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The Tarnished Heart Locket

In the world of the tarnished.

By Tammy BenoitPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

As i woke up from a heated blast in the year of 2092, I could smell wet medal and musty air to the point i could not breath, the air was so thick and my skin hurt to a touch,,OMG what has happened? the world has came to a close end, it was very silent.. all you could hear was falling medal and fires burning, no crying or yelling,i was so scared' wondering where is my family' so i stood up with fear and started walking not knowing any direction to go, i am so confused nothing looked the same i feel so alone, am i alone? as i walked down a broken street i thought i seen someone in the foggy dusty air, i yell out.. HELLO! and nothing'... again HELLO! and then i heard a moaning, I was so scared to go into the dust but i needed to know who is this person, so i walked closer and the moaning turned more into more of a zombie grunt, 'you know 'the sound like' in the movies..OMG am i in a dream? is this really happening? so at that moment i thought i needed some type of weapon, so i started looking around in the rubbage for something sharp,and i found a piece of a street sign shaped in a sharp point this had to do, so i walked closer.. and closer... and then it started to grunt loudly.. then all the sudden it showed it self'... there was a moment of silence...then i could feel the fear take over my body and the blood rushed to my brain, i felt like i was going to faint.. but i knew if this happens i could die or be taken, so i shook it off and reinsured myself i was going to survive no matter what! so it began moving closer and i could smell the strong odor of sweat and moth balls, all the sudden i see a sparkle it was sparkling from around its neck it came a little closer..i was scared but i was focus on what was sparkling at this point' only because it felt nostalgic..the dust was clearing and all the sudden.....OMG! it was my mother's locket it was tarnished but the diamonds were outstanding, with a big jolt it took off into the dust i started following not knowing if this was a trick to see if i would follow..i kept walking into the dust with caution not smelling the disfigured person or thing..but i had to see what was out there, i had to see if there where any survivors, 'i feel so alone' so i suddenly came upon a building that was still standing it was all stone it was very beautiful like it once was a church but the doors where haft caved in and wet with slime very weird i've never seen anything like this, it's so sticky i really can't get it off my hand's almost like vaseline but i couldn't worry about this.. but i can't stop to wonder if it's poisonous,so i walked in and it 'was' a church' but covered in this same slime i didn't want to touch nothing..but i had to see if they had water or food, there was a down stairs so i went down to see a refrigerator i opened it and water there was and a soft drink but no food i have to find food. so i started to make my way out and heard that grunting noise again so i duck down tight by a chair trying to focus my eyes but the odor is burning my eyes its a strong moth ball smell but i had to see if i can see this thing up close... there it stood about eight foot tall long arms and legs, i thought to myself this is no zombie this is some type of mutant but was it dangerous? or am i the food? am i being hunted? i can't fight this thing i am going to die for sure, i've got to make some type of trap,,,so i waited for it to leave,it did so after a moment so i get up and head forward to the door, so now i know if it gets close to me i can smell it, so i get out side and i see a lot of color lights in the distant. i am going to go see what these are but first i got to drink this water, my body feels heavy and weak, i am still needing food, i've drinkin my water it has made me feel better, now time to think how am i going to trap this thing and see what these lights are,as i get closer to the lights i hear a whisping noise like a huge carnival ride i know there is no way this could be.. so i get closer and closer i really can't see what it is... the dust is so thick so i put my hands out to touch it and its vibrating, then a huge white light opens up for me..i felt comfort in this light, and i had to really think about entering but the light was so inviting so i entered and i felt the warmth and no smells so i felt safe..... then all the sudden the door shut OMG! i've been trapped. I thought to myself i am going to die then the mutant stood right in front of me and gave me a gas mask and there was my mother's locket around its neck, i said do you understand me? do you know me? it spoke to me in my mother's voice and yes i was scared and happy at the same time the mutant said i am your mother but in a different form and i know you think i have trapped you and going to hurt you but to let you know i am here to save you, you are on a spaceship and i am taking you to jupiter and i knew if i told you this you would think its a lie because of the way i look,so i had to lure you into the ship, but we have to leave because earth is no longer home.. do you understand this she ask' i said yes mom lets go.... so off we went..thanks for reading my story....

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Tammy Benoit


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    Tammy BenoitWritten by Tammy Benoit

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