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The Trees on both sides

Pear trees on both sides Grant and Lee

By Lawrence Edward HincheePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

This tree has sat stubborn in the middle of a major battle ground, seemingly to be the source of whatever the North or South could get for their families back home. But how is this one tree putting out so much fruit? But what fruit is it putting out? I happened to come by here earlier this morning and stole some samples from the tree and I haven't eat yet because our supply lines have been hit yet again. Now is the time I will sample the delightfulness of the nectar. No matter how hard each side has fought, they have managed to keep the big tree standing and upright. It seems as if this is a conscious effort by both sides. It is as if a forward observer is using it as reference point and you know they aren't going to destroy their benchmark.

As I sat down to eat my treats, I recognized the taste as that of a Bartlett Pear. It was very tasty, and it took away my hunger for the moment so I could fight on until at least my next meal. I know two pears aren't much of a meal, but with the tree still standing after the last barrage of shelling maybe there are more pears on that tree. As I am thinking about the rumble in my stomach and how I can get some more yummy pears, I hear someone approaching from the rear. Now my head is on a swivel looking in all directions in case I have to fight.

How did this one single pear tree end up being in the middle of this giant battlefield? How is it still standing as I have previously asked? I do realize this is a food source for both sides and that could be one reason and another reason has to do with a deliberate effort on both sides to avoid that tree. Maybe instead of the pear tree it should be called the peace tree. I would like to know how is this providing as many pears as it has been providing. Maybe when a belly is empty, a pear is better than nothing.

The pear is supposed to be the wisdom of life. It is flat on top and round in the middle and oh so delicious to eat. I love it as the juices run down my face and chin. How long can one person live on just one or two pears? Again these are all good questions, but I am still amazed that this one pear tree is still standing with all of this fighting going on. As the fighting shifts you start to see a few more pear trees to the west but most are dead and a few miles from the one producing fruit.

There are books out there about pear stories and videos about pear stories. But nothing about pear trees. As this battle rages for days upon days no one notices two more pear trees sprout up beside the one that hasn't been taken out yet. How did this happen in the middle of a battle did two more pear trees appear? Somehow there must be a miraculous event taking place or something else. As we watch in awe it somehow amazes us that these trees are providing some of the best fruit in the are, the most filling and the trees seem to be indestructible. Both sides have seen these trees appear and neither side seems willing to take them down. That is a good thing for if there is no food to eat at least there are pears for the men to eat. We shall see and hopefully both sides will continue to share the fruits of the tree.

As the conflict ended, we saw that the great pear trees providing fruit to their men were the two greatest Generals America had ever known, Lee and Grant.

Short Story

About the Creator

Lawrence Edward Hinchee

I am a new author. I wrote my memoir Silent Cries and it is available on I am new to writing and most of my writing has been for academia. I possess an MBA from Regis University in Denver, CO. I reside in Roanoke, VA.

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