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The Triumph over Winter's Grasp

Samantha's Quest for Warmth and Joy

By Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Published 4 months ago 1 min read
The Triumph over Winter's Grasp
Photo by Courtney Chestnut on Unsplash

It was snowing heavily outside, and while most of her friends were reveling in wintery bliss, Samantha couldn't help but despise the cold. Everyone seemed so moved by the glistening powder, but she was not amused. She found herself longing for the warmth of spring and summer, but whenever she expressed this sentiment, she was met with reminders of the necessary cyclical nature of seasons.

"But is it really necessary?" Samantha pondered, frustrated with the idea. "If that's the case, then why the hell don't places like Costa Rica and Hawaii have to endure freezing temperatures?"

"Cyclical nature, my ass," she muttered, casting a skeptical glance outside. Boredom began to creep over her, prompting her to take her second hot bath of the day just to pass the time. S.A.D. was real to her.

Around 5pm, a spark of creativity ignited within Samantha, and she texted her roommate with an intriguing proposition. "Meet me downstairs. I'm about to whip up a $75 cocktail using luxurious high-end tequila, espresso, and cacao. Want one?"

"Sure," her roommate replied with curiosity. They sat together, sipping on their extravagant cocktails, contemplating the concept of cyclical nature.

And then, a realization hit Samantha. She cranked up the heat to a toasty 80°, filling the room with warmth, and set the mood with reggae music. The sweet aroma of a burning coconut candle filled the air calming her nerves.

Samantha: 1

Winter: 0

She had emerged as the victor in this battle against the winter blues.


About the Creator

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

Multidimensional Creative-preneur

Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Artist, Writer. Formerly in restaurant business for 3 decades. Soul expression is my ❤️ language. Spirituality,music, art, food and creativity fuel my life. IG @jenergy17

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  • L.C. Schäfer4 months ago

    That sounds like one decadent cocktail!

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