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The Trials

A New Leader is Born

By razornalePublished 2 years ago Updated 9 months ago 3 min read
The Trials
Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Chapter 1

Present Day

There weren’t always dragons in the Valley.

My Gran said the Valley used to be green and lush, with rolling hills covered in wildflowers. But all that changed when the dragons arrived. They descended on the Valley like a blanket of darkness, bringing with them fear and destruction. There were stories about how they appeared: some say their leader was conceived somewhere nearby, and they followed his call; others suggested it was an ancient magic spell that summoned them from some far-off place. Whatever their origin, they took over the Valley, roosting on mountaintops and scorching the land with their fiery breath.

The children born within the year after their appearance were put through many trials over the years. The Elders believed the trials would determine who the next leader of the dragons would be. Each of the trials were designed to test the children’s strength, courage, and mindset. Should any of us fail we’d be executed on the spot; it was said the leader of the dragons was supposed to be the evilest being in our world.

As I take my first steps onto the Village’s cobblestone streets, a chill races up my spine. I feel the eyes of the Village on me, not with anticipation like it should be on this day, but with worry and fear. The bright colors of the decorations were muted as if to match the mood they were trying to hide.

Today was my sixteenth year; today marks my coming-of-age and should be a day of joyous celebrations. I should be walking towards a celebration to send me off on my journey into the forest for the next year. Instead, I’m heading towards my final trial. I was the last child born to go through the trial; At the end of today, I will either be dead or heading into the forest for the next year.

“Caoimhe!” Someone shouts out from behind me.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I whirl around. Eoghan, my older brother and best friend, was running towards me as fast as his long legs can carry him. Face set in determination despite the sweat dripping down it.

“What are you doing?” I hissed when he reached me.

He smiled softly and took a deep breath before answering, “I don’t care what the Elders said. I am not letting you face this trial on your own without at least one person there who loves you.”

My throat tightens, but I manage to choke out a husky “Thank You” before he wraps his arms around me in a comforting hug. My brother had always been there for me throughout our childhood. “Of course.”

We stepped into the dusty street of our village, and I could feel all eyes on me.

We passed by villagers who stopped to peer out from their store fronts and homes, curiosity and fear etched in their faces. Each step we took closer to my trial seemed to spark an intensity of energy that almost crackled in the air around me. I could almost sense the weight of what was about to happen, why the Elders wanted to keep my family away today – I was the last child. I was the only one who could be the new leader of the dragons.

As we made our way to the center of the village, I could feel the anticipation and tension radiating from the surrounding villagers. Chatter faded until all that remained was the crunching of dirt beneath my feet.

When we reached the edge of the village center, I turned to face Eoghan. Fear clashed in a swirl of other emotions as I studied his face, desperately trying to commit every single detail to memory. His piercing blue eyes had a tinge of sadness around them, even when framed by his sandy blonde hair that carelessly fell forward into his eyes. Strong jaw set with determination and his lips were forever curves upwards in a mischievous smirk. This man standing here with me, defying the Elder’s orders would always be my closest friend. My confidant. My brother.

“I love you, Eoghan.”

He reached out and took my hand in his letting his calloused palm rest against my soft skin. His fingers tightened around my hand for a moment before he opened his mouth to reply, but then an Elder’s booming voice fille the air. “Caoimhe Asteria, please step forward.”

My heart stopped and I felt as though time had frozen around me. Reluctantly, I let go of Eoghan’s hand and stepped into the center of the village. My chest felt tight with apprehension, and I was reminded that whatever was coming next, I must face it alone. With a deep breath to steel myself, I continued onward toward my fate.


About the Creator


I work full time. Life is a crazy mess and I take to writing to escape it. I love to write. I enjoy creating something that may or may not bring a smile to ones face or tear to ones eye.

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