withdraw the project, no negotiations.” Ramos said. “ Do we quit our jobs too?” Brain asked. “ I was thinking we should,” Ramos said, he knew they would be fine if they did. “Good, I want no part of that storm,” Brian said. “Me neither,” he said. Ramos poured them all a drink, put the bottle on the table and they sat up talking for hours. Gwen asked if she could spend the night, Ramos didn’t mind, Brian stayed there all the time. “You can have my bed, I'll sleep out here,” Ramos said. She giggled a bit, “ok.” She went to bed. Ramos and brian stayed up for one more drink, and talked about the evening's events.

They finished their drinks and went to bed. Ramos went to the couch, until Gwen came out, and lured him into his room with her. Morning came too soon, way too soon he still felt a buzz.They all did. They got up and knew what they had to do and went to do it. When they arrived at work the building was surrounded by police cars and tons of officers running around. They did eventually let them in the building. A guide met them when they walked in, to bring them up to the councilmen. Once they got in their office, they were asked to sit down. Gwen was not allowed in, so she had to stay in the lobby. “Gentlemen, we have a problem, we regret to tell you, but we were broken into last night, and many things were stolen, one of them being your project.” Ramoses jaw hit the floor. “We are doing everything in our power to find our things and get them back.” “ So there is no need to worry we should find them gentlemen.” All he could do was stare at the last councilman, thinking he did it or was behind it. Then he looked at all of them, “ I resign, I no longer work for you sirs, thank you for all you have done, and when you find my box I will come and get it, it is no longer for sale.” They looked at eachother looked back at him. “Ok if this is how you feel, but we would be happy to keep you here.” they said. Brian resigned as well. They thanked us for our time with them. We got up and left. Gwen met us in the lobby and left with us, they went back to his place. “Gwen, could your dad be involved in this,” Ramos asked. She assured him he was not. “We have a problem, someone has the box.” Ramos said. “Can’t you find it with your beacon band,” Gwen asked. “ I can, be right back.” He ripped the veil, and walked in, looked for the box. For some reason he couldn’t find it, how can this be? He mentally called out for his new friend. He appeared. “My name is Ungoul,” He said. “You can call me by this name anytime I will be there.” What has happened, we are not able to see into these matters as of late,” he said. “ I lost the box, someone has stolen it,” Ramos said. “No, this is the beginning of the end,” Ungoul said.

“ I cannot find it, see it, it’s like it does not exist, Ramos said. “Ah, I know what’s happening here, you see in your dimension there are symbols, tones, words said in certain tones and shapes in a certain order, that affects us in our world.” “ We try each time these surface to erase them from your dimension, but they keep popping up somehow.” “ We have even produced fakes to replace them.” “There were in ancient times kings that enslaved some of us to build their monuments unto themselves.” “When the others of us found their sources, we destroyed them, thinking we were rid of them, however in times past, we have destroyed this knowledge over and over.” “ They can blind us, as to not see that which we seek, they can hide themselves from us, there are laws that we are all bound by, even though we are on different planes of existence.” “The last place that we had destroyed that knowledge was at Alexandria, we enticed them to burn it down, they did.” “Are you serious,” Ramos exclaimed. “why, what's wrong?” Ungoul asked. “That's where one of the councilmen got me to take him to.” Did you not see me Ungoul?” “No I didn't,” he answered. “Do you think they are all in on it?” Ramos asked. “It sure looks that way,” he said. “ Well, we will talk later, we have to figure out how to find that box, Ramos said, “for now I need to get back.”

