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The Transition

The path of your own choosing

By Kassi SmithPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Transition
Photo by Stephen Rheeder on Unsplash

Stumbling down the street, only being able to make out the brightness from the street lights, I feel an unbearable pain in my stomach. Almost like a hunger, but worse. Like a fire started in the pit of my stomach. Every muscle in my body is sore. Every step feels like my last. I know I was attacked, but by who, or what? I finally take the step that my body can not support and I hit the ground. This is it. This is how I die. My breathing switches from auto pilot to manual and my brain is unable to keep up. I close my eyes and prepare myself to enter the next life. I reach for my neck and feel the blood pouring out. There's no way this is real right? Stuff like this doesn't happen to people like me.

Then I see a shadow. A figure of a man. I cannot make out his face, but he picks me up and says softly, "Don't worry love, it will be over soon." Unsure if it is because of the massive blood loss, or the reaction of whatever the hell just happened to me, I try not to freak out as I relies that I am no longer on the street as I was just a few seconds earlier, but now in a small bar. I hear a woman's voice. "Has she began to go though the transition?" I can hear my heart pounding as I know I'm about to die. "Yes," The man replies. "She's not gone though, there is still hope,"

"Then what are we waiting for?" The woman grabs a knife that is sitting on the table and slits her wrist. Blood begins pouring out. She walks up to me and says, "Drink up, you won't hurt me," Confused and frightened, I immediately feel the pain in my stomach begin to grow rapidly. I scream out in pain.

"The longer you wait, the more severe your symptoms will get," The man says. "We don't have a lot of time from the looks of that bite. I give you only a few more minutes before you become another Jane Doe in an unfortunate car accident with a closed casket funereal."

"Marcellis show some compassion please." The woman says. She sits down on the floor next to me. "I'm going to assume that you have no idea whats going on. But he is right. By now the poison has spread though out your body. You don't have a lot of time and the time to explain will cost you your life," She puts her wrist up to my lips and says, "Drink,"

Like a newborn baby latching on to her mother for the first time, I drink the blood pouring from her wrist. The blood taste like copper but it settles my stomach and I can feel my torn mussels begin to heal. The more I drink, I begin to notice time slowing down. I can hear everything. My heart pounding, the lady breathing, a man walking down the street. I can hear a dog barking at a neighbor walking too close to his territory. I can smell everything. I can small the sweat dripping off of my skin. I can smell the Taqulia sitting on the shelf across the room. I can smell someone burning cookies. The more I drink, each of my senses heightened with each gulp of blood I take from this random woman who has chosen to save my life.

"Slow down there, you don't want to drain her," Marcellis says to me. The woman giggles. "Please, she is showing a lot more restraint than you did," He scoffs at her. I pull away and ask, "What happened to me?"

"What happened is no more important than any event that has happened in your previous life. Today is the day that you take charge. Today is the day that you make your own destiny. You have the rest of eternity to figure out who you want to be. Just like how I have chosen who I am, and Marcel has chosen who he is. People will look at you like you are an abomination, but you can not let those people choose who you are. You must choose."

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