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The Struggle is real

My life challenges in Poverty, but I do not continue my children's real

By Ramoon MalPublished 7 months ago 2 min read

The Old Sofa

Maria sighed as she sat down on the old, worn out sofa in the small living room of her apartment. The springs were poking out in several places, and she could feel the wooden frame underneath the thin cushion. This sofa had seen better days, just like everything else in this run-down apartment.

She looked around at the peeling wallpaper, the water stains on the ceiling, and the scuffed hardwood floors. This place had been her home for the past 10 years, ever since she left her abusive ex-husband and was trying to raise her two young children on her own with no education and no job skills. It had been a struggle every single day just to put food on the table and clothes on their backs.

Maria's kids, 8-year-old Julio and 6-year-old Sofia, were in the other room playing with some battered old toys. That's about all she could afford to get them most years - things other children had outgrown and discarded. She wanted so much more for them than this life of poverty. She didn't want them to grow up thinking this was normal, or to continue the cycle of poverty into their own adulthoods.

Maria knew she had to make a change, for her kids' sake if not her own. She started by getting her GED at the local community college so she could have more career options. Then she looked for any job she could get - she worked as a janitor, a cashier, anything to bring in more money. Every spare cent went into a savings account that she hoped would one day help her children.

After a few years of scrimping and saving, Maria had accumulated just enough to put a down payment on a tiny fixer-upper house in a better neighborhood with good schools. It was in rough shape, but it was hers. With the help of friends and family, she spent weekends and evenings repairing and renovating it into a real home for her family.

The kids were so excited to move into "the big house," as they called it. They each got their own bedroom for the first time. Julio proudly hung up his baseball posters and Sofia decorated her room in pink. For Maria, seeing the smiles on her children's faces made all those years of struggle worthwhile.

Now with a place to call their own, Maria redoubled her efforts to give her kids opportunities she never had. She got a job as a medical assistant, working her way up to better pay over time. Julio excelled at baseball and Sofia took dance lessons. Slowly but surely, they were leaving their life of poverty behind.

As Maria sat on the old sofa one last time before donating it, she thought back on their journey. No matter how hard things got, she never lost sight of her goal - to give her children a better life. And as she watched them playing happily in their new backyard, she knew all her sacrifices had been worth it.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Ramoon Mal

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