With that he left and got back to his house. Brain and Gwen were eagerly waiting. “Did you find it?'' Gwen asked. “No, I didn’t, apparently they can remain hidden by using some occult crap.” “These practices elicit a reaction in the 4th dimension, upon the spirits therein.” “ So what they have done is hid the box from us, it is hidden from all, as far as I know, we don’t know where to find it.” “We are not sure who is all involved.” “But it seems that when I brought the one councilman to the library at Alexandria, he was looking for secret knowledge that is able to do unimaginable things.” “ I also think that the one I took to the moon, was grabbing ingredients for their practice.” “And the one I have not taken anywhere yet,he is a strange one, this guy was apparently born with 2 spirits, long story short 1 of his spirits, a mighty and pure spirit locked himself in a vault with a legion of twistedly evil spirits hell-bent on wrecking our reality by blending them and being our gods aka tyrants.” Gwen poured them all another shot. “ Well, what the hell are we gonna do?” “What does this guy want?” “ I was told that he himself or to say the spirit that resides in him is evil, and I think maybe he wants to get his other spirit back and force it to comply as one spirit, and join the bad guys and screw our shit up.” “That's the short version.” We can’t let this happen.” “ It is my fault,” Ramos said. “No, man you didn’t even want to show them, I talked you into it.” “ It really doesn’t matter much, we need a plan fast tonight no waiting.” Ramos said. They sat for 2,3 hours. “We have to physically follow them.” “ Gwen does your father know where all his colleagues live?” Ramos asked. “ Ya I am pretty sure he does,” she said. “Ok let’s go to your dads house and get those addresses.” He opened the veil and went through with Gwen. They went to Gwen’s fathers house, he stayed in her room while she went looking for the numbers. She came back, “ I got all there addresses, I hacked into my dad's computer.” They went to the first address, via veil and watched the house. “ I know it’s a bad idea, but there is 3 of us, 3 houses.” “ What if we watched all of them at the same time,” Ramos suggested. They agreed it was dumb, but why not, what other idead did they have. Gwen stayed there. Ramos dropped Brian off at the second address. Ramos stayed at the last house. They all watched their respective house. Ramos mentally called out to Ungoul. He showed up. “We are watching these houses, because they are hidden from the spirit world, but guess what, when they turn on the box either my band will get set off, or at least the power in the room they are in will go off.” “ If the room is underground can you feel the power variance?” “Because they would not think of warding that,” Ramos said. Unguol laughed, “ not bad Ramos, I will help by monitoring the electrical power of these houses.” Hours went by and nothing yet. Every once in a while he would go check in with Gwen and Brian every once in a while. While he was alone at the house Ungoul appeared. “We have reinforcements now Ramos.” “ I have recruited 10,000 spirits to search the city for power fluctuation, and check each one where it happens.” Ramos was Trippin. It was pretty cool. “ They can go into any house except the one that is warded.” “ So when they find a flux, they will try to go in, if they can’t, that house is suspect,” Ungoul said. And if they can’t see it from the 4th dimension that house would be a suspect as well.” “ But we are in the 3rd right now, so this way may work well enough, we shall see.” Then it came to him why didn’t he think of this right away, when they find them it will be too late. “I just thought of something,” Ramos said, “ you know when we find them it’s too late right they will already be in your dimension.” “How did we overlook that?” Ungoul asked. “We were just pumped to have an idea that would find them, but we didn’t think that, by that time, they’ll already be in your dimension.” “We need a new plan fast.” As this was coming out of Ramoses mouth Ungoul got a mind message that some of his guys found something. They looked at each other. Ramos quickly went and grabbed Gwen and Brian,they met Ungoul through the veil and he led them to where the other spirits had figured the place was. They were standing there outside this concrete hut. Ramos wondered if they had used the box already, why didn’t his band go off? Something to worry about later. He thought. “We need to get in,” Brian said. Ungoul looked at Ramos, “at this point Ramos, there is no need to be gentle, if they are gone the end is near and we need to do whatever needs to be done.” Ungoul transformed his spirit into a 12 foot giant with a hammer, the size of a man, and bashed in the whole side of the cement hut, giving us easy access. They went in, no one was there. Both Ungoul and Ramos knew what they needed to do next. Ramos opened a rip and told Ungoul he would meet him and his crew in their dimension. He didn’t have time to argue, Brian and Gwen came with, they all went through and met there. Things were not good here, were they too late. The 3 councilmen were there with 4 other men that were each on one of the 7 poles of this dimension. They were chanting some weird words, and it seemed like this was causing all the spirits to be paralized. As soon as Ungoul and his 10,000 showed up they were all paralized, frozen unable to do a thing, even their thoughts were frozen. Then Ramos saw another man they had brought, and he was ringing something, and yelling in some unknown language. Ramos raced toward him, he could still move for some reason. He went after him. All of a sudden there was a massive power burst that was like a nuke the size of earth went off. It rippled a shock wave through the entire 4th dimension. Ramos bet they could feel it in the 3rd dimension. Out from the depths came pouring out the most intensely powerful and twisted spirits. They hated men and their world and now were going to destroy the veil and wreck the walls between both dimensions, to make it one big confusing mess. Where they rule as kings enslaving man for their good pleasure. Whatever words the men were using it had no effect on them. They went to each one of those men and tore them apart. The one that opened the vault was devoured immediately. Brain and Gwen went to the first layer and tried to hide. These twisted spirits went by Ramos without notice, even though he was very close to the one that set them free. It was like they didn’t see him. Then he saw a giant mighty spirit. Ramos was in awe to be in its presence.

