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The Ultimate Cost

DreamSMP Fanfiction

By CheckersPublished 2 years ago 13 min read

Tommy slept soundly in the midst of his soft sheets and piles of pillows he and Dream had arranged into a nest for him. Before he went to bed his daddy read him a story and tucked him in and told him goodnight and that he loved him. Tommy loved his daddy more than anything, well, his 'uncle Napnap' might tie.

He turned over in his sleep but soon after his ears pricked up and he cracked an eye open. Someone was quickly walking down the hall towards his room. He sat up, rubbing his sleepy eyes and looked at the door as it opened and his daddy stepped through. Dream came to Tommy's bed side and knelt down, putting his hands on Tommys shoulders. He spoke in an urgent but gentle tone. "Tommy, I know you're tired but we have to leave now." He said while picking Tommy up. Tommy yawned and rested his head on Dream's shoulder, being too tired to barely comprehend the situation. Dream stood and walked quickly to the bedroom door, opening the door and walking out into the hallway. He grabbed his sword that was laying on the couch where he left it before going into Tommy's room then headed for the front door.

Tommy was more awake now and he looked up at Dream a little confused. "Daddy? Why are we weaving?" Tommy asked quietly and innocently.

Dream looked at the tired five year old and gave a sad smile. "It's ok Tommy, we'll be back, it's just… grown-up stuff, ok?" Tommy nodded and Dream walked out of the door and closed it, locking it behind him.

Dream swiveled his head to the left, hearing voices and seeing light through the trees that surrounded his home. He suddenly set into a sprint, bolting for the woods, towards his good friend's house. Tommy started to get a little unnerved by all of this and clung to his daddy with his little claws.

It took Dream about a half an hour to get to Sapnaps home. He was tired and stressed and needed to be able to put Tommy down to rest his arms. He knocked on the door a few times before it was opened and Sapnap stood in front of them. Tommy's face lit up as he saw his uncle and Dream set him down and watched Tommy go and hug Sapnap's legs. "Uncle Napnap!" Sapnap looked down at Tommy with a smile and picked him up, letting Dream inside and closing the door.

Dream almost collapsed onto the couch, breathing heavily and looking completely drained, which he almost was. Tommy looked at Dream with a worried look. "Daddy, aw you ok?" Dream smiled weakly and nodded. Sapnap knew, just by looking at him, that Dream was most certainly not ok.

Sapnap knew he needed to talk to Dream privately so he set Tommy down and knelt in front of him, speaking gently. "You've had an exciting night, Toms, how about you go lay down in Uncle Napnap's bed and get some sleep, yea?" Sapnap said this not just so he could talk to his old friend alone, but knowing Tommy needed the rest. Tommy gave a slightly disappointed look but eventually went down the hall to Sapnap's room.

Sapnap smiled briefly before sitting down next to Dream on the couch. "Dream, what's wrong?" Sapnap said, having a pretty good guess on what's going on. Dream just gave him an almost hopeless look, stress written all over his demeanor. Sapnap knew the look and his guess was right, the hunters had found out where Dream and Tommy lived and were coming for them. About a year back it was instituted that anyone who harbors a hybrid will be arrested and sent to the equivalent of 'jail' for a certain period of time, depending on how long you hid the hybrid, or how much you resisted. That's why they were after Dream, Tommy on the other hand was a different case.

If the hunters were cruel enough they would just kill the child and call it a day, if they were slightly less so, they would sell him and make a profit. Each option was a horrible one and that's why Dream was so stressed about getting caught, not because he would go to prison but because he couldn't stand the thought of his Tommy being sold or killed.

Sapnap sighed and stood up, putting a hand on Dreams' shoulder. "He can't afford to lose you, I'm going after them. I will not let them take either of you."

Dream stood to his feet. "No, I'm coming, you said it yourself that I needed to take care of some now and then."

"Dream I know that you know he would not be able to handle it if-" Sapnap was cut off by Dream.

"I know. And that's why I'll have you." Dream looked Sapnap dead in the eye and Sapnap smiled.

"Just like old times, ey?" Sapnap chucked a little and Dream did the same, grabbing hold of his sword. They nodded at each other and went for the door. They opened it to leave, then Dream turned and looked down the hallway, a pang of fear but also the feeling of a strong bond throbbed in his chest. Sapnap could feel it like waves coming off of Dream and spoke up. "They won't hurt him and we'll make sure of it, Dream." Dream let out a deep breath and turned around and walked out of the door, Sapnap following. They walked a ways out in front of the house and waited for their enemy to approach.

As they waited they talked about strategy and decided that Sapnap would go forward and wean them down as much as he could and Dream would stay where he was. They exchanged 'Goodlucks' and then Sapnap set off to meet the hunters.

Sapnap snuck through the forest, listening and watching for the hunters' voices, torches and clang of armor as they trudged through the forest. Sapnap waited patiently until they were within a good interception range to attack. The hunters soon reached that distance with much difficulty. Sapnap smiled, and lit his hand ablaze, casually walking through the dense forest brush, letting his hand leisurely brush against the foliage, lighting a controlled barrier in front of their path. No one was going to take his treasure tonight.

The hunters panicked at first, seeing nothing but flames and a silhouetted figure walking in the midst of it. They got even more so when the figure drew what seemed to be a battle ax and started to ominously walk towards them. They drew their own weapons and stood in a sort of defensive circle. Sapnap continued to walk towards them and, to the horror of the hunters, as this Fireborn made his way towards them two other figures appeared out of the flame, both beings were identical to the Fireborn except they, themselves were made of the flame.

Dream stood, rooted in his place and his dedication to protect what he loves. As he heard faint shouts and falling trees, he knew Sapnap had the same mindset. He stood silently, sword drawn and in front him, ready to use it when he knew he would have to.

Sapnap felled another tree which was covered in red hot flames that crackled and sparkled when the burning vessel came crashing down. The hunters were confused and unorganized, perfect prey for a hungry Dragon. More hunters eventually came to the others' aid but their purpose of coming was soon snapped in half when Sapnap caught sight of them. His eyes flickered a bright orange and he clenched his fists and slammed his foot into the ground and a loud crack followed.

The ground began to split and a liquid fire burst out of it. The hunters stared terrified for a few seconds before gaining futile, brief confidence and charged Sapnap, evading the flames to their best ability. Sapnap grinned and once the crack was big enough he leapt into the chasm. The hunters stared wide eyed, now confused, as they came to a halt. Suddenly there was a sort of screech that came from the crack in the ground and a horse jumped out of it. The beast made of molten rock and fire landed and stood firmly before them and snorted, smoke coming from its nostrils.

The Fireborn sat atop it, his eyes firey and full of animosity, his body covered in flames, the thin, white, ribbon tied around his head whipped in the wind as tongues of flame danced on the ends of it. He spoke, the sound of two voices speaking at once in a threatening tone. "You will turn and walk back the way you came, forget this pointless endeavor, and never trespass through these trees again. I am giving you one, single, chance and not because I care about any of your disposable hides. I am giving you this chance to show you that I'm not the mindless animal or monster that you chose to see because of your own ignorance." He paused then continued. "Choose. Now." He sat patiently on his steed, until someone made the decision to end his own, and all of his companions' lives.

Sapnap heard the 'throng' of a crossbow bolt being released and in an instant the bolt flew through air and would have hit Sapnap head if he wouldn't have caught it an inch from his flesh. The arrow turned into ash in Sapnap's hand then Sapnap looked at the man who shot the bolt, directly in the eye then all hell broke loose. Sapnap had made every death painful as he took out the hunters like they were nothing.

Many had fallen down the crevice, others burned to death, and most others were killed creatively by their Fireborn Doom. Once Sapnap had killed every hunter he went over to his fiery mount but before he could swing up onto it he heard the gurgly laugh of a dying man. He turned his head to see one of the hunters leaning up against a tree, chuckling disgustingly. Sapnap walked over to him and knelt down to look at him, no longer covered in flames. Sapnap knew something wasn't right, dying men don't laugh, for they have nothing to be gleeful about. Sapnap grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off his feet. "Would you like to tell me why you're laughing, sir?" Sapnap questioned threateningly.

The man looked up at Sapnap lazily and smiled sickeningly. "We'll get 'em both" he paused, coughing up blood. "This was meant to stop you, we have another squad… they are probably there now." He smiled and laughed again as blood dripped out of the side of his mouth and down his chin. Sapnap released him, fear and anger settling in his gut. He ran for his horse and called it by the ironic name 'Poseidon'. The horse lifted its head and was ready to carry his master to his desired destination. Sapnap swung upon Poseidon and kicked him into a full gallop headed back to his house.

Dream saw light coming from the opposite direction to which Sapnap had gone. Voices followed and Dream estimated about a maximum of ten men or less, his confidence gained as he gripped the hilt of his blade.

Moments later Dream was fighting off these men, holding nothing back, no mercy, no way out. He cut and sliced and purposely gave them unpleasant deaths. How dare they force him to leave his home. How dare they try to put him in prison for something that shouldn't even be a crime. And how dare they try and come to take his little one from him. As these things ran through his head he fought more like an animal with zero breaks, and zero sign of stopping. The remaining hunters began to doubt their chances and that became justified when there were only three men left. Dream wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and as he regained his stance, continuing to fight off one of the other men.

Tommy woke up to the sound of multiple metal objects scraping across each other. He got out of bed, no shoes and just in his pajamas and walked to the living room window and looked out of it. What he saw frightened him, his daddy was out fighting scary looking men and daddy looked tired. Daddy also looked like he was hurt and needed help, 'where was Uncle Napnap?' he wondered. He stared at the scene until he saw his daddy fighting the last one and that's when he got up and went to the door. He opened it and stepped outside looking at his daddy battling this other strange man.

