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What comes in my dream?

Goodbye now - until we meet again in the world of dreams."

By Ramoon MalPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
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I settled into bed, exhausted after a long day. As I drifted off to sleep, my mind swirled with thoughts of everything I had to do the next day. But soon, my consciousness faded as my dreams took over.

I found myself standing in a vast green field under a bright blue sky. Rolling hills stretched as far as the eye could see in every direction. The grass swayed gently in the breeze and wildflowers dotted the landscape, their vibrant colors popping against the green.

It was peaceful yet strange - I didn't recognize this place at all. As I took in my surroundings, trying to get my bearings, I noticed a figure in the distance. It was too far away to make out details, but it seemed to be walking towards me. Curious, I started walking to meet it halfway.

She had long dark hair that blew around her face in the wind and wore a flowing white dress. Her feet were bare as she strode confidently across the grass. When we were about 20 feet apart, she stopped and smiled warmly at me.

"Welcome," she said in a melodic voice. "Do not be afraid. You are safe here in the realm of dreams."

I was surprised to hear her speak so directly to me. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I am a guide," she replied. "I have come to show you wonders beyond your waking world. But first, tell me - is there anything you wish to see or experience?"

I hesitated, unsure of what to request in this strange place. Then a memory floated to the surface - as a child, I had always dreamed of seeing mythical creatures that I knew didn't truly exist. "Could I see a dragon?" I asked tentatively.

The guide smiled again.

We were now in a dense forest filled with towering trees. Sunlight filtered down through the leaves, dappling the ground below with patterns of light and shadow. I could hear a rushing river nearby and smell the damp earth. Somewhere in the distance, birds were singing.

The guide gestured for me to follow silently. We crept through the trees, listening for any signs of our quarry. Suddenly, up ahead I heard a loud rumble and saw flashes of color through the tree trunks. We crept closer and peered out from behind a large oak.

And there, in a small clearing by the river, was the most magnificent dragon I had ever seen. Its scales shimmered red and gold in the sunlight as it preened its enormous wings. Its claws dug into the ground as it drank from the flowing water. Two large horns curved proudly from its head and smoke curled from its nostrils. I stared, transfixed, hardly daring to breathe for fear of disturbing this magnificent beast.

We watched for several minutes as the dragon went about its business, completely unaware of our presence. Finally, the guide tapped my shoulder. "Come, it is time to leave this creature in peace. What else would you like to see?"

The rest of the dream passed in a whirlwind of fantastical sights - I soared over misty mountains on the back of a giant eagle, swam with mermaids in an underwater coral palace, and wandered through elven forests lit by glowing mushrooms. The guide showed me wonders I never could have imagined.

All too soon, I felt myself beginning to wake. My consciousness was pulling me back to the real world. The guide must have sensed the change, because she took my hands in hers and smiled at me one last time.

"This has been the most incredible dream."

"I'm glad you found wonder and joy here tonight," she replied. Farewell for now - until we meet again in the land of dreams."

With that, she faded away like mist as my eyes fluttered open. I was back in my own bed, daylight streaming through the window. But I felt deeply rested and at peace, as if I had been on the most amazing adventure. From that night on, dreams of the fantastical realm and my guide there comforted me whenever life felt difficult or mundane. I knew that in sleep, true magic was always waiting.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Ramoon Mal

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