He looked at Ramos and their minds joined. He approached Ramos and melted into his spirit making them one. At once he knew all things he had seen and known, now Ramos and him were one. Ramoses spirit and his were one giant crazy spirit. The feeling was beyond words the power was overwhelming. Because both their spirits were good, they merged completely. By this time the massive whirlwind of evil spirits was passing through their dimension heading for his. Brian and Gwen were trying to hide still. Ramos was supercharged. They all could move again, all the spirits went after the evil horde. Ramos went and grabbed Gwen and Brian and brought them back to the third dimension. He shouldn’t have brought them in the first place. “You guys need to stay here,” he said. Gwen begged, “please stay with us just for a bit, to calm down, have a drink, please.” “ I don’t think we got time for that,” Ramos said. “ I don’t see anything happening here yet right,” she said. It’s coming fast, Ramos yelled in a panic. By now Gwen had a glass of gin with ice. She handed him a whiskey. So they had a drink. Brian was freaking out. He grabbed a bottle and started drinking. Gwen walked over to the window, looked out and saw nothing. Maybe Ungoul and the rest stopped them. He thought. She walked back to the table and leaned against it, sipping her gin and nervously chewing on the ice within. Ramos looked out the window and the sky was falling literally, this was his dream. His spirit inside, roared, “she is with them, she has been distracting you, and that's why she was calmer than anybody should be. Our reality was crashing and merging with the 4th dimension. Who knows what this place will be like afterward. He was about to tie into her, when they felt and heard a tremendous low crack, as if the earth were ripped in to. He looked toward the ocean. They could see an enormous crack, and the ocean seemed to be draining into it. Then he could see 80-foot giants climbing out of it. These were the forms they chose. There were 10,000 in the vault, plus all the others that will now join, they are outnumbered by far. He looked over to Brian and yelled, “Gwen is on their side brian,” Brian yelled back, “ So am I, my friend.” Ramos couldn't believe it, he was crushed. The spirit whispered within him, “you are immortal, and have much power, only think of what you will, and it will be done.” Full of rage he willed his arms to be greatswords and ran both Gwen and Brian through. There is no lingering death, they died instantly. He ran them through from sternum out the top of their heads. Now was not a time for mercy. He leapt out of the window and went toward the giants. By now the sky had gone weird, he didn’t know what had taken its place. Some spirits chose to stay spirits now, some chose to take gigantic and horrific forms. But then he recognized one, it was Ungoul and his armies. He was so glad to see them. He came to Ramos. Ramos told him that both his friends were in on it as well. “What do we do now? Ramos asked. Ungoul yelled, “ we fight.” His spirit being double now welled up inside him. It feels too big for my body, it felt like his body was going to burst. Instead his body transformed to mirror the power welling up within him. He was huge,freakin huge, shining like the sun clad in armor. Ungoul saw this. He and all his army stopped where they were and bowed to him. Ramos didn’t know what was happening. When they rose he asked Ungoul, “what was that about.” “ I yielded leadership to you, and we all pledged to you as our general, this was not worship, it was allegiance to you, our new leader.” “ I don’t know how to lead Ungoul,” he protested. Ungoul laughed, “ look at you and look within, you know who you are.” “We need to get this done now, though Ramos.” More of the evil spirits were pouring in from everywhere humanity could not stop it, it came too fast. Even with the things they did try, all came to nothing, they were all laid to waste. Not all people, but all who fought these tyrants were annihilated. Ramos and his army fought with them hard, trying to make sure they left humans alone. The walls were torn down and both worlds existed in the same space now. They could still stop these bastards from ruling over the whole thing, maybe they can lock them away again, Ramos thought. “No, not this time, we need to destroy those spirits altogether,” Ungoul said. “How?” “Can that be done?” Ramos asked. “ Yes, you see over the millennia, we also have collected certain knowledge, and have held it deep within ourselves, if we destroy the original 10,000 the rest will yield.” Ungoul said. “We already know who they are.” “ We need to get them to the point of the original tear.” They sent someone to find it. When they found it, they sent them the message. They were all talking within their minds, so distance meant nothing, even while in battle, it was weird, it was like you were 2 separate people, but yet still of one mind. He couldn’t explain it well, it was kinda like playing with his little monsters, where he was a bunch of monsters in different situations, yet controlling them properly in each situation. Ramos and his army started to push them to the tear, there were so many of them everywhere. They did have part of their army dealing with all the other trouble going on, while they tried to contain the 10,000 mighty, who were hell-bent on taking it all over. They were vicious, the battle was insane, really none of the others fighting with him had any effect on these beasts, on the other spirit beings, but not on these ones. Apparently his spirit was the only one that could handle these monsters. Some of them transformed into things he could only describe as indescribable, for men, have not ever seen things such as these. He had no words to describe that which has never been known. Ungoul with a million spirits spoke as one, and all became one. What they had become was immense, bigger than him bigger than all. Now him and his army were moving the enemy. They were overtaking them. The monstrous evil echoed sacred sounds, and Ungoul and all that had joined him as one, now flung apart strewn all across this new strange world. He stood alone before the horde, the power welled up inside him it got bigger and bigger until he was almost as big as all of them put together, He sent a mental message to Ungoul, “are you ok.” “Yes I am fine,” he answered. “Can you get to the rip fast and bring who you need to destroy these evil bastards,” Ramos asked. “Yes I will,” Ungoul said. “Be ready, they will be coming fast, I mean real fast,” Ramos said. Because of his immense size he could pick up almost the whole lot of them. He squeezed so tight around them, none could escape, they tried, oh, they tried, biting, ripping and tearing at him. He got them to where the first rip started. Ungoul and his crew were there making some weird sounds. When he heard Ungoul in his head, “let them go.” Ramos let them go,he opened his arms and thrust them away from himself. The sounds Ungoul and the others were making created a power bubble that was forming, getting larger as they continued to make the sounds. When Ungoul told him to let go, it was just before the bubble was about to pop.

When the bubble popped all of the evil spirits he had thrown turned to fiery dust and were gone. “Let’s go get the rest,” Ramos yelled. They didn’t have to go far, they were after him anyway. With him gone they would win. They had no idea what Ungoul and his crew knew, because they didn’t even know how to do that themselves. They had not seen their comrades demise. They had no idea what they were in for. There were only about 3 thousand of the mighty left. He was still way bigger than all of them put together. They were smart this time they stayed scattered, so he couldn’t just grab them all at once this time. Their tactics were really good. They were doing what a bunch of smaller birds do to a bigger bird, and it was actually fun for the first bit, but then it started to get on his nerves. Again a power surge went through his entire being and he split into 3 thousand of himself. He faced all of them as one yet 3 thousand separate minds. He gathered them all before Ungoul, who destroyed every one of these mighty, but evil and vengeful spirits. Ramoses spirit collected itself back as one. His size reduced to about 10 feet. Unguol called Ramos over, “look around my friend, what a mess this is.” “ Both our dimensions are smashed together as one this is not as it should be.” Ramos looked around, “no, it should not, what can we do?” he asked. “ Remember when I said we couldn’t see your timeline, your future, Ungoul said. “ yes,” Ramos said. “Well everything is all screwed up as you can see, but when we found the time map, your timeline was the only one that was visible.” “ It seems to show your future is your past,” he said. “What, I don’t get it,” Ramos said, very confused. “You have to jump into the timeline before you make these inventions, and then you don’t,” “But you can’t do that, you can’t change the past, it's fixed,” Ramos said. “ We are thinking that because of your new spirit, it opened this possibility up,” said Ungoul. “Will I remember any of this,” Ramos asked. “ We don’t know that one,” he said. “ We are thinking that you won’t, but it will depend on your spirit.” “If you are left with one spirit, we think you will not remember, however, if you retain the second spirit, you will remember everything, and not to freak you out, but if you hold both spirits in you as one, you will not only remember but you will be immortal.” “ If I jump in before I make this box, it will all go back?” he asked. “Ya more or less, some changes, but our dimensions will be separated by the veil once again.” he said. “Will the mighty evil spirits still be gone?” Ramos asked. “Yes that will stay true, they are gone now and forever.” he answered. “Your human histories and ours are different, simply because it did happen.” “Even if you go back, and your world is as you once knew.” “ None of its occupants will remember.” “ But we will never forget, it is part of our history.” “ Yours will never know.” He shook his head a bit and jumped in the timeline. It was the night he got the idea. He was all alone. He freaked himself right out. It was funny. He told himself the story and he agreed not to go any farther than the thought of this project. Ramos stood waiting, but he didn’t know what he was waiting for. When everything went white, white-hot like being on the sun in complete torment, it was searing him. What had he done wrong? What was happening? It felt like it would never stop. Then he felt nothing, no sound, no sight, no feeling, just knowing, nothing else. He held on to that, when all of a sudden, he could feel a sense of being. He opened his eyes. There he was laying in his bed. He ran to the window, everything looked normal, and it seemed he remembered everything. He called out in his mind for Ungoul, and he came. “ Hello old friend,” he said, “it seems you remember all,” “ Haha, yes I do,” Ramos said. “So no one knows what happened.” “Nope, no one knows of it, but you and us in the 4th dimension, Ungoul replied, “and we thank you, Ramos, you may not be remembered here for the good you have done, but in my world, you will never be forgotten.” “ So there you have it, how I spent 2019, haha, just joking, or am I. You wouldn’t remember anyway, but I would.”

Short Story

About the Creator

Johnny Gerbrandt

Love lifting, love writing, love designing. My journey is a strange one but I love it. learning constantly.

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