Dream looked over to see Tommy standing and looking at him and felt his heart drop. He yelled at Tommy to go back inside but Tommy looked frozen in place. Dream drove his blade though his opponents abdomen and looked at Tommy with a scared look on his face. Dream heard the click of a crossbow bolt being locked into place and his head whipped around to see the last hunter raising his crossbow to point it at the tiny, helpless, hybrid standing in front of the house.

Sapnap raced through the forest as fast as he could make his horse go. He had to get to Dream and his Toms in time, he had to. That was the only thing on his mind and Poseidon picked up on the urgency and never dared to falter in his strides. They pressed on getting closer and closer to his destination.

Dream watched almost frozen at first but after his head cleared he wasted no time. He ran as fast as he could not caring how much it hurt, how much he pushed his physical boundaries. He has to save his baby. He ran right for Tommy facing him as he sprinted.

Only when he was in front of Tommy did he stop, only after the trigger was pulled, only when the pain hit his lower back did he stop, dropping to his knees from pure exhaustion and now injury, was he halted. He looked at Tommy who was now running face first into him, scared and confused. Dream didn't have the strength to stand but he never was too weak to wrap his arms around his little one.

The man loaded another bolt but it was too late, in a matter of seconds he was swallowed up by the earth, drug down by an arm made of fire and lava. Sapnap lowered his hand and the man and the creature disappeared. Sapnap dismounted his horse and ran for Dream who he thought was just resting but he saw it was not the case when he noticed the arrow protruding out of his friend's back. His face paled and he stepped back slightly, his eyes flickering briefly. He was too late.

Tommy stared up at his daddy confused and terrified. What's wrong with daddy? Why won't he talk to me? "Daddy?" Tommy asked quietly and Dream gave a small smile at the title. Dreams' legs shook under him and he toppled over, now laying limply on the dirt. Tommy gasped and went over to Dream offering to help him up but Dream only coughed and heaved for breath.

Tommy's eyes began to fill with tears and his little raccoon ears flattened and his tail drooped. Tommy lightly shook Dream calling to him quietly to 'Please get up'. Dream was actually responsive and grabbed Tommy's hand gently. Tommy crawled closer to Dream, laying down next to him. Then Dream spoke in a whisper.

"Tommy I- I know this is scary but you have to be brave, can you do that for me, buddy?" Tommy nodded, his tears flowing freely now. Dream pressed his forehead to Tommy's hand and whispered even quieter. "Daddy loves you so much, don't ever forget that." Tommy's throat was sore from holding back tears. He begged and pleaded for his daddy to get up and come home but daddy's eyes were shut and he was silent and still.

"Daddy? Daddy pwease, pwease don weave me. Don go come h-home wif me and we c-can make a safe nest-" His sentence was cut off by one of the many voice cracks he had through that sentence. He continued to sob as he maneuvered his way under Dreams arms to snuggle up next to his daddy and have him hold him one last time.

Sapnap walked over slowly and saw that his friend was gone. He bowed his head and clenched his fist as a single bolt of lightning struck in the distance. He walked in front of his deceased best friend and saw the familiar blonde curls, fluff ears and tail that belonged to Tommy who was pressed up against Dream's lifeless body. Sapnap felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart and twisted the blade as he stared at the scene. No child should have to go through this.

Sapnap knelt down and slowly and almost guiltily got Tommy out from under Dreams arms and picked him up. Tommy's face was stained with tears and he was post hysterical and traumatized. Sapnap held him close to his chest and, heating up his body temperature to warm Tommy up and give him some comfort. After giving some protest to being taken away from Dream, Tommy just laid limp in Sapnap's arms, staring blankly into nothingness. He didn't respond to anything Sapnap did or tried to do. Sapnap took him inside and rocked him back and forth until Tommy fell asleep.

Sapnap went into the living room and laid Tommy down on the couch, temporarily so he could go and take care of Dream's body. He buried Dream somewhere where no one would find the grave and disturb it. Somewhere respectful and suiting for the father, warrior, and friend Dream was. Sapnap said a few heartfelt words for his friend at the small makeshift funeral then left, going back to Tommy.

Tommy was still fast asleep on the couch when Sapnap returned and Sapnap couldn't help but feel almost sick to his stomach over how Tommy was going to feel in the morning and probably for years to come. Sapnap would be there for him though and he would give it his all to do the best job he could at raising Tommy, even though he knew, for Tommy, it would never be the same.


About the Creator


I am a young writer, who enjoys constructing stories that are exciting and that have a plane or secret meaning behind them. I write fantasy about things such as folklore, an idea of random inspiration, or my original characters.

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    CheckersWritten by Checkers

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