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The Two Worlds War

A war that never should have happened

By Robert KegelPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The Two Worlds War
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

“The date is December 20th 2285, this is Doctor Jane McCoy with Tech specialist Eric Petters, Tech specialist Jeffery Michaels and Tech officer Ronda Chen, we’re in an old underground military bunker in Navada. We got the old terminals up and running and found some personal logs that were encrypted on the server, the encryption was easy enough to brake, one folder is labeled Earth, the second is labeled Moon and a third which is the newest log from January 1th, 2171, the day of the accident. This is strange because no one was left alive, the colony was destroyed.

Dr. McCoy: “Tech’s Michaels and Jones look around the lower levels of the bunker and see what you can find. Tech Petters stay with me and help me transcribe these logs.

Tech Michaels: “Yes Ma’am”

Tech’s Michaels and Chen leave the room and walk toward an elevator which needs biometrics to get on. They work on getting it opened.

“This is Agent Michael Philips of the United Worlds Organization, today is January 6th, 2171, this is the real story of the first worlds war after listening to the Moon base log, we finally know what happened. What Sargent Bill Murphy did was treasonous, him and everyone who participated in this atrocity have been court marshaled and imprisoned for life. The rest of the world should never know what really happened, this log will be made confidential, it's for historical use only."

“I think for anyone who is listening in the future you should know some back story of what lead to this in case other records have been damaged or deleted”.

In 2106 the Earth found peace, there are no more separate countries, no more boarders, and one president (Alicia Roth). There is peace around the globe and no war between the people of Earth, nuclear weapons were abolished, things were quiet. In 2085 NASA put a settlement on the Moon, it housed 200 people. Not long after we started populating the Moon and now there are 2.8 billion people living there. In 2128 Doctor Roger Cooper was put in prison for crimes against humanity. He was the owner of The Cave, a company that started making tech to help humanity, but later he started making weapons for the highest bidder. Michael Morofski the head of the Moon Colony wanted to break away from Earth and become its own entity but President Roth didn’t think it was such a good idea. Then in 2163 the war between the Earth and Moon started after an undercover agent from the Science and Military Foundation (MSMF) broke Doctor Cooper out of prison and brought him to the Moon.

In 2170 Doctor Sylvia Platt developed and started testing Scoron which is made by mixing two chemicals Volor and Boland together. Scoron could eat through anything it touches, brick, rock, metal, flesh and bone. It's as deadly as acid, and if disbursed in to the air can be as deadly as a nuclear weapon, but unlike nuclear material it dissipates in a matter of hours, just leaving rubble behind. The problem was that it ate through everything, so until they could figure a way to contain it, Scoron was unusable.

Dr. Platt was the top military scientist on Earth. She’s an attractive woman in her late 40’s, with red hair and blue eyes. She has a tattoo of a heart shaped locket with a red emerald surrounded in gold around her neck that her mother gave her when she was a teen, she never took it off, but it was stolen when she was mugged. The tattooed locket was in remembrance of her mother and what she had given her.

On the Moon, Doctor Cooper now the head of the MSMF developed nano bots that could be programmed to kill a specific target or targets by using either DNA or a photo (which wasn’t as accurate, because they couldn’t always distinguish between people who looked similar or who wore masks), while if you had a person's DNA the nano bots could check every subject in an area without them knowing. Nano bots were also good at surveillance and espionage.

The downside of nano bots is they couldn’t get through hard materials so if a person was in a building or bunker, they had to find a way in and if they couldn’t, they were useless as killing machines. They were still good at watching and listening to what the Earth’s military and scientists were up to. While listening the MSMF heard about a compound called Scoron but all they could find out is it was a deadly compound, they didn’t know what it did or how it was made. They had to find out before it was used on them.

The UWO went on yellow alert after Dr. Cooper was broken out of jail. They figured the MSMF broke him out of prison for his expertise in nano technology. The UWO continued his work and made great strides in nano tech over the years but Dr. Cooper was brilliant and even though they had his work on data drives, Dr. Cooper had a photographic memory. So the UWO kept all important personnel in underground bunkers, where they’d be safe and secure.

Tech over coms: “Dr. McCoy, we found something I think you should see. I’m on sub-level 5”

Dr. McCoy: “What is it?”

Tech over coms: “Should see for yourself”

Dr. McCoy got up from the console and walked to the elevator. When he entered, he pressed the button for sub-level 5. The elevator doors close and it starts it’s decent.

A few moments later the elevator opens and a young tech about 35 met him at the door, she’s slender, 5’9”, brown eyes, blonde hair in a pony tail, wearing a black work suit. She walked him to a door that had it’s panel opened because it was hacked so they could get into the room. When Agent Phillips waked in the door he saw some canisters, some marked Volar, some with Boland and some with Lshell.

Dr. McCoy: “Test these compounds but be careful when you mix Volar and Boland, they’re deadly together, they’ll melt through everything, even your protective suits. Lshell is the compound that counteracts Scoron (What they named Volar and Boland mixed).

Techs: “Yes Sir”

instead of going back upstairs, Dr. McCoy found a console in an office down there, he sat down and accessed the journal he was listening to before, went to the time stamp he was on and continued.

Dr. McCoy: "Tech Petters I'm down on sub-level 5, there are terminals down here in an office, come on down so we can be closer to the rest of the group"

Tech Petters: "Yes Sir, be right down"

President Samantha Winters became president in 2152, the Earth by now allowed someone to be president for more than two terms as long as they're re-elected every four years. President Winters was loved by all on Earth because she was a fair leader. The only person who didn't seem to like her was Michael Morofsky.

On February 15th, 2160 Morofski broke Dr. Cooper out of prison after two attempts of assassinating the president failed.

On Decamber 29th 2170 Morofsky gave the order to kill military personnel but not to hurt civilians. Dr. Cooper didn’t agree with this so he had Morofski killed then sent mass numbers of nano bots to kill everyone on the Earth's surface.

President Winters in retaliation gave orders to send missiles with Scoron to military installations, as a warning of what Scoron could do. President Winters refused to kill civilians' targets and hoped just by showing their strength with Scoron they could put all this to an end...she was wrong.

On January 1st 2171 Sargent Bill Murphy and a hand full of participants took over the control center, shooting people that wouldn’t side with them. They put the felicity on red alert to start a lock down which locked them in the control center. They next sent a barrage of missiles with Scoron to take out the whole colony. 2.8 billion people were murdered, leaving the whole colony decimated. A team of three surveyors were left alive on the colony because they were looking for a good place to put a second colony on the other side of the moon. They were far enough to not get hit from the blast but close enough to see the missiles hit. One of the surveyors started making a log of what was happening on his wrist computer. The team stayed silent for a long while until we heard someone speak over the communicator.

Voice: “Is anyone alive? This is Colonel Bixby from the UWO. This was not an order from me or the president, it was a fringe group of people in the control room. If anyone is alive, please answer and we’ll send a ship for you”.

They really had no choice, if no one came for them they’d die on the moon. So, they answered and a ship that was already in Earth's orbit picked them up and brought them back to the UWO headquarters. The group was questioned and found innocent, no trial.

Colonel Bixby walked into the room after watching the debrief.

Colonel Bixby: “I’m so sorry what happened and I want to give my condolences to the people you lost”

Roberta Stanford: “How did this happen? Why did it happen. May we see the recordings”?

Colonel Bixby: “You may, but they’re very graphic”

Colonel Bixby gives the ok to show the videos of both what happened in the control room and what was caught from a camera on a satellite facing the Moon. First, they look at the control room footage.

Three men holding guns start one who seems to be the leader yells.

Gunman: “We have to save our families. The MSMF doesn’t care about us, they’re going to kill everyone on the surface”.

The second gunman yells.

Gunman 2: “Start the red alert before they send troops”

The third gunman typing on a computer then presses enter. Alarms go off, the lights in the room turn red and all doors are closed and locked.

Gunman 1: “now let's kill these fuckers before they kill our families”

All of them start typing on computers. One getting the missiles ready to launch, the other putting in the coordinates for each missile to hit different buildings. The third gunman got the missiles ready with Lshell to counteract it after all is done so there isn’t to big of a hole on the moon.

Gunman 2: “Ready”

Gunman 3: “Ready”

Gunman 1: “Fire”

Five missiles shoot up into the air, and five more on a 10-minute timer thinking that would be enough time for the Scoron to do its damage. After which they shot up the control room so the abort codes couldn’t be typed in. With all this going on they hear gunfire outside the control room from troops trying to get in, but it’s too late. There is an explosion as the door is blown open, the three men put down their guns and raise their hands. Military personnel holding guns walk up to them and cuff them.

Gunman1: “We did what we had to do”

They were taken away.

Then they’re shown the second video of Scoron missiles hitting the Moon colony. Tears well up in their eyes.

He walks out the door, the room with light chatter, he turns to talk to the troops.

Colonel Bixby: “This has been a sad day, for the Earth, the public shouldn’t know what really least not in our time. Billions of people died on the Moon and hundreds of thousands on Earth. This is burden for us to remember and keep. And to you (he turns to Roberta Sanford and the other survivors) You’ll have to sign an NDA before you can leave”.

Colonel Bixby walks out the door. Troops solute.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Robert Kegel

I'm a rocker, a gamer, a romantic, a Dom, a hiker and l like camping. I'm a geek, who loves Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and technology. I'll try and write about a variety of topics ranging from relationship, tech and every day rants